Election 2010

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Tea Party, GOP Must Work Together
 Tea Party, GOP 
 Must Work Together 

Tea Party, GOP Must Work Together

Third party challenges historically benefit those they oppose: Quayle

(Newser) - Watching the emergence of the Tea Party movement is giving Dan Quayle flashbacks—about Ross Perot. Perot's Reform Party siphoned off 19% of the votes in the 1992 presidential election, effectively denying the elder George Bush a second term. "There's a well-worn path of third-party movements in American history,...

What Tea Partiers Need to Do Next
 What Tea Partiers 
 Need to Do Next 

What Tea Partiers Need to Do Next

Rove suggests 'citizen's pledge' to strengthen movement

(Newser) - Democratic attacks on the Tea Party movement show they're scared, and with good reason, writes Karl Rove. With public opinion still against ObamaCare, the movement needs to keep its momentum going, Rove urges in the Wall Street Journal . He suggests tea partiers sign a "citizen's pledge" demanding to know...

Targeted Dems Using Palin Hate as Fundraising Lure

Pols in her crosshairs twist it to their advantage

(Newser) - House Democrats in Sarah Palin's crosshairs are using the controversial Alaskan to raise cash. At least four of the 20 lawmakers targeted by Palin because of their votes on health care reform have sent out fundraising appeals naming the former governor. Palin "has literally put my congressional district in...

GOP's Future Could Be Californian

 GOP's Future Could 
 Be Californian 

GOP's Future Could Be Californian

Party is more electable with a Californian at the helm

(Newser) - A revived and more electable GOP could be on its way to the White House by way of California, writes David Frum. Ronald Reagan's state turned blue in the '90s as its economy and demographics changed, causing Texas to replace California as the party's anchor. The Texas-led GOP found it...

50% of Americans Call Health Care Bill 'a Bad Thing'

One week since passage, bill loses some favor

(Newser) - The latest polls show a slight dip in popularity for President Obama's health care reform initiative, suggesting Democrats have work to do in convincing the public of the bill's benefits. Half of Americans called the new law "a bad thing" while 47% said it was "a good thing"...

Tea Partiers Find Campaigning Tougher Than Protesting

Movement must choose between the faithful, the electable

(Newser) - As this year's GOP primaries turn many Tea Partiers from protesters into candidates, the campaign trail is giving the populist movement a sobering lesson in political realities. In many districts with vulnerable Democratic incumbents, the GOP primary field is overcrowded with inexperienced candidates who are struggling to raise money, and...

Sarah Palin Stumps for McCain

Tea Party hero lends support to former running mate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin spoke at a rally for John McCain today in Tucson, the first time the two have stumped together since the 2008 presidential campaign. McCain is in a tight primary fight with JD Hayworth, who is attempting to paint the senator as insufficiently conservative. Palin delivered some much-needed Tea...

'Repeal, Replace, Reform' Should Be GOP's Rallying Cry

Dems' morale boost will be short-lived, predicts Karl Rove

(Newser) - The Democrats may be in good spirits now, but passing health care reform won't help them politically any more than the stimulus package helped them in New Jersey's 2009 gubernatorial elections, argues Karl Rove. The public remains mostly opposed to "ObamaCare," and Republicans can ride that sentiment to...

Tea Party Could Doom GOP in November
 Tea Party Could Doom 
 GOP in November 
quinnipiac poll

Tea Party Could Doom GOP in November

If they run candidates, Democrats will win: Quinnipiac

(Newser) - Just 13% of Americans self-identify as members of the Tea Party movement, but a new Quinnipiac poll shows they may well hold the key to the 2010 midterm elections. Respondents say they would vote for a Republican over a Democrat by 44% to 39%. But if a Tea Party candidate...

Wow, Dems Can Govern; Here's How They Keep It Up

Keep base mobilized, move on to popular causes

(Newser) - By passing health reform, Harold Meyerson writes in the Washington Post , the Democrats proved themselves to be something America hasn't seen since "the middle of Ronald Reagan's presidency:" a governing party. If they want to keep the actual governance going, rather than slipping back into decades-long "policy...

