
Stories 21 - 22 | << Prev 

House at Heart of Knox Trial Ransacked

Intruders leave knives, candles in home British student was murdered

(Newser) - Intruders broke into the house in Italy where Meredith Kercher was murdered last year, the Telegraph reports. Their motivation is unclear—they ransacked the house and left candles and four kitchen knives in various rooms, but left the room where the British exchange student was murdered untouched. Police, who discovered...

Christmas Intruder Lived in Family's Attic

Hidden house guest helped himself to food, clothing, gifts

(Newser) - Call him the Attic Ghost of Christmas Present. An intruder lived undetected in a Pennsylvania family's attic for several days, including Christmas, stealing food and clothing when the occupants were out, reports the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader. The family finally called police when they discovered several expensive Christmas gifts missing. The...

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