
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Dying in This Tiny Town Is Against the Law

Longyearbyen wants to stave off infections

(Newser) - A recent anthrax outbreak in Russia seems to confirm what a Norwegian town already knew—that dying should remain illegal, reports. The Arctic town of Longyearbyen, where 2,100 people brave bitter temperatures, has outlawed death since 1950. The reason: Permafrost keeps bodies from decomposing in the town...

Iditarod Winner Takes Home $20K Less Than 2017 Champ

Joar Ulsom of Norway won the world's most famous sled dog race Wednesday

(Newser) - Joar Ulsom of Norway won the world's most famous sled dog race Wednesday after a grueling dash across Alaska's rough terrain, but he earned tens of thousands of dollars less than last year's top musher at the struggling Iditarod. "It's pretty unreal I pulled it...

He Says He Was Nurturing Relations With Russia. Now, Spy Charges

Frode Berg first Norwegian arrested for espionage in Russia since Russian Revolution

(Newser) - For 25 years, Norwegian border agent Frode Berg fostered relations with Russia from his post in the town of Kirkenes, just minutes from the border. That is, until the 62-year was arrested in December in Moscow on espionage charges, shocking those who knew him in Kirkenes, as Anton Troianovski explains...

Toilet Trouble Forces U-Turn on Plumber-Packed Flight

'We didn't risk sending a plumber to work at 10K meters'

(Newser) - If the toilet had been on solid ground, it likely would've been fixed in a jiffy. But there was no quick fix for the toilet trouble that plagued a Norwegian flight over the weekend—despite scores of plumbers being on board. After departing Oslo, Norway, for Munich, Germany, on...

Trump Boasts of Selling Fictional Planes to Norway

The F-52 only exists in the video game 'Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare'

(Newser) - America's allies should be getting those shipments of Super Mushrooms and Master Swords any day now. The Washington Post reports President Trump on Wednesday boasted about the sale of F-52 fighter jets to Norway. “In November we started delivering the first F-52s and F-35 fighter jets,” Trump...

Reindeer Herder Ordered to Kill Half His Animals

Norwegian loses case against government

(Newser) - Some very un-Christmassy news from Norway: A reindeer herder has lost a high-profile case against the government and has been ordered to slaughter half his 150-strong herd, NRK reports. Herder Jovsset Ante Sara, a member of the indigenous Sami community, had argued that he couldn't make a living after...

Spacey Accused of Groping Princess's Hubby

Ari Behn says misconduct occurred at 2007 Nobel Peace Prize concert

(Newser) - As co-host of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize concert in Oslo, Kevin Spacey rubbed elbows with Norway's Princess Martha Louise and her husband, who was seated beside him. But Ari Behn says Spacey also rubbed something else. In an interview with Norwegian radio station P4 , Behn, 45—who was...

Norway's Spate of Reindeer Killings Called 'Unprecedented'

They were victims of freight trains

(Newser) - A reindeer herder describes himself as "dizzy with anger" after freight trains barreled into more than 100 reindeer in Norway over three days, killing 106. Torstein Appfjell, who Sky News reports oversees about 2,000 reindeer, calls the deaths "totally tragic" and frames that toll in that period...

Norway Hands Out $30K DUI Fine
Hands Out
$30K DUI Fine

Norway Hands Out $30K DUI Fine

To world's second-youngest billionaire

(Newser) - A 22-year-old Norwegian student has been handed a $30,400 fine for drunken driving—but can still count herself lucky, reports the AP . Katharina G. Andresen is reportedly Norway's richest woman, with a fortune estimated by Forbes at $1.23 billion. Fines for drunken driving in Norway are based...

Anti-Immigration Group on Pic of Empty Bus Seats: 'Terrifying'

Members of the group thought the seats were women in burqas

(Newser) - One Facebook user says—as per the Washington Post —it's proof "the meanest are also the stupidest": a photo of six empty bus seats mistaken by a Norwegian anti-immigrant group for women in burqas. Johan Slattavik, who calls himself "Norway's worst web troll," says...

