
Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>

China Blocks CNN, BBC Ahead of Nobel Ceremony

It's standard policy for Beijing on sensitive subjects

(Newser) - Beijing appears to be blocking foreign media, with CNN, the BBC and a Norwegian news organization blacked out on the mainland the day before the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. China hasn't stated it is doing so intentionally, but CNN and the like are frequently blacked out when dealing with sensitive...

Iceland Thinks US May Be Spying on Its Citizens

Embassy surveillance program may have violated law

(Newser) - All five Nordic nations now suspect the US has been using its embassies to spy on their citizens: Iceland has joined Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland in launching a probe into whether American embassies acted illegally by carrying out surveillance of protesters without permission from national authorities, the BBC reports....

China Accused of Freezing Out Miss World Favorite
China Accused of Freezing Out Miss World Favorite

China Accused of Freezing Out Miss World Favorite

Snub thought to be related to anger over Nobel Peace Prize

(Newser) - Liu Xiaobo's Nobel Peace Prize win has caused quite a backlash in China, where authorities are still cracking down on his supporters—and now the backlash has hit the Miss World contest, held this weekend on a Chinese island. Miss USA Alexandria Mills, 18, was crowned the winner amid speculation...

Mini-Pompeii Discovered in Norway

5,500-year-old site was found beneath three feet of sand

(Newser) - Though it was likely flooded with water and sand, not lava, a buried settlement discovered in southern Norway is being touted as a mini-Pompeii. Norwegian archaeologists found the site, which has slumbered untouched for some 5,500 years, beneath about three feet of sand, reports Discovery News . So far they've...

As US Sits, Other Nations Press Ahead on Drilling

Canada, Norway among those leading the way

(Newser) - While the Obama administration moratorium on new offshore drilling remains in place, other countries are moving forward with their drilling projects. Brazil, Nigeria, and Angola are among those taking advantage of the suddenly available drilling resources and rigs freed by the moratorium, reports the Washington Post .

Norway, US Bust 3 in Plot Linked to al-Qaeda

Homemade bombs reminiscent of NYC subway plot

(Newser) - Three suspected al-Qaeda members were arrested this morning in what Norwegian and US officials said was a terrorist plot linked to similar plans in New York and England. The three men, two of whom were detained in Norway and one in Germany, had been under surveillance for more than a...

Stranded Norway PM Runs Nation On iPad

Jens Stoltenberg stuck in NY by volcanic ash

(Newser) - Even Steve Jobs never claimed that the iPad could be used to run a nation but Norway's stranded prime minister is doing exactly that. Jens Stoltenberg, who is stuck in New York as volcanic ash causes the continued closure of European airspace, is using his new Apple gadget to run...

Tiny Norway Hauls in the Medals, Gets Zero Respect
Tiny Norway Hauls in the Medals, Gets Zero Respect

Tiny Norway Hauls in the Medals, Gets Zero Respect

People assume Norwegians 'born on skis,' have it easy

(Newser) - The country that has won the third-most 2010 Olympic medals so far at 17—and the second highest number of golds—is one you probably haven’t given much thought to. But not only does Norway lay claim to these stats, it also has more Winter Games medals than any...

Svindal Edges Out Bode for Super-G Gold

 Svindal Edges 
 Out Bode for 
 Super-G Gold 
vancouver olympics

Svindal Edges Out Bode for Super-G Gold

Norwegian denies Miller his 2nd shot at the No. 1 slot

(Newser) - Bode Miller missed yet another shot at gold today, finishing second to Aksel Lund Svindal of Norway in the men's super-G. Svindal won in 1 minute, 30.34 seconds on a tough, icy course. Miller trailed by 0.28 seconds, and the US' Andrew Weibrecht was 0.31 behind Svindal...

