Stephenie Meyer

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New Twilight Book Is a Different Kind of Follow-Up

Author Stephenie Meyer announces long-awaited novel

(Newser) - Stephenie Meyer's mystery countdown is over: After the final seconds ticked off, the Twilight author announced that the long-awaited next installment in her wildly popular saga will be out in August, reports the Guardian . But this is a different kind of follow-up: It's a retelling of the story...

Nobody Knows What's Up With Twilight Author's Countdown

Stephenie Meyer has fans speculating ahead of May 4 announcement of ... something

(Newser) - It's the kind of PR stunt you can pull when you're the mega-selling creator of a franchise such as Twilight. Author Stephenie Meyer currently as a countdown going on her website , but there's no explanation of why. The timer is counting down to 8:30am Eastern on...

Final Twilight Film Wasn't Exactly the End of Series

5 short 'Twilight'-based films will air on Facebook

(Newser) - The idea that the world had seen its last Twilight movie was, apparently, too good to be true: The New York Times reports that the vampire franchise will live on via short films based on Stephenie Meyer's characters. Meyer and Lions Gate, which released the five films based on...

Twilight Is Over, Critics Rejoice
 Twilight Is Over, Critics Rejoice 
movie review

Twilight Is Over, Critics Rejoice

'May it be an eternity before you're relaunched or rebooted,' writes one

(Newser) - Today's premiere of Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 brings with it one piece of good news for critics who have had to review the whole thing: That's it for the Twilight saga ... unless, of course, Stephenie Meyer writes more books. Some of the best lines floating around the...

More Twilight Novels? Nope, It's 'Fan Fiction'

Writers divided over huge online trend

(Newser) - A beloved Twilight vampire as an undercover cop? Or a baker for bachelor parties? Yep, welcome to "fan fiction," a trend that allows amateur writers to re-imagine famous characters and post works online, the Wall Street Journal reports. Not only is it popular— is home to...

Highest-Paid Authors in US
 Authors in US 

Highest-Paid Authors in US

James Patterson, Stephenie Meyer lead the way

(Newser) - A tribute of sorts to Harry Potter: JK Rowling isn't putting out new Potter books, but sales of existing ones still put her in the top 10 of the year's highest-paid authors. (She came in 10th with $10 million.) Read the full Forbes list here , but here's the top...

Hey Twilight Fans: Edward Really Is Related to Dracula unveils Robert Pattinson's relation to Dracula

(Newser) - This is sure to send all those Twilight-obsessed tweens into a tizzy: Robert Pattinson, aka Edward Cullen of the Twilight films, is related to Dracula. At least, he’s related to Vlad the Impaler, the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s Dracula character, the AP reports. Twilight author Stephenie Meyer is...

Isabella And Jacob Were Top Baby Names In 2009 - The Two-Way - Breaking News, Analysis Blog : NPR
 Isabella, Jacob 
 Top Baby Name Lists 
thanks to twilight?

Isabella, Jacob Top Baby Name Lists

But it's not necessarily because of Stephenie Meyer's books

(Newser) - Has Twilight officially taken over the world? Maybe so, considering “Isabella” and “Jacob” are now the most popular names in America for newborn girls and boys, respectively. For those of you who don’t live and breathe the popular vampire franchise, Bella and Jacob are the names of...

New Twilight Novella Out in June Online— for Free

Twihards can read 'Short Second Life of Bree Tanner' for a month

(Newser) - In a “special thank you to fans,” Twilight saga scribe Stephenie Meyer has OKed the free online release of her latest, an Eclipse-related novella called The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. Two days after the 192-page volume hits bookstores on June 5, it will available on the...

Judge People By Fave Author
 Judge People By Fave Author 

Judge People By Fave Author

Misfits like JD Salinger, smart geeks like JK Rowling ...

