
Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Dodd: 'Toughest Political Shape of My Career'

Connecticut senator makes it official: He's retiring

(Newser) - Sen. Chris Dodd, saying he was in "the toughest political shape" of his career, made it official today and announced that he won't run for re-election in November. Speaking outside his home in East Haddam, Conn., Dodd says he's had a tough year. "I lost a beloved sister...

Dodd to Join Ritter, Dorgan in Dem Exodus

Connecticut Dem second senator to eschew re-election bid in 24 hours

(Newser) - Embattled Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd plans to announce today that he will not seek re-election this year, ending a 30-year Senate career, according to Democratic sources. Dodd joins Sen. Byron Dorgan who announced his exit less than 24 hours ago, and Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter, expected to do the same...

Dodd Rips Newbies—Ahem, Franken—for Lacking 'Civility'

Comment may be dig at Minn. freshman, who shut down Lieberman

(Newser) - Chris Dodd battled a perceived lack of decorum in the Senate yesterday with some stern language from the floor. The Connecticut Democrat did not name names but rather cryptically chastised the Senate’s “newer members” for failing “to understand how the Senate has worked for more than two...

In Lieberman Rage, Michael Moore Urges Conn. Boycott

Wants senator recalled over health-reform stances

(Newser) - Filmmaker Michael Moore fired the latest salvo from Joe Lieberman’s left today, calling on the citizens of Connecticut to get the senator out of office or face a national shunning. “People of Connecticut: What have u done 2 this country?” Moore tweeted . “We hold u responsible. Start...

Stop Citing Jewish Ethics Against Health Reform!
Stop Citing Jewish Ethics Against Health Reform!
rabbis to lieberman:

Stop Citing Jewish Ethics Against Health Reform!

Senator backed Medicare buy-in 3 months ago, and still should

(Newser) - “A hallmark of Judaism is disputation,” writes David Gibson, and it shows—Joe Lieberman is in a pitched battle with his home state coreligionists over health care reform. Rabbis from across Connecticut, in tones both dulcet and shrill, are lobbying the senator to drop his opposition to anything...

Dems' Supermajority: Be Careful What You Wish For

Sixty-senator caucus makes Reid hostage to any naysayer

(Newser) - The convergence of events that led to the Democrats getting 60 senators in their caucus must have felt like fate to Harry Reid, a sign that health care reform was meant to be. But as negotiations drag on, lucky No. 60 feels more like unlucky 13, because Reid must do...

Wrestlers Smack Down McMahon Senate Run

WWE offered no health insurance, made sport seedy, scandal-ridden

(Newser) - A raft of former WWE wrestlers hope some well-aimed punches at ex-CEO Linda McMahon will send her Senate campaign to the mat. In addition to not providing health coverage—the wrestlers are independent contractors—they fault McMahon, a Connecticut Republican running for Chris Dodd's seat, for coarsening the spectacle. "...

Nader Considers Run Against Dodd

He's 'absorbing' reaction and studying grassroots support

(Newser) - Ralph Nader says he is "absorbing" the reaction he's receiving about a possible bid for the Senate and wants to first gauge the level of grassroots support before making a decision. Supporters have called on the 75-year-old Connecticut native to jump into the hotly contested race to challenge Democrat...

Lieberman: I'll Back Republicans in 2010
 Lieberman: I'll Back 
 in 2010 

Lieberman: I'll Back Republicans in 2010

Sort-of Democrat says he'll 'call them as I see them'

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman says he “probably will support some Republicans in 2010” and may not seek the Democratic nomination in his own 2012 reelection campaign. “I’m going to call them as I see them,” he tells ABC News , saying he’s weary of “partisan, passionate, hardcore”...

Wandering Manatee Safe in Fla.
 Wandering Manatee Safe in Fla. 

Wandering Manatee Safe in Fla.

'Ilya' had gotten as far as CT, rescued near refinery in NJ

(Newser) - Ilya, a 10-foot, 1,100-pound manatee spotted in Connecticut waters 2 weeks ago, is safely recuperating at a Florida aquarium before being released back into the wild. Ilya was rescued 2 days ago wallowing in the warm discharge of a New Jersey oil refinery, but neither that nor his prolonged...