Why Scandinavia Stinks at Figure Skating
 Why Scandinavia Stinks 
 at Figure Skating 

Why Scandinavia Stinks at Figure Skating

Fault the Soviets, and other reasons for no medals since 1936

(Newser) - Though the Scandinavian nations generally fare well in the Winter Olympics, there’s a gaping hole in their success when it comes to figure skating (no medals since 1936), leading some bloggers to try to figure why. Some theories:
  • Blame the Soviets. During the Cold War, the Eastern Bloc sunk

US on Pace to Win Most Olympic Medals
 US on Pace to Win 
 Most Olympic Medals 
nate silver

US on Pace to Win Most Olympic Medals

Based on projections and medals so far, US could edge out Canada

(Newser) - Based on an analysis of Olympics projections from across the board, the US could come out on top of the medal count at this year’s games for the first time since Lake Placid—in 1932. Nate Silver averaged medal projections from 9 sources; after two days the US has...

Google Street View Ambushed in Norway
 Google Street View 
 Ambushed in Norway 

Google Street View Ambushed in Norway

Tipped to car's arrival, buddies wait with spears, wetsuits

(Newser) - Tipped off by their driver buddy to its whereabouts, a Norwegian pair ambushed Google’s Street View camera car last summer, chasing it while wearing wetsuits and wielding spears. The photos have been making the online rounds, and Oslo daily Aftenposten tracked down the Bergen residents. “It was meant...

Bizarre Sky Spiral Baffles Norwegians

Light display may have been Russian rocket

(Newser) - A mysterious blue spiral that appeared in the sky over Norway before dawn yesterday has puzzled experts. The spiral appeared in the sky for 2 minutes and was seen—and photographed—by thousands of people, the BBC reports. Scientists speculate it may have been a failed Russian rocket launch.

Obama Plan to Skip Some Nobel Events Riles Norway

President nixes traditional activities like lunch with king

(Newser) - While perhaps it’s a bit much to expect President Obama to attend a kiddie peace presentation while he’s in Oslo to accept the Nobel Peace Prize, the fact that Obama begged off lunch with King Harald—and a host of other Nobel-related events—has Norwegians fuming. The Norwegian...

Iran Takes Nobel Winner's Peace Prize

It's never happened before, say outraged officials in Norway

(Newser) - In what would be a dastardly first, Norway has accused Iranian authorities of stealing a Nobel Peace Prize. The prize belongs to Iranian national Shirin Ebadi, a human rights lawyer who received the honor in 2003. “The medal and the diploma have been removed from Dr. Ebadi’s bank...

Swine Flu Mutation Worries Norway Scientists
Swine Flu Mutation Worries Norway Scientists
h1n1 outbreak

Swine Flu Mutation Worries Norway Scientists

CDC official says it's no cause for alarm

(Newser) - Norwegian scientists say they've discovered a mutated version of swine flu in two patients who died and another who is severely ill. The mutation "could possibly make the virus more prone to infect deeper in the airways and thus cause more severe disease," said the nation's health institute....

American Adviser to Kurds Outed as Oil Shareholder

Galbraith's policy push won him $100M

(Newser) - An influential American advocate for Iraqi Kurds, who helped successfully secure Kurdish control over new oil finds in northern Iraq in the country's constitution, stands to reap more than $100 million from the policy he shaped. Peter Galbraith, it turns out, received rights to an enormous oil stake in Kurdistan...

Most of Nobel Panel Objected to Obama Pick

Chairman Thorbjoern Jagland talked fellow voters into selection

(Newser) - President Obama's Nobel Prize was a tough sell for the chairman of the committee that awarded the honor, with three of the five members initially opposing his selection, anonymous sources tell a Norwegian newspaper. They were persuaded mainly by chairman Thorbjoern Jagland, who strongly backed Obama from the beginning. The...

Nobel Jury: Obama Is the Right Choice

One says of critics: 'Where do these people come from?'

(Newser) - The Nobel panel that gave the peace prize to President Obama is strongly defending its choice amid widespread criticism. "We simply disagree that he has done nothing," said chairman Thorbjoern Jagland. Another of the five panelists said of critics: "Where do these people come from?" The four...

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize
 Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize 

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Committee cites president's commitment to disarmament, international institutions

(Newser) - President Barack Obama is the surprise winner of this year's Nobel Peace Prize, which was awarded "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." The Norwegian Nobel committee said it attached particular importance to Obama's commitment to nuclear disarmament and his emphasis on the...

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>