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This News Could Finally Tip the Odds in Taliban Talks

Looks like President Ashraf Ghani has a 2nd term

(Newser) - Afghan President Ashraf Ghani appears to have narrowly won a second term, according to preliminary results from September's balloting that were announced Sunday, although his main challenger rejected the outcome as illegitimate, the AP reports. If the outcome stands despite the complaints of ballot fraud, it could give Ghani...

Ex-German President's Son Stabbed to Death During Speech

Richard von Weizsaecker's son Fritz, 59, was killed at hospital where he was a head physician

(Newser) - The son of former German president Richard von Weizsaecker, one of the country's most popular leaders, was stabbed to death while giving a lecture at a Berlin hospital where he worked as a head physician, police said Wednesday. A 57-year-old German man is in custody after he leaped from...

A Late President, a Sword, and a Mystery

Cops says weapon used by William Henry Harrison was recovered; historian says no

(Newser) - A sword believed to have seen action in the American Revolution, been wielded by eventual President William Henry Harrison in the War of 1812, and gone missing from a Cincinnati museum is now said to be recovered after 40 years, though one historian refutes the claim. Fox News reports on...

French President Who Stood Up to US Dead at 86
French President Who
Stood Up to US Dead at 86

French President Who Stood Up to US Dead at 86

Former French leader Jacques Chirac died 'peacefully, among his loved ones'

(Newser) - Jacques Chirac, a two-term French president who was the first leader to acknowledge France's role in the Holocaust and defiantly opposed the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, has died at age 86. Son-in-law Frederic Salat-Baroux tells the AP that Chirac died Thursday "peacefully, among his loved ones....

He Was Rumored to Be Dead. So He Drove Out to the Fire Pit

Turkmenistan's president has an odd way of proving he's alive

(Newser) - He could've just held up a newspaper with a recent date displayed as proof of life. But that's not how Turkmenistan's president rolls when he wants to quash death rumors and let people know he's very much alive. Last month, a rep for the country's...

Human Rights Official on Morsi Death: 'Entirely Predictable'

Family, other critics: Mohamed Morsi's demise hastened by harsh treatment in prison

(Newser) - The cause of death of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, who died Monday after collapsing in court during his espionage trial: perhaps a heart attack or stroke, the Washington Post reports, citing local media and Egyptian authorities. The take of a Human Rights Watch official, however: "entirely predictable."...

Lawyer on Charges Against Ex-MSU President: 'Baseless'

Lou Anna Simon accused of making false or misleading statements in Larry Nassar case

(Newser) - She was the first woman president at Michigan State University, but her career there ended in the aftermath of Larry Nassar . Now Lou Anna Simon has a new problem to deal with: The Lansing State Journal reports she's the third person from MSU to be hit with charges from...

In Presidential Rankings, There's a New No. 1

Nearly half of all Americans say No. 44 was best president of their lives in Pew survey

(Newser) - Ask Americans who the best president has been in their lifetimes, and one man ranks significantly above all others—though he didn't always. Barack Obama won the top spot in the Pew Research Center survey, based on phone interviews with 2,000 US adults during the week of June...

After His Power Grab Comes a Surprise Turn: 'I Was Wrong'

Armenia's leader, a Putin ally, abruptly resigns amid protests

(Newser) - A surprising turn of events this week has focused attention on the former Soviet state of Armenia: There, longtime leader Serzh Sargsyan abruptly resigned on Monday amid protests accusing him of a blatant power grab. "I was wrong," Sargsyan, an ally of Vladimir Putin, told the nation. As...

2 Men Alive Today Are Grandkids of Our 10th President

John Tyler's descendants have second wives to thank

(Newser) - "I think it had to do with second wives." Pretty much. CBS News is out with a good bit of historical trivia: John Tyler, who was born in 1790 when George Washington was president and became America's 10th president in 1841, has two living grandsons. As the...

An Attempt to Force Out the 'Teflon President'

Ruling party wants President Jacob Zuma to step down; 'defiant' Zuma says no

(Newser) - A "battle for the soul" of the African National Congress is taking place in South Africa, a political analyst tells the Guardian , which reports the ruling party is trying to force "Teflon President" Jacob Zuma to resign—a request the "defiant" Zuma is rejecting. In what CNN...

Oprah's Rousing Golden Globes Speech Re-Ignites Old Whispers

Could an Oprah 2020 campaign emerge out of this?

(Newser) - It started with a half-kidding plea at the beginning of the Golden Globes for Oprah Winfrey to run for president, but by the end of the night, that thought was gaining steam. As the awards show opened, host Seth Meyers joked that if his stint as host at the 2011...

Trick or Treat? Hillary Jokes About Halloween Costume

Clinton says maybe she'll dress up as 'the president'

(Newser) - When Hillary Clinton said she was "ready to come out of the woods," she meant it. Clinton has been working the news-show circuit , promoting her new memoir , and speaking up more on Twitter . She's even gotten her sense of humor back, making a snarky tweet over the...

What Do These Guys Have to Smile About? Their New Pics

Official portraits of Trump, Pence released after long delay

(Newser) - Check out President Trump's Twitter pages—both the official @POTUS account and his personal handle —and his avatar is the picture of squinting seriousness. But both he and VP Mike Pence are showing off their pearly whites in their new official portraits, released Tuesday and now circulating online...

India's New President Is an 'Untouchable'

Ram Nath Kovind is a member of lower-caste Dalit community

(Newser) - Members of the low-caste Dalit community in India were once known as "untouchables." How times have changed: Two just competed against each other for the largely ceremonial office of president, and 71-year-old Ram Nath Kovind came out on top, reports CNN . In India, the real power is with...

Oprah Changes Thinking About Possible White House Run

Trump's win made her realized government experience not needed

(Newser) - An #Oprah2020 hashtag popped up on Twitter Wednesday, and it wasn't spurred by some random liberal pipe dream, but by the person the Daily Beast describes as our "national darling." In an interview with Carlyle Group CEO David Rubenstein for his Bloomberg Television talk show, Winfrey said...

Soothsayer Busted for Predicting President's Demise

Probably wasn't a good idea to say Maithripala Sirisena was going to die

(Newser) - An astrologer who made several predictions that Sri Lanka President Maithripala Sirisena would die has been arrested and released on bail, police said Wednesday, per the AP . Most Sri Lankans follow astrologers' advice, and the suspect, Vijitha Rohana Wijemuni, is a former navy sailor convicted of attempting to assassinate India'...

Brazil Starts 'Kafka-esque' Impeachment Debate

Lawmakers who want President Dilma Rousseff out allege finance rule violations

(Newser) - The lower chamber of Brazil's Congress has begun debate on whether to impeach President Dilma Rousseff , with the crucial vote slated for Sunday, the AP reports. The government had carried out an unsuccessful bid before the country's Supreme Court to try to halt the process, but that appeal...

Student Goes on Hunger Strike to Fix 'Infected' Campus

U of Missouri student wants president gone over racist, sexist, homophobic incidents

(Newser) - Jonathan Butler isn't planning on eating "until either Tim Wolfe is removed from office or my internal organs fail and my life is lost." Those were the words the graduate student wrote in a letter sent Monday to University of Missouri officials, declaring he's on a...

DNA Tells Tale of a President's Scandalous Affair

Warren Harding did father Nan Britton's child: AncestryDNA

(Newser) - Her 1927 tell-all book describing an affair with America's 29th president—and claiming him as the father of her child—propelled Nan Britton to the title of Warren G. Harding's most famous mistress . But as Britton only revealed the relationship after Harding's death and said she'd...

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