Greta Van Susteren

18 Stories

Greta Van Susteren Is Out at MSNBC After Less Than 6 Months
Booted One
of Its Hosts

MSNBC Just Booted One of Its Hosts

Greta Van Susteren is out

(Newser) - Greta Van Susteren's stop at a third cable news network proved to be short, the AP reports. MSNBC said Thursday that she's out after less than six months at the network, to be replaced by Ari Melber. Van Susteren began hosting a Washington-based 6pm weeknight show at MSNBC...

On-Air Shooting Survivor: I Played Dead

 On-Air Shooting 
 Survivor: I 
 Played Dead 
fox news interview

On-Air Shooting Survivor: I Played Dead

Vicki Gardner gives her first interview

(Newser) - Vicki Gardner, the sole survivor of the WDBJ7 on-air shootings last month, gave her first interview to Greta Van Susteren on Fox News last night. "It was just very, very fast. And I saw movement. And then gunfire. Lots and lots of gunfire. From that point, it was very...

Rumsfeld: 'A Trained Ape' Could Do What Obama Can't

Rumsfeld savages president for declining relations with Afghanistan

(Newser) - Well, we're sure no one will take this the wrong way. Last night Donald Rumsfeld savaged the Obama administration's handling of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who yesterday came out in support of Russia's Crimea invasion. "Our relationship with Karzai and with Afghanistan was absolutely first rate...

Palin Didn't Read Duck Dynasty Interview She Defended

A&E showing marathon tomorrow despite controversy

(Newser) - When Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson got in hot water over anti-gay remarks , Sarah Palin rushed to defend him from the "hatin'." She told Greta Van Susteren yesterday, however, that she hasn't actually read the GQ interview in question, Politico reports. Van Susteren wanted to know whether...

Time Puts Fat Joke on Christie Cover

Refers to him as the 'Elephant in the room'

(Newser) - Chris Christie's landslide reelection win has landed him on the cover of Time —and that cover has landed Time in hot water. That's because over a silhouette of the governor, the magazine went with the headline "The Elephant in the Room." Which, Mediaite notes, is...

Fox's Female Hosts Slam Male Colleagues as Sexist

Megyn Kelly, Greta Van Susteren amazed guys think women shouldn't be breadwinners

(Newser) - If you've missed the hullabaloo that erupted over a new study showing that moms are now the primary or sole breadwinner in 40% of households with kids, much of it played out today on Megyn Kelly's Fox News show. The background is that a slew of conservative men,...

Louis CK Cancels Speech After Conservative Outcry

Greta Van Susteren called for boycott of press dinner

(Newser) - Comedian Louis CK has pulled out of speaking at the upcoming 68th Radio & Television Correspondents Association dinner, saying that "he just didn't want to do it anymore," reports the Hollywood Reporter . The move came after conservatives balked, most notably Fox News host Greta Van Susteren. She...

Santorum Backer Sorry for Birth Control 'Joke'

Foster Friess' unfunny comment not campaign's problem: candidate

(Newser) - After making headlines yesterday by saying aspirin "between [gals'] knees" once served as birth control , Foster Friess explained his comments to Lawrence O'Donnell last night. "I love the expression, 'It’s not so much what people say, it’s what people hear,' and obviously...

Cain's Wife to Break Silence on Fox

She'll have first campaign trail interview on Fox News

(Newser) - America will get its first good look at Gloria Cain soon: The campaign, beset by sexual harassment allegations , is setting up a debut interview for her with Greta Van Susteren on Fox News later this week, a source tells Politico . Until now, Mrs. Cain’s been conspicuously absent from the...

Palin on Debt: Just Obama Drama

President is fear mongering, she says

(Newser) - President Obama is just trying to scare the American people with his talk of serious consequences if no agreement can be reached on the debt ceiling, according to Sarah Palin. The Alaskan, appearing on Greta Van Susteren’s Fox News show, dismissed the situation as "more Obama drama,"...

Sarah Palin to Greta Van Susteren: The Bus Tour Isn't 'About Me'

 Sarah Palin: 
 This Bus Tour Is 
 'Not About Me' 
on-the-bus interview

Sarah Palin: This Bus Tour Is 'Not About Me'

It's about our charters of liberty, she tells Greta Van Susteren

(Newser) - Greta Van Susteren, who gets to go along for the ride on Sarah Palin’s bus tour, sat down with the potential 2012 presidential contender last night . Highlights:
  • The bus tour was Todd’s idea: “He texted me … and said, You know, we need to remind America about

Jon Stewart on Palin: Duh! She's Running

Daily Show host mocks bus tour

(Newser) - If you believe Sarah Palin's One Nation bus tour is something other than a prelude to a White House run, Jon Stewart has a bridge in Brooklyn he'd like to sell you. The Daily Show host, returning from hiatus, mocks the media's response to the Palin tour....

Sarah Palin: 'No, I Have Not Had Implants'

She lays rumor to rest on Fox News

(Newser) - Sarah Palin herself has denied the rumors: "No, I have not had implants," she tells Greta Van Susteren on Fox News . "A report like that is about as real and truthful as reports that (my husband) Todd and I are divorcing or that I bought a place...

Fiorina's Catty Hair Remark Is a Big Deal

So much for girl power, writes Ruth Marcus

(Newser) - Just when Ruth Marcus was feeling good about the women in the 2010 race, Carly Fiorina had to make that catty comment about Barbara Boxer’s hair. Fiorina tried to laugh it off—“It sort of goes with the territory,” she told Greta Van Susteren. “No no ...

Greta Van Susteren to Internet: Am I Dumb?

Internet to Fox News anchor: Yes

(Newser) - Ask the Internet a stupid question, it’ll give you a stupid answer. Greta Van Susteren got an angry email from Brian in Tahlequah, Okla., complaining that her “brain is empty” and she has “a mind like a seive,” and decided to post it on her blog...

CNN Last in Prime-Time Ratings Race
CNN Last in Prime-Time Ratings Race

CNN Last in Prime-Time Ratings Race

Cable viewers prefer opinion-based news programming

(Newser) - CNN’s ratings have fallen behind those of the other major cable news networks as prime-time viewers pass over the network in favor of opinion-based news coverage. Every prime-time CNN show lost to its Fox News opponent, and in some instances the losses were even more humiliating—at 10pm, for...

Mutual Pal Pushed Palin to Court Clintons

To help image problems, help pay down Hillary's debt, Palin ally urged

(Newser) - A Maryland lawyer who is a sometime adviser to Sarah Palin urged her to forge an alliance with Hillary Clinton, reports Politico. John Coale, aka Greta Van Susteren's hubby, suggested that Palin donate funds from her political action committee to help Clinton retire campaign debt. Palin was open to reaching...

Fox's Van Susteren Nabs First Post-Election Palin Chat

Host has bashed sniping at Alaska governor by unnamed McCain sources

(Newser) - Fox News host Greta Van Susteren beat out a slew of prominent journalists for the first post-election interview with Sarah Palin, the Los Angeles Times reports. Van Susteren has defended the Alaska governor against a recent storm of criticism from unnamed McCain aides, and will allow the former candidate to...

18 Stories
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