Folsom Prison

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7 Injured in Folsom Prison Riot
 7 Injured in Folsom Prison Riot 

7 Injured in Folsom Prison Riot

Guards fired shots to quell 200-inmate uprising

(Newser) - Seven Folsom State Prison inmates are in the hospital after guards last night fired shots to quell rioting that broke out about 7pm, reports the AP. It's not clear what prompted the 200 inmates to riot, but the disturbance broke out in the main exercise yard and lasted 30 minutes....

New Photos of Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison Surface

Photographer: 'John was really on the skids'

(Newser) - Candid new photos of Johnny Cash during his famous 1968 appearance at Folsom Prison have been released by the reporter and photographer who accompanied him during the concert that turned his career around. "John was really on the skids" at the time, former reporter Gene Beley told the Sacramento ...

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