President Obama

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Bradley Manning Wants Obama, Clinton as Witnesses

Preliminary hearing begins Dec. 16

(Newser) - Bradley Manning's preliminary hearing is set to begin Dec. 16, and if the US Army private has his way, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will be among the witnesses. The president and the secretary of state were included on a 20-page list of defense witnesses in a request made...

Obama Pushes Payroll Tax Cut Amid GOP Split

President puts pressure on Congress to act

(Newser) - President Obama wants voters to get involved in the debate over extending the reduced payroll tax, and he's asking them to tell members of Congress to keep the cut in place. "Let your members of Congress know where you stand," Obama said today in his weekly radio...

Obama's New Catchphrase: 'Change Is'

President emphasizes his achievements with new rhetorical device

(Newser) - Barack Obama has a new pet rhetorical device designed to highlight his accomplishments and kindle memories of his 2008 campaign. The magic words: “Change is…” Obama trotted out the phrase a dozen times in a speech in New York Wednesday, the Huffington Post reports, with lines like, "...

Obama on AIDS: We Will 'Win This Fight'

US increasing spending on HIV treatment by $50 million

(Newser) - President Obama marked World AIDS Day with a promise of more money and increased attention both in the US and abroad, reports AP :
  • The US will increase spending on HIV treatment within its own borders by $50 million.
  • He promised to help 6 million people in hard-hit countries get access

Obama Won't Apologize for Pakistan Strike

Balks against State Dept., says US has apologized enough

(Newser) - President Obama has decided against issuing a formal apology to Pakistan over a NATO airstrike that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, even as the State Department insists he must do so to salvage relations with Pakistan, officials tell the New York Times . The administration is instead backing the Defense Department, which...

Christie to Obama: 'What the Hell Are We Paying You For?'

President let super committee fail: NJ governor

(Newser) - Chris Christie slapped President Obama over the failure of the super committee, calling the president a “bystander” in the deficit mess. “I was angry this weekend, listening to the spin coming out of the administration,” the New Jersey governor said, suggesting that “the president knew it...

Drones and Cyberwar: Obama Doctrine Calls for Silent War, Writes Roger Cohen

 The Obama 
 Silent War 

The Obama Doctrine: Silent War

War on Terror has gone 'undercover': Roger Cohen

(Newser) - Make no mistake about it, there is an Obama Doctrine—but you won’t hear about it from the man himself. That’s because it’s a “doctrine of silence,” writes Roger Cohen in the New York Times . “America has decided that conventional wars of uncertain outcome...

Russian Newscaster Seems to Flip Off Obama On-Air

Not so, says the station: But it still fired her

(Newser) - Some things need no translation: A Russian newscaster has been fired after she raised her middle finger while mentioning Barack Obama in a news item, reports the Telegraph . The privately owned REN TV called the on-air move by Tatyana Limanova "unacceptable." The channel, though, added that Limanova was...

Obama: Keep Hope Alive on Thanksgiving

Weekly address thanks troops, nation

(Newser) - President Obama’s weekly address is a Thanksgiving message for hard times. “I know that for many of you, this Thanksgiving is more difficult than most,” he says in the White House video. “But no matter how tough things are right now, we still give thanks for...

Romney Defends Use of Out-of-Context Obama Quote

Ad's message is 'guess what, it's your turn,' he says

(Newser) - Signalling a no-holds-barred fight ahead, Mitt Romney is standing by the use of an out-of-context quote from President Obama in his first TV ad . The ad—slammed by Democrats and called "ridiculously misleading" by non-partisan campaign watchdog Politifact—features Obama saying, "If we keep talking about the economy,...

President Obama to Pardon Turkeys 'Liberty,' 'Peace' for Thanksgiving

Obama Pardons 'Liberty'

Thanksgiving turkey catches a break

(Newser) - Two lucky ducks, er, turkeys dodged a dark fate this year. Liberty, who is 19 weeks old and weighs 45 pounds, received a presidential Thanksgiving pardon; her alternate, Peace, also got one, USA Today notes. President Obama said it was his latest “executive order” that didn’t require Congressional...

Occupy-Style Protest Interrupts Obama

Demonstrators employ 'mic check' at New Hampshire speech

(Newser) - A group of protesters cut into President Obama’s speech in Manchester, New Hampshire, today with an Occupy-style call-and-response, briefly silencing the president. As Obama began to speak, a voice in the crowd yelled, “Mic check!” which was instantly echoed much the way it would be at any...

Romney Unveils First TV Ad
 Romney Unveils First TV Ad 

Romney Unveils First TV Ad

Obama campaign blasts 'deceitful' attack ad

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has rolled out the first TV ad of his 2012 campaign—and he has John McCain to thank for its most effective line. The ad begins with images of President Obama on the stump in 2008, saying: "I am confident that we can steer ourselves out of...

Obama Must Step Aside, Let Hillary Run

Election, good governance require new Democratic candidate: pollsters

(Newser) - If the Democrats want to win in 2012—and be able to get anything done in the following four years—it’s time for President Obama to hand the baton to Hillary Clinton, write two Democratic pollsters in the Wall Street Journal . “Never before has there been such an...

Turkey Pardon as Barbaric as Death Penalty

Thanksgiving tradition a reminder of 'arbitrary' punishment: Justin Smith

(Newser) - On the surface, the annual presidential pardon of a turkey may be all in fun, but it’s also a disturbing reminder of the continued existence of the death penalty in this country. The pardon makes light of “the strange power vested in politicians to decide the earthly fates...

With Pipeline, Obama Puts Politics Over Nation
With Pipeline, Obama Puts Politics Over Nation
charles krauthammer

With Pipeline, Obama Puts Politics Over Nation

He delays decision until after election only to win environmental vote: Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - Now that the White House has delayed a decision on the controversial Keystone pipeline from Canada until after the 2012 election, Charles Krauthammer wonders: Isn't this the same president saying, "We can't wait" to fix the US economy? Obama made the decision solely to "appease his...

VIDEO: President Obama Takes on Big Tobacco, Congratulates Those Trying to Quit in Great American Smokeout Message
 Calls Out 
 Big Tobacco 

Great American Smokeout

Obama Calls Out Big Tobacco

President congratulates those trying to quit

(Newser) - President Obama congratulated those who are making plans to quit smoking today as part of the Great American Smokeout, wryly acknowledging that “quitting smoking is hard—believe me, I know.” He also slammed Big Tobacco for attempting to block new cigarette warning labels “because they don’...

Texas Student GOP Leader: Shooting Obama 'Tempting'

Tweet follows shots outside White House

(Newser) - Soon after shots were fired in front of the White House , the head of college Republicans at the University of Texas Austin suggested that shooting the president might be “tempting.” “Y'all as tempting as it may be, don't shoot Obama,” Lauren Pierce tweeted. “...

GOP Pounces on Obama's 'Lazy' Remark

He was talking about foreign investment, but it doesn't matter

(Newser) - Prepare to hear the word "lazy" a lot in future political ads. As Politico notes, Republicans are jumping all over comments President Obama made last weekend in response to a question about the US luring foreign investors. "We’ve been a little bit lazy, I think, over the...

President Obama Announces Increased Military Presence in Australia, Insists US Does Not Fear China
 Obama: US Not Afraid of China 

Obama: US Not Afraid of China

President announces increased military presence in Australia

(Newser) - The US and Australia announced a new security agreement today, seen by many as a response to China’s growing power, but President Obama insisted that “the notion that we fear China is mistaken.” Under the agreement, the US military presence will be expanded, with about 250 Marines...

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