College Ups Supervision of Letterman Interns

Quinnipiac vows to keep students out of 'harm's way'

(Newser) - A Connecticut university supplying interns to the David Letterman show has initiated stepped-up measures to "diligently" oversee the program to "ensure that our interns are out of harm's way." The precautions follow leaks indicating that the randy talk-show host bedded at least one NYU intern among the...

Conn. Ad Aims to Curb Underage Drinking Early

Billboard featuring baby, beer bottle draws some attention

(Newser) - Connecticut health authorities are using a tried-and-true advertising technique to get their point across: use a baby. What’s got people talking, though, is that the baby is in an anti-underage-drinking billboard, and is being given a sip from a beer bottle. The photo of the baby is paired with...

GOP Lukewarm on Wrestling CEO's Senate Bid
GOP Lukewarm on Wrestling CEO's Senate Bid

GOP Lukewarm on Wrestling CEO's Senate Bid

McMahon has money to burn, but may not be able to unseat Dodd

(Newser) - With Linda McMahon eying him as the ultimate takedown of her takedown-filled career, Sen. Chris Dodd has reason to be nervous. The former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment has sharp business acumen, star power—and, perhaps most significantly, $30 million she’s willing to spend to wrest his Connecticut Senate...

Another Murder Defies Race Stereotypes

Annie Le case latest to stir ugly racial fears, which proved false

(Newser) - When news of Annie Le's murder first emerged, scaremongering commentators seized on the dangers of studying on an "urban" campus, blogs author and sportswriter Jeff Pearlman—by which they didn't mean "an endless stream of Starbucks storefronts." Lo and behold, her alleged murderer is a "...

Clark Tried to Cover His Tracks as Cops Searched

DNA evidence led to arrest for Annie Le's murder

(Newser) - Before his arrest, murder suspect Raymond Clark tried to cover his tracks even as FBI agents and police searched the Yale lab where he worked. Clark, who has been charged with the murder of grad student Annie Le, was seen cleaning areas where Le had been before she died and...

Clark Charged With Murder
 Clark Charged With Murder 

Clark Charged With Murder

Yale lab tech accused of killing Annie Le arraigned, enters no plea

(Newser) - Raymond Clark III has been charged with the murder of Yale grad student Annie Le, the Hartford Courant reports. Clark, a lab technician at Yale, was arrested this morning at a motel and arraigned in Superior Court in New Haven. Clark, 24, did not submit a plea. His bail remains...

Yale Student's Body Found: Cops
 Yale Student's 
 Body Found: Cops 

Yale Student's Body Found: Cops

Annie Le's remains recovered on her would-be wedding day

(Newser) - A body believed to be that of a Yale graduate student missing since Tuesday has been found, the New Haven Independent reports. Annie Le, 24, had last been seen in the building that housed her lab; "we are assuming" the remains found within a wall in the basement...

FBI Sifts Trash for Clues to Missing Yalie

Investigators hope for hints in lab garbage

(Newser) - The FBI began investigating today a Hartford trash facility for any clues to the disappearance of Yale student Annie Le, the Hartford Courant reports. A spokesman says the FBI is looking for evidence in garbage from a New Haven laboratory where Le was last seen. Investigators have also started reviewing...

Baldwin on Opposing Lieberman: Never Mind

(Newser) - Alec Baldwin has no plans to challenge Joe Lieberman for his Senate seat in 2012, USA Today reports. The actor’s spokesman says he wants the Connecticut independent to retain his position because of the paucity of moderate Republicans in the Senate. In a recent Playboy interview, Baldwin floated many...

Republicans Gain Ground in Senate Races
Republicans Gain Ground in Senate Races

Republicans Gain Ground in Senate Races

Latest trends show even Reid, Spector, Dodd in trouble: Silver

(Newser) - Things are looking brighter for Republicans in the Senate, writes Nate Silver of In his monthly ranking of which seats are most likely to switch parties in 2010, Republicans have made a big move. Of the 10 seats that look more likely to switch hands, seven favor Republicans....

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>