(Newser) - If you don’t want to waste the time really getting to know someone, just ask about his or her favorite author. That tells you all you need to know, Lauren Leto suggests, before running down the stereotypes:
  • JD Salinger: Kids who don’t fit in (duh).
  • Stephenie Meyer: People

Twilight's Secret Superfans: Moms

The secret group of Twilight fans even reports better sex lives

(Newser) - Twilight’s “unthinkably cheesy,” unabashedly adolescent take on love—vampire love, at that—is inspiring adoration in a hidden cache of fans: “smart, sophisticated, well-read mothers.” Why would an otherwise mature adult turn to mush over Stephenie Meyer’s teen saga—even putting a photo of...

Wash. Town Milks Twilight Connection for Tourist Bucks

(Newser) - Author Stephenie Meyer had never even been to Forks, Wash., when she chose it, with a little help from Google, as the setting for her wildly popular Twilight books. But that hasn’t stopped fans of the series and the movies it has spawned from flocking to the town, population...

Vampire Diaries Bloody Good Fun
 Vampire Diaries  
Bloody Good Fun 
TV review

Vampire Diaries Bloody Good Fun

CW series knows the teen mind

(Newser) - The Vampire Diaries, which premieres tonight on the CW, has its finger on the pulse of American youth, delivering a teen-vampire love story that gives Twilight a run for its money:
  • “Let the other franchises sniff with disdain at moldy old genre conventions,” writes Mary McNamara in the

Twilight Scribe Accused of Plagiarism

Dueling vampire novels bear similarities, author says

(Newser) - Twilight author Stephenie Meyer is being accused of ripping off another vampire book, TMZ reports. Jordan Scott claims the series’ fourth installment, Breaking Dawn, bears a “striking and substantial similarity” to her 2006 book The Nocturne, with both including a post-wedding sex scene, a doomed pregnancy, and the death...

Harry Potter Is Neutering America
 Harry Potter Is 
 Neutering America 

Harry Potter Is Neutering America

At the box office, the chaste rule, writer says

(Newser) - Remember the old teen sex comedies, where hormones ruled and no one talked about their feelings? Hollywood doesn't, ST VanAirsdale writes in Esquire. Today's sexless blockbusters—think the Harry Potter flicks and Twilight—reflect how "our PG-13 imperative has scrubbed mass culture of its libido." The new leading...

Puppy Love Fuels Twilight Author
 Puppy Love 
 Fuels Twilight Author 

Puppy Love Fuels Twilight Author

(Newser) - Stephenie Meyer, the author of the Twilight books, is not a shadowy vampire, Vogue reports. In fact, she is a shy, retiring Mormon mother of 3 living in a Phoenix suburb. Sure, the characters for the hit books came from a dream, but the substance is straight puppy love. “...

Twilight Author 'Can't Write Worth a Darn': King

Horror maven gets vampire books' appeal

(Newser) - Sorry, Stephenie Meyer, but Stephen King isn't among your millions of fans. The wildly successful horror author compared the wildly successful vampire author's Twilight series with JK Rowling's Harry Potter books in a recent USA Weekend interview: "The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and...

Twilight Director Booted From Sequel

Studio can't agree on helmer's timeline

(Newser) - Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke, who smashed the record of biggest opening weekend for a female director, will not return for the sequel, Deadline Hollywood Daily reports. Sources inside and outside Summit Entertainment said the director was “difficult and irrational” and that Summit “didn’t like her.” The...

Meyer: the New JK Rowling
 Meyer: the New JK Rowling  

Meyer: the New JK Rowling

Vampire author gaining on Rowling's popularity

(Newser) - Have we finally found the next JK Rowling? Even Brits are starting to admit Twilight creator Stephenie Meyer is coming close, the Daily Telegraph reports. The 34-year-old Mormon author of a series of swoon-worthy novels about teen vampires has a similar “out of nowhere” story, and her book and...

Twilight's Big Bucks Greenlight Sequel

Teen vampire flick breaks box office records

(Newser) - Even as the cash registers were still clanging on Twilight's monstrous opening weekend, the teen vampire flick's producers confirmed that a sequel is on, says MTV News. New Moon, the second book in Stephanie Meyer's series, is now officially set to be adapted for the big screen. Twilight is on...

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