Inauguration Day

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Biden Inauguration Beats Trump's in the Ratings

Preliminary Nielsen figures show an approximately 4% increase

(Newser) - President Biden's inauguration Wednesday may have had a limited in-person audience thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, but when it came to those watching at home, its audience was larger than that for former President Trump's inauguration in 2017. Variety reports the early numbers from Nielsen show about 39....

Amanda Gorman's Fans Make Her Books Bestsellers

'I am on the floor,' inaugural poet says

(Newser) - Amanda Gorman has two books coming out, but not until September. After the poet's performance at President Biden's inauguration Wednesday, they went to the top of a bestseller list anyway. "I am on the floor," Gorman tweeted . "My books are #1 and #2 on Amazon...

Bernie Sanders' Mittens Were a Massive Hit

'There was Bernie, wearing my mittens,' says Vermont schoolteacher

(Newser) - Lady Gaga wore a stunning outfit at President Biden's inauguration Wednesday, but the most talked-about item of clothing by far was Sen. Bernie Sanders' comfy mittens. Sanders wore the mittens—made by Vermont second-grade teacher Jen Ellis from repurposed wool sweaters and lined with fleece made from recycled plastic—...

At State Capitols, Protest Numbers Were Tiny

Only one demonstrator appeared in Albany

(Newser) - State capitals around the country were braced for trouble during President Biden's inauguration Wednesday—but crowds of violent pro-Donald Trump demonstrators did not appear. Small numbers of protesters demonstrated in some cities, but they were outnumbered by police and journalists. In Albany, where New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo skipped...

What A Difference 2 Weeks Makes for Hero Capitol Cop

Eugene Goodman escorted Vice President Kamala Harris to the inauguration

(Newser) - Two weeks after he lured members of a pro-Trump mob away the Senate chamber when they stormed the US Capitol, Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman escorted incoming Vice President Kamala Harris to the inauguration ceremony on Wednesday, the Hill reports. Goodman, who is seen in video confronting rioters during the...

President, First Lady Arrive at White House

Trump made it to Mar-a-Lago before presidency ended

(Newser) - President Biden has entered the White House for the first time as chief executive after walking an abbreviated parade route amid sounds of "Hail to the Chief." The 46th president and first lady Jill Biden walked through a military cordon lining the White House driveway with the flags...

World Leaders Hail 'New Dawn in America'

'Welcome back to the Paris Agreement!'

(Newser) - Leaders across the globe welcomed the arrival of President Biden and the end of the often confrontational presidency of Donald Trump, noting the world’s most pressing problems, including the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, require multilateral cooperation, an approach Trump ridiculed. Many expressed hope Wednesday that Biden would right...

Inaugural Poet Finished Work After Capitol Riot

Amanda Gorman is youngest-ever inaugural poet

(Newser) - President Biden is the fourth president to have had a poem read at their inauguration—and at 22, Amanda Gorman is the youngest inaugural poet ever. Gorman, who became America's first National Youth Poet Laureate in 2017, read new work "The Hill We Climb," which she completed...

Stocks Hit All-Time Highs as Biden Inaugurated

Dow jumps more than 200 points

(Newser) - Then-President Trump often warned that stock markets would crash if Joe Biden was elected president—but that definitely wasn't the case after the election, or when Biden was sworn in Wednesday. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq hit all-time highs in trading Wednesday and the Dow Jones Industrial Average...

Photos From the Biden Inauguration
The 59th Inauguration in Photos

The 59th Inauguration in Photos

Biden, Harris make history on a day like no other

(Newser) - With fist bumps replacing handshakes and flags replacing spectators on the National Mall, this was an inauguration like no other in American history. Joe Biden became the 46th president of the United States, taking the oath of office on a family Bible minutes after Kamala Harris became the first female...

Joe Biden Is Now Our President
Joe Biden Becomes
the 46th President

Joe Biden Becomes the 46th President

It's official

(Newser) - Joe Biden swore the oath of office Wednesday to become the 46th president of the United States, during an inauguration ceremony with few parallels in history. He was administered the oath by Chief Justice John Roberts as three former presidents—Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama—looked on....

How Trump Plans to Leave the White House
Trump's Farewell Speech:
'Have a Good Life'

Trump's Farewell Speech: 'Have a Good Life'

He arrived at Joint Base Andrews shortly after 8:30am

(Newser) - Joe Biden will become the 46th president at noon, and President Trump will have been long gone by the time that happens. Trump departed for Mar-a-Lago on Air Force One at 8:59am. He arrived at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland shortly after 8:30am to a 21-gun salute and...

Hundreds of Thousands Will Wear Pearls for Kamala Harris

The incoming vice president likes Converse shoes and pearl necklaces

(Newser) - Kamala Harris is known for her love of Converse sneakers and pearls, and now hundreds of thousands of women are pledging to wear one or both on Wednesday in honor of Harris as she becomes the nation's first female vice president. The New York Times reports that the Facebook...

What to Expect in 'Most Important Inaugural Speech Since Lincoln'

Themes will be unity, recovery at noon, aides say

(Newser) - Joe Biden becomes president on Wednesday, and Sen. Chris Coons, one of his close allies, says the speech he gives on the occasion will be "the most important inaugural speech since Lincoln." Biden has the daunting task of attempting to unite the country after a divisive election and...

12 National Guard Members Removed From Inauguration

It's not clear how many of them, if any, have potential links to extremist groups

(Newser) - Amid concerns of a possible "insider attack" at President-elect Biden's inauguration, a dozen National Guard members have been removed from inaugural duties in Washington, DC, and sent home, Defense Department officials said Tuesday. All of them were found to either have links to right-wing militia groups or to...

The Nuclear Football Is Getting Passed in an Unprecedented Way

One will accompany Trump to Florida, while another will await Biden to be sworn in in DC

(Newser) - There will be at least two briefcases containing the authorization codes necessary to launch a nuclear strike in the US floating around on Inauguration Day. One "nuclear football" is expected to accompany President Trump to Florida on Wednesday morning ahead of President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration ceremony in Washington,...

Police Arrest Armed Man Near Capitol

Virginia contractor presented credentials but wasn't authorized to enter the area

(Newser) - A Virginia man was arrested at a security checkpoint near the US Capitol on Friday evening after police said they found a pistol and more than 500 rounds of ammunition in his pickup. Seeing stickers on the truck with messages such as "If they come for your guns Give...

Inauguration Poet to 'Touch' on Capitol Attack

Amanda Gorman was chosen to read by the Bidens

(Newser) - At age 22, poet Amanda Gorman, chosen to read at the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, already has a history of writing for official occasions. "I have kind of stumbled upon this genre. It's been something I find a lot of emotional reward in, writing something I can...

Proud Boys Leader: 'We're Going to Take a Chill Pill'

Henry 'Enrique' Tarrio says group will stay away from DC on Inauguration Day

(Newser) - The leader of the Proud Boys has been banned from the nation's capital , and now he says the rest of the group is likely to stay away from Washington, DC, as well on Jan. 20. "We’re going to take a chill pill," Henry "Enrique" Tarrio,...

These Are Your Inauguration Performers

Lady Gaga to sing national anthem at Jan. 20 ceremony

(Newser) - The inauguration performers have been revealed. Lady Gaga, who campaigned for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania, will sing the national anthem at the Jan. 20 swearing-in ceremony, to kick off around 11:30am ET, Variety confirms. Jennifer Lopez is also slated to perform at the ceremony, where Georgia...

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