Dana Milbank

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Health Bill Passage a Tribute to Ted Kennedy
 Health Bill Passage 
 a Tribute to Ted Kennedy 

Health Bill Passage a Tribute to Ted Kennedy

'Liberal lion' invoked by both left and right, but what would he think?

(Newser) - The memory of Ted Kennedy was a vivid presence today on both sides of the aisle as the Senate passed its version of his signature issue, health care reform. The late Massachusetts senator “remained the Democrats' spiritual floor leader,” Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post , and almost...

Obama Helps Kill Cheaper Drug Imports
Obama Helps Kill Cheaper Drug Imports
Dana Milbank

Obama Helps Kill Cheaper Drug Imports

Sides with big pharma on proposal he backed as candidate, senator

(Newser) - Proving once again that campaign promises are sturdy stuff, Barack Obama yesterday led the charge to kill a health care reform amendment that would have made it easier to import cheaper prescription drugs from places like Canada—even though he touted the idea in the campaign, and co-sponsored a similar...

Be Like Baucus, Tiger: A Dork
 Be Like Baucus, Tiger: A Dork 
Dana Milbank

Be Like Baucus, Tiger: A Dork

Senator could teach Woods how to survive a sex scandal

(Newser) - Tiger Woods clearly needs some advice on dealing with a sex scandal, and Sen. Max Baucus is just the man to set him straight. The gentleman from Montana doesn’t have a scratch on him after the recent revelations about his sex life—that he slept with a staffer and...

GOP Boycotts Climate Bill, Dems Get Bored
GOP Boycotts Climate Bill, Dems Get Bored
Dana Milbank

GOP Boycotts Climate Bill, Dems Get Bored

Climate hearing boycott ends with whimper

(Newser) - For a while yesterday, Democrats got to live the dream: a world without Republicans. The GOP made good on its promise to boycott the Senate environment committee’s hearing on its climate change bill, and Democrats had a good time lambasting them in absentia, calling them the party of “...

ACORN Chief Blames Everyone But ACORN

Bertha Lewis not contrite enough for Dana Milbank

(Newser) - ACORN chief Bertha Lewis wasn’t in the mood to apologize at the National Press Club yesterday. For anything. Not for the internal ACORN review showing that $5 million had been embezzled from the group, rather than the previously alleged $1 million (“This is speculation, completely false”), not...

It's Time to Start Taking Hillary Seriously

She's still trivialized as she fights to empower women

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s trip to Congo was meant to help fulfill a promise to focus on women’s issues, but it seems to have turned on one woman's issues. Though “there could have been no more dramatic setting,” writes Judith Warner in the New York Times, “back...

Post Kills 'Mouthpiece' Video Series After Hillary Joke

(Newser) - "Mouthpiece Theater" is no more. The Washington Post today killed the video-spoof series hosted by political reporters Dana Milbank and Chris Cillizza after they drew flak for suggesting that Hillary Clinton drink "Mad Bitch" beer. The reporters offered separate apologies and promised to stick to their strengths—print....

Post Pulls Reporters' Video After 'Mad Bitch' Hillary Joke

(Newser) - Washington Post political writers Dana Milbank and Chris Cillizza are taking a drubbing over a video spoof in which they suggest brands of beer for the top names in politics—including "Mad Bitch" for Hillary Clinton. When bloggers drew attention to that line, in particular, the Post pulled the...

My Client's Corrupt, But Who Isn't?
My Client's Corrupt, But
Who Isn't?
politics on trial

My Client's Corrupt, But Who Isn't?

All pols have bribes in the freezer, Jefferson's lawyer contends

(Newser) - Former Rep. William Jefferson’s lawyer tried a novel defense tactic in his closing arguments yesterday: putting all of the political class on trial. Sure, his client had stashed bribe money in his freezer—but hasn’t everyone, metaphorically speaking? “We all occupy the gray area,” said attorney...

GOP Looks Tacky in Vote on Sotomayor

(Newser) - Senate Republicans locked arms against Sonia Sotomayor yesterday … or would have, if they’d bothered to stay for the Judiciary Committee’s vote. Instead, half ducked out, leaving Jeff Sessions to repeat “No by proxy,” over and over, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post. It was...