Palin PAC Targets 20 Dems
 Palin PAC Targets 20 Dems 

Palin PAC Targets 20 Dems

She aims to 'fire' those who voted for health reform

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s political action committee plans to use its monetary might to remove from office 20 Democrats who voted for the health-reform measure that passed the House on Sunday. “We’re going to reclaim the power of the people from those who disregarded the will of the people,...

Obama Signs Health Reform Into Law

Battle over $938B measure sets tone for midterm elections

(Newser) - A broadly smiling President Obama signed a historic $938 billion health care overhaul this morning at the White House. The measure guarantees coverage for 32 million uninsured Americans and will touch nearly every citizen's life, representing the biggest shift in US domestic policy since the 1960s. A joyous crowd of...

GOP Repeal Chances Little Better Than Snowball in Hell

Need big gains in Congress ... and GOP president

(Newser) - While the idea of repealing the health-reform measure passed last night has Republicans buzzing nationwide, the actual chances of it happening are tiny, Nate Silver writes. At very least, nothing happens before January 2013, and that’s if President Obama and his veto are out of office. So from there,...

Steamed Tea Partiers Vow Revenge

Legislation 'has awakened a giant,' activists warn

(Newser) - The Democrats are in for a rude awakening if they think they can pass health care reform and get away with it, incensed Tea Party leaders warned yesterday. Tea Party groups across the country plan protests and a campaign to force the people who voted for reform out of Congress...

Obama's Pull in Home Districts Swayed Reps' Votes

Obama's share of vote in 2008 best predictor of House Democrats' positions

(Newser) - Barack Obama may have sown the seeds to last night's victory with the one in 2008: House Democrats in districts Obama carried were much more likely to vote in favor of health reform. Retiring members aside, Nate Silver writes, “all 12 Democrats running in a place where Obama received...

5 Myths About Health Bill Passage
 5 Myths About 
 Health Bill Passage 

5 Myths About Health Bill Passage

Americans aren't undecided, and the public option was DOA: Cillizza

(Newser) - With health care reform seemingly headed for passage now that Bart Stupak's on board, Chris Cillizza looks back at the debate and finds five persistent arguments with little or no grounding in reality.
  • Scott Brown was a game-changer: "Yes and no," Cillizza writes for the Washington Post . Lacking

'Repeal It' Campaign Is a Mistake for Republicans
'Repeal It' Campaign Is a Mistake for Republicans
Dana Milbank

'Repeal It' Campaign Is a Mistake for Republicans

They tried it before on Social Security and failed miserably

(Newser) - Health care reform hasn't even passed yet, and Republicans can't wait to base their election campaigns on repealing it. Big mistake, writes Dana Milbank, who raises the "ghost" of Alf Landon. The Republican candidate ran for the White House in 1936 by promising to repeal the "folly" of...

Meet Al Sharpton, Obama Booster, White House Insider
 Meet Al Sharpton, 
 Obama Booster, 
 White House Insider 

Meet Al Sharpton, Obama Booster, White House Insider

Formerly combative Rev. now key Obama ally on black issues

(Newser) - The Rev. Al Sharpton used to be one of the prime—and most belligerent—practitioners of the “protest politics” black activists used to get the ear of politicians, but times have changed, and he is now officially an Obama administration insider. The Rev. meets often at the White House,...

GOP Paints Pelosi, Not Obama, as Health Care Villain
GOP Paints Pelosi, Not Obama, as Health Care Villain
election 2010

GOP Paints Pelosi, Not Obama, as Health Care Villain

2010 election strategy focuses on unpopular House Speaker

(Newser) - When it comes to this year's House elections, the GOP wants voters thinking about Pelosicare, not Obamacare. Pinning health care reform on the unpopular House Speaker—and casting Democratic incumbents as her minions—is a key part of the Republican strategy for 2010: winning the support of 2008 Obama voters...

Democrats Who Vote 'No' May Be Vulnerable
Democrats Who Vote 'No'
May Be Vulnerable

Democrats Who Vote 'No' May Be Vulnerable

Nate Silver identifies 10 seats, 6 in NY, subject to primary challenge

(Newser) - Some House Democrats could be in a pickle when it comes to reelection this year if they don’t vote for the health care reform bill this week, writes Nate Silver. He’s identified 10 who might face primary challenges based on their ambivalence about the legislation, pressure from activist...

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