President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Bin Laden Anniversary: Is Obama Gloating?

Critics think White House is out of bounds with emphasis on raid

(Newser) - With the May 1 anniversary of Osama bin Laden's killing upon us, the White House is going to great lengths to remind everyone all about it. For starters, there's Joe Biden's new stock phrase : "Bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive." Then there'...

In 2008, Obama Blasted Use of bin Laden in Political Ad

Which didn't stop his campaign from doing it today: ABC

(Newser) - The political ad generating all the buzz today is the one from the Obama campaign that invokes Osama bin Laden and suggests Mitt Romney is not prepared to make tough decisions as president. Something about it rang a bell for Michael Falcone at ABC's The Note blog: He points...

Utah Man Arrested in 'Kill Obama' Prank

Says hijacking note he put in pal's luggage was just a joke

(Newser) - A 31-year-old man from Utah is facing a federal charge after he allegedly left an apparent prank note that included the words "hijack plane" and "kill Obama" in his co-worker's luggage. Jeremiah Douglas Hill, of Clinton, was charged yesterday with one misdemeanor count of making a false...

White House Gives CIA OK to Bomb Yemen at Will

No need for agency to know targets' names before launching drone strike

(Newser) - The White House has loosened restrictions on the use of US drones against suspected militants in Yemen, following a CIA request . Now, the CIA and military can target militants seen as dangerous to the US without knowing their names, as is the case in Pakistan, the Wall Street Journal reports....

Obama Slow-Jams the News on Fallon

President makes a play for young voters

(Newser) - As Mitt Romney celebrated his five-state sweep, President Obama was on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon making a play for young voters. The president took part in one of Fallon's signature bits, "slow-jamming" the news as house band The Roots laid down a groove, Entertainment Weekly reports. "...

4 Things Obama Must Do to Win

 4 Things 
 Must Do 
 to Win 
robert reich

4 Things Obama Must Do to Win

Robert Reich: It's time for a clear economic strategy

(Newser) - President Obama's economic message is that "we're on the right track" and we should give him more time. But if the economy "stalls"—about a 50-50 chance—the message won't hold up, writes Robert Reich in the Guardian . It's time for Obama to...

Obama Blames 'Knuckleheads' for Scandal at Secret Service

3 more agents are out of jobs

(Newser) - President Obama tried to defuse the Secret Service scandal a bit during an interview with Jimmy Fallon that airs tonight, reports USA Today . The agents on the whole are "incredible," said Obama. “They protect me, they protect our girls. A couple of knuckleheads shouldn’t detract from...

Jon Lovitz Is Very, Very Unhappy With Obama

Calls him 'f***ing a**hole' on podcast

(Newser) - Breitbart TV 's latest reveal: Jon Lovitz is apparently no longer an Obama fan. The site highlights a clip from a recent Lovitz podcast in which the former Saturday Night Live star takes on the president for his plan to make the rich pay more taxes. "This...

Obama, Congress May as Well Go Home

Nothing will get done until after the election anyway: Judd Gregg

(Newser) - With 2012 campaign in full swing, neither the president nor Congress will do much governing until after the November elections—so they might as well just go home, and leave Washington to the pundits, the lobbyists, and the "professional, mid-level cadre" of bureaucrats who actually run the government anyway,...

Bill Clinton: Smear Romney as a Dirty ... Conservative?

 Bill Clinton: 
 Smear Romney 
 as a Dirty ... 


Bill Clinton: Smear Romney as a Dirty ... Conservative?

Bill Clinton tweaks anti-Romney strategy

(Newser) - