President Obama

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Stories 1821 - 1840 | << Prev   Next >>

'Granny' Obama Survives Car Crash

91-year-old Sarah Obama slightly injured in Kenya accident

(Newser) - President Obama's 91-year-old step-grandmother is recovering from minor injuries suffered in a car accident near her village in Kenya. Sarah Obama, the second wife of Obama's paternal grandfather, was treated for bruises and shock after the car she was in rolled over, AP reports. "God is with...

Obama Orders Sanctions Against Iran's Central Bank

Tougher measures were included under NDAA

(Newser) - President Obama issued an executive order today imposing tough new sanctions on Iran's Central Bank. The order freezes "all property and interests in property of the Government of Iran," and of "any Iranian financial institution." The sanctions were included in the controversial defense bill Obama...

US Drones Return to Hit Rescuers, Funerals

Strikes occurring every 4 days under Obama: report

(Newser) - A few days back, President Obama said that US drone attacks in Pakistan had "not caused a huge number of civilian casualties." But a Bureau of Investigative Journalism report finds that somewhere between 282 and 535 civilians, including 60 children, have been "credibly reported" killed in the...

Obama Nails Clear Lead in Romney Matchup Poll

Obama tops Romney 51%-45%, as economy lifts Prez's approval rating

(Newser) - Even as Mitt Romney moves firmly into the lead in the GOP presidential nomination race, the improving economy is lifting President Obama ahead of Romney, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll . Head to head, Obama now leads Romney 51% to 45% among registered voters—and 54% to 43%...

Negative Attacks Souring Colorado Voters on GOP

'Anybody but Obama' not enough for crucial independents in swing states

(Newser) - The bruising, highly negative Republican presidential nomination fight appears to be creating a new casualty as the race moves into swing states like Colorado—independent voters, reports the Los Angeles Times . President Obama may have disappointed many voters over the past three years, but the GOP candidates' continuing bashing of...

Obama: I Deserve Second Term

Prez boasts of progress in economy, Iran

(Newser) - In his 2009 pre-Super Bowl interview, President Obama said that if the economy wasn't fixed by now, he would not deserve a second term. And today, with spiraling debt and 8.3% unemployment? "I deserve a second term," Obama said in yesterday's pre-game interview, adding: "...

Obama: Israel Not Sure About Bombing Iran

President urges diplomatic solution to nuclear crisis

(Newser) - President Barack Obama said today he does not think Israel has decided whether to attack Iran over its disputed nuclear program, a standoff that has the Middle East on edge. The president sought to assure allies and foes alike that the United States was working in lockstep with Israel to...

Which Path for Obama— Reagan or Bush the Elder?

Economy could propel him to re-election, or doom him

(Newser) - The better-than-expected jobs report yesterday lifts President Obama's chances of re-election, but the Wall Street Journal points out that he's going to need more good news if history is any guide. It could go one of two ways, a la Ronald Reagan or George HW Bush. At the...

&#39;President Obama Just May Have Lost the Election&#39;
'President Obama Just May Have Lost the Election'
Peggy Noonan

'President Obama Just May Have Lost the Election'

His decision on birth control and Catholics will haunt him: Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's "inept" line about not being concerned about the poor generated most of the headlines, but it was nowhere near the biggest political gaffe of the week, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal . That would be President Obama's decision to require Catholic institutions to...

Gingrich&#39;s Fury a Boon for Romney

 Gingrich's Fury 
 a Boon for 

Gingrich's Fury a Boon for Romney

Newt paints Mitt as a moderate—handy for November: Jonathan Alter

(Newser) - You might think that Newt Gingrich's assault on Mitt Romney would give President Obama the upper hand in the general election—but actually, it's just the opposite, writes Jonathan Alter at Bloomberg . Gingrich's efforts will position Romney as the "more rational and centrist" candidate, which will...

Fallout Ripples From Obama's Birth Control Call

It's more than just Catholic church leaders who are irked

(Newser) - President Obama's decision to require Catholic hospitals and universities to include birth control in employee health plans was bound to anger the church . But the backlash has gone beyond church leaders, Politico notes—even Washington Post columnist EJ Dionne, a liberal Catholic who typically backs Obama, accused the president...

How Much Did Obama Really Add to Deficit?
 How Much Did Obama 
 Really Add to Deficit? 
Ezra Klein

How Much Did Obama Really Add to Deficit?

Ezra Klein crunches the numbers and comes up with a lower total than you think

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has taken to carrying around a debt clock, blaming President Obama for the ever-climbing number it shows. But the clock doesn't show how much Obama has actually added to that debt, so Ezra Klein set out to find out. "There are two answers," he writes...

Michelle: Barack &#39;Sings to Me All the Time&#39;

 Michelle: Barack 
 'Sings to Me 
 All the Time' 
jay leno interview

Michelle: Barack 'Sings to Me All the Time'

First lady dishes on husband's skills with Jay Leno

(Newser) - If you thought the recent clip of President Obama singing was a fluke, think again: "He does have a beautiful voice, and he sings to me all the time," Michelle Obama told Jay Leno last night. Her husband often sings that very same song (Al Green's "...

Obama to Woman: Send Me Jobless Husband's Resume

Also defends drone use in Google+ chat

(Newser) - President Obama sat down for an extended "interview" in a Google+ Hangout yesterday, and at one point, things got a little personal, Politico reports. When a woman confronted him over H-1B visas for skilled immigrants, saying that her husband, a semiconductor engineer, couldn't find a job, Obama turned...

Mitt Sings 'America,' and It Ain't Beautiful

The crooner-in-chief contest might be over

(Newser) - If President Obama absolutely killed Al Green's "Let's Stay Together," Mitt Romney has apparently responded by just plain murdering a patriotic standard. The Republican candidate was caught on camera last night at a Florida campaign rally warbling "America the Beautiful," which the Washington Post...

Biden: I Advised Against bin Laden Raid

Panetta was the only adviser fully in favor, VP says

(Newser) - Joe Biden has admitted that he made the wrong call on the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Describing the decision-making process to House Democrats at their annual retreat, Biden said that when President Obama asked his top advisers for their judgment on whether the raid should go ahead, Leon...

Obama Understands People Best: Poll

More than half say he relates to average Americans

(Newser) - No-Drama Obama may be lying low these days, but most Americans say he relates to their problems best. A new Pew Research/Washington Post poll of 1,006 adults gives President Obama good marks on the empathy scale, Politico reports:
  • 55% say he relates to the needs of average people fairly

Grover Norquist: Soon It's Time to Impeach Obama

Anti-tax advocate reveals plan for Republican majority

(Newser) - Anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist sat down with the National Journal recently to talk tax cuts, Republican majorities, and ... the impeachment of President Obama. Let's start with Norquist's ideal outcome in the 2012 elections: "If the Republicans have the House, Senate, and the presidency ... you extend the Bush...

Obama Crashes Alfalfa Club

President zings at elite DC dinner

(Newser) - President Obama was palling around with Washington's one-percenters last night, cracking wise at the Alfalfa Club dinner for the first time since 2009 , reports the Washington Post . The Alfalfa Club is the quintessential DC insider club, which exists pretty much for throwing an annual dinner, and guests had to...

Bill Maher: 'Who the F*** Is Saul Alinsky?'

Maher calls conservative propaganda 'paranoid,' 'fictional'

(Newser) - With conservatives increasingly comparing the strategy of President Obama to the playbook of Saul Alinsky, Bill Maher has two angry responses: "One, why would you invite my outrage by suggesting such a specious link? ... And two, who the f--- is Saul Alinsky?" In a clip picked up by Mediaite...

Stories 1821 - 1840 | << Prev   Next >>