North Dakota's Prisons Chief Saw a Radically Better Way

Inside the transformation Leann Bertsch is bringing to her state

(Newser) - North Dakota prisons chief Leann Bertsch is one tough cookie, but an October 2015 trip to Norway really rattled her. In Mother Jones , Dashka Slater explains what brought the former major with the National Guard/ex-state prosecutor to tears: her realization that "we're hurting people." It came after...

Vandals Destroy Famous 'Troll Penis' Formation

Norwegians are raising money to restore it

(Newser) - Activists are collecting money to repair a penis-shaped rock formation in southern Norway after the popular tourist attraction was found badly damaged. Joggers discovered Saturday that the Trollpikken rock formation had cracked and they noted drilling holes in the rock—something that experts say strongly suggests the rock was deliberately...

Spurned in Norway, Breivik to Appeal to Europe

Mass killer claims his human rights were violated

(Newser) - Norway's top court on Thursday rejected an appeal by mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik, saying the country didn't violate his human rights by isolating him in jail. The Hoeyesterett court ruled there was "no basis" for a different conclusion than the one reached by the Borgarting Court...

PMs Swear They're Not Making Fun of Trump's Orb Photo

Official claims Norwegian PM didn't realize the similarity at first

(Newser) - The Guardian says they were trolling the president; they insist that isn't so. Unusually, the "they" in question are five Nordic prime ministers, who posed for a photo Monday in which they clutched a soccer ball—a seeming restaging of the photo President Trump took with the leaders...

'Major Breakthrough' Claimed in Grisly Norwegian Mystery

Reporters may now know where the Isdal Woman came from

(Newser) - The team of Norwegian journalists investigating a decades-old grisly mystery believe they've made a "major breakthrough," the BBC reports. Reporters from NRK, Norway's national broadcaster, have spent the past year investigating the 1970 death of the "Isdal Woman." Now they say a chemical analysis...

At Doomsday Vault Meant to Protect Our Seeds, a Breach

But don't panic just yet

(Newser) - "This is supposed to last for eternity," says the operator of the so-called Doomsday Vault , which since 2008 has been tucked within a mountain on a Norwegian island 800 miles from the North Pole where the soil is always frozen—or is supposed to be. The Guardian reports...

Norway Reopens Grisly Mystery of the Isdal Woman

Badly burned corpse found in 1970 was followed by string of bizarre clues

(Newser) - A gruesome scene, false identities, coded messages, and a suitcase of disguises—but no answers. Now, 47 years after her badly burned corpse was discovered in a remote part of the Isdalen valley, journalists with Norway's public broadcaster are reopening the unsolved case of the Isdal Woman. The BBC...

Next Up: a Self-Driving Ship
Next Up: a Self-Driving Ship

Next Up: a Self-Driving Ship

Yara to introduce autonomous container ship in 2020

(Newser) - You've heard of self-driving cars—but what about self-driving ships? That's the future, according to Norwegian company Yara, which is developing a battery-powered container ship it says will drive itself by 2020. The chemicals group, which is working with maritime technology company Kongsberg, plans to introduce the Yara...

Teen Asylum-Seeker Arrested After Explosive Found in Norway

It's not clear whether he planned an attack

(Newser) - A 17-year-old asylum-seeker from Russia was arrested Sunday in connection with an explosive device found near a busy subway station in Norway's capital that police defused before it detonated, authorities said. The youth was detained on suspicion of handling explosives, but investigators do not know if he planned to...

Coming Soon: World's First Ship Tunnel Through the Mountains

Norway is building mile-long tunnel so ships don't have to deal with stormy Stadhavet Sea

(Newser) - Even Ivar the Boneless probably would've taken a hard pass if he were told to launch his longship in the Stadhavet Sea. And since even the Vikings were scared of Norway's famously temperamental body of water, it's not surprising to hear that the country has been working...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>