Franken Plays It So Straight It's Funny

But doggone it, people like him

(Newser) - Al Franken the comedian is finally becoming Al Franken the senator, and his Senate colleagues were quick to demonstrate yesterday that, doggone it, they like him, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post. The only humor at a welcoming press conference was (apparently) unintentional, as Majority Leader Harry Reid intoned,...

Shah's Son: I'd Serve If Elected

(Newser) - Though his family wasn’t much for democratic rule in Iran, the son of Iran’s last shah says he would return to serve the country if that’s the will of the people, Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post. Reza Pahlavi, 48, hopes Iran’s post-election protests turn...

With Friends Like These...
With Friends Like These...

With Friends Like These...

My client was drunk, stupid, sleazy—oh, and black, argues Jefferson's lawyer

(Newser) - What do you say when you’re defending William Jefferson, on trial for allegedly taking $100,000 in bribe money and hiding it in his freezer? Pretty much whatever the heck you can think of, writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post. The lawyer for the then-Congressman opened his defense...

Now I Know Why Lefties Hate Me Too: Milbank
Now I Know Why Lefties Hate Me Too: Milbank

Now I Know Why Lefties Hate Me Too: Milbank

Columnist deciphers rage by reading online comments

(Newser) - On the advice of a colleague, columnist Dana Milbank diligently read the comments left by some 1,800 readers last week. And he discovered some fascinating things. “On Tuesday, I learned that I am a right-wing hack. I am a certified idiot. I am Republican flack,” he writes...

US Goes to War on ... Bedbugs?
 US Goes to War on ... Bedbugs? 

US Goes to War on ... Bedbugs?

Feds convene summit to scratch evidently pressing itch: Milbank

(Newser) - Wondering a bit about federal priorities “in an age of bin Laden and Ahmadinejad,” Dana Milbank headed yesterday to an Environmental Protection Agency summit on the blood-sucking menace of bedbugs, he writes in the Washington Post. With reps from agencies including the Pentagon on hand, an entomologist opined...

In Stevens Case, Justice Was Served After All
In Stevens Case, Justice Was Served After All

In Stevens Case, Justice Was Served After All

Ruling in court of public opinion trumps court of law's dismissal

(Newser) - Ted Stevens and his lawyers were awfully indignant yesterday for a crew that had just won. “You’d think there would be jubilation,” said Stevens’ attorney. Instead, “it was revulsion, revulsion turned to anger,” Brendan Sullivan raged. Stevens himself lamented that “consequences…can never be...

Congrats, DC: Sen. Burris Is on Your Side
Congrats, DC: Sen. Burris Is
on Your Side

Congrats, DC: Sen. Burris Is on Your Side

Milbank: Capital has ally in quest for rep ... just not a popular one

(Newser) - DC residents have a new Senate ally in their quest for congressional representation. Unfortunately, Dana Milbank points out in the Washington Post, it’s the monumentally unpopular Roland Burris, “the Democrat from Blagojevich.” As Milbank points out, “Burris is not one to be set back by shunning,...

Fiscal Summit Not Exactly a Hot Ticket
 Fiscal Summit 
 Not Exactly a Hot Ticket 

Fiscal Summit Not Exactly a Hot Ticket

(Newser) - When President Obama announced his fiscal responsibility summit, it sounded like a momentous occasion. Turns out it was so momentous no one bothered to show up, Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post. Administration big-wigs like Paul Volcker and Leon Panetta skipped out on the panels they were supposed to...

Bush's Top Neocon Denies Existence of Neocons
Bush's Top Neocon Denies Existence of Neocons

Bush's Top Neocon Denies Existence of Neocons

To widespread guffaws

(Newser) -  In real life, Richard Perle is the neoconservative mastermind who devised the Bush Doctrine and argued vociferously for the Iraq war. But apparently, Perle lives in a different world, writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post. At a foreign policy forum yesterday, Perle insisted that:
  • He is not a

Blago's a Clown, and That's Not Funny
 Blago's a Clown, 
 and That's Not Funny 

Blago's a Clown, and That's Not Funny

Blagojevich is not some kind of clown here to amuse you

(Newser) - These days, everyone seems to find Rod Blagojevich hilarious. Everyone, that is, except the state of Illinois, writes David Broder of the Washington Post. When Blagojevich went on TV instead of testifying at his impeachment hearing, there wasn’t a hint of outrage. The media “treated Blagojevich as if...

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