Election 2010

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'Mean Girls' Run the GOP
 'Mean Girls' 
 Run the GOP 


'Mean Girls' Run the GOP

Dowd's sort of afraid of Brewer, Angle, et al

(Newser) - It's a new breed of GOP woman: Whether they're telling Harry to "man up," knocking the president's cojones, carting around a gun, or getting catty with a rival's hairdo, "We are in the era of Republican Mean Girls," writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times....

Christine O'Donnell to GOP: Hellllllllp!

Also, you want to fight?

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell continued her strange tango with the Republican Party today, appearing on ABC to apparently kick the NRSC in the shins, while simultaneously asking it to open up its wallet. "We're hoping that the National Republican Senatorial Committee will help us. But it's two and a half weeks...

US Is Pissed, and It Won't End Nov. 2

 US Is Pissed, 
 and It Won't 
 Stop Nov. 2 
Frank Rich

US Is Pissed, and It Won't Stop Nov. 2

Only economic recovery can soothe the country's anger

(Newser) - Carl Paladino, New York's gay-bashing , racist email-sending gubernatorial candidate, may be the most "clownish" illustration of American rage, but he's no anomaly, writes Frank Rich in the New York Times . And, like the "farcical" Christine O'Donnell, Paladino is a "political loss-leader" whose probable defeat lets us laugh...

Palin: 'Soon We'll All Be Dancing'
 Palin: 'Soon We'll 
 All Be Dancing' 
RNC Speech

Palin: 'Soon We'll All Be Dancing'

But divided GOP might not be in any mood to party

(Newser) - An ebullient Sarah Palin took the stage in California before 2000 roaring supporters last night, but urged them not to let up until November 2, reports the AP. "The momentum is with us but now is not the time to celebrate—not quite yet," she said. ' It...

What Happens in College Stays in College
 What Happens in 
 College Stays in College 

What Happens in College Stays in College

But not if you're in college at age 40, Christine O'Donnell

(Newser) - Ah, college: That time of experimentation and rebellion—and especially youthful indiscretions, most of which oughtn't be fodder for debate when indiscreet youths grow up and run for political office, writes Gail Collins in the New York Times. "Nothing anyone did in college short of a felony should count...

Bill Clinton: Let Obama Finish the Job
 Bill Clinton: 
 Let Obama 
 Finish the Job  


Bill Clinton: Let Obama Finish the Job

Stumps for one-time nemesis Jerry Brown, rallies Dems

(Newser) - Bill Clinton gave dazed Democrats a swift kick last night, telling California voters to get out the vote, lest they commit "malpractice on your own future." Stumping for onetime nemesis and would-be governor Jerry Brown, the former president told a UCLA rally to give President Obama and Democrats...

Murkowski Airs Ted Stevens Endorsement

 Murkowski Airs 
 Ted Stevens 

Murkowski Airs Ted Stevens Endorsement

Campaign ad was filmed just days before he died

(Newser) - Not sure Joe Miller is going to be able to top this one: In the waning days of her hotly contested and bizarre Senate race, Lisa Murkowski has pulled out an endorsement from Alaskan political heavyweight and dead man Ted Stevens, reports the Anchorage Daily News. Filmed just days before...

Joe Miller Spoofs the Old Spice Guy

'Now look at your ballot, now back to him'

(Newser) - Isaiah Mustafa’s Old Spice ads have to be the most parodied and imitated video of the year. Alaska Senate candidate Joe Miller has become the latest to invoke the Old Spice mystique with this ad. Sadly, there is no hulking, scantily-clad black man to read Miller’s message, but...

Did Chatty Michelle Break Voting Laws?

Conservative watchdog slams first lady's 'technical violation'

(Newser) - Michelle Obama may have violated Illinois election laws by seeking support for her husband’s agenda at a Chicago polling station, holds the Daily Caller . The first lady was talking with voters, and reportedly urged them to support said agenda—but state laws ban political discussion near polling places, the...

Sizeable Tea Party Caucus On the Way
Tea Party Set to Have Real Pull in Congress

Tea Party Set to Have Real Pull in Congress

But movement may hurt GOP more than it helps

(Newser) - The Tea Party movement looks set to emerge from next month's election with enough members of Congress to be able to advance its agenda, a New York Times analysis finds. Eight Tea-Party backed Senate candidates and 33 House candidates stand a good or better chance of winning and the caucus...

Democrats Harry Reid, Joe Manchin, Chris Coons Pick Up Steam in Senate Races
 Pick Up Steam 
 in Senate Races 
Nate Silver

Democrats Pick Up Steam in Senate Races

Reid and Angle a tossup, Manchin and Murray now favored

(Newser) - After a several straight losing weeks, the Democrats gained ground in the battle for the Senate this week, according to New York Times polling guru Nate Silver. Based on 100,000 simulations, Silver’s FiveThirtyEight prediction model now gives the GOP just an 18% chance to take the Senate, down...

Obama Picked Horrible Time for Mea Culpa Interview

David Corn: White House should be fighting, not admitting mistakes

(Newser) - Nice that President Obama is cognizant that he made political missteps in his first two years, writes David Corn at Mother Jones . But maybe he could have waited until after the election to provide the New York Times with his mea culpa? "The White House ought to be in...

Christine O'Donnell: GOP Has Abandoned Me

... Because she trails by 19 points

(Newser) - She can't remember any recent Supreme Court cases, but Christine O'Donnell isn't about to forget how the GOP is sitting on its wallet instead of pouring cash into her gaffe-infused race. “The Republican Party on the state level, or on the national level, neither have come in to help...

Illinois Gov: My Opponent Wants to Murder Doggies

Attack ad targets Brady for supporting mass euthanization of pets

(Newser) - Illinois' Democratic governor isn't doing much to change the state's reputation for bare-knuckle politics. An attack ad from Pat Quinn targets Republican rival Bill Brady for sponsoring a bill to "mass euthanize sheltered cats and dogs in gas chambers," with text appearing on screen over footage of whining...

O'Donnell Blanks on Court Cases in Debate

And brushes off old comments; rival Chris Coons says they still matter

(Newser) - It's like deja vu all over again: The question that tripped up Sarah Palin two years ago stumped Christine O'Donnell as well. Squaring off against Democrat Chris Coons in a nationally televised debate, O'Donnell was asked which recent Supreme Court opinions she disagreed with. After stumbling for a moment (and...

Debate Over Killer's Fate Seeps Into Conn. Races

Death penalty becomes central issue after home invasion conviction

(Newser) - One of the most horrific crimes in Connecticut's history may weigh on the state's elections. Stephen Hayes is awaiting sentencing for the home invasion murders of Jennifer Hawke-Petit and her two daughters next week and Republican candidates for Senate and governor have been making the death penalty a central issue....

Reid Can't Shake 'Wingnut' Angle

 Harry Reid 
 Can't Bury 

Harry Reid Can't Bury 'Wingnut' Angle

Tight race has become 'proxy' for national battle

(Newser) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid probably never thought he'd be running neck and neck with the woman who recently topped the Daily Beast's ' Wingnuts Index .' But, try as he might, he can't seem to shake Tea Party challenger Sharron Angle , finds the New York Times . The closely watched...

Neighbors Spill the Beans on Christine O'Donnell

Nothing crazy, but she did host frequent slumber parties with boyfriend

(Newser) - Is the real Christine O’Donnell really just like you? Rebecca Dana of the Daily Beast decided to ask the candidate's old neighbors to find out, and most spoke relatively well of her. “To me, she never said anything nuts,” said one teacher at a nearby Catholic school....

Obama Admits 'Tactical' Mistakes

 Obama Admits 

Obama Admits 'Tactical' Mistakes

Admits he neglected the marketing of his policies

(Newser) - Barack Obama is proud of his many legislative accomplishments, but lately he’s been dwelling on the mistakes of his first two years, and spending “a lot of time talking about Obama 2.0,” one aide tells the New York Times in a sweeping profile today. Obama tells...

Bill Clinton, Palin Join W. Va Battle

Race for Byrd's seat pits Comeback Kid against Mama Grizzly

(Newser) - Big guns from both sides have joined the fray as the Senate race in West Virginia tightens up. The state hasn't sent a Republican to the Senate since 1958 but Gov. Joe Manchin, running for the seat left open by Sen. Robert Byrd's death, is facing a tough challenge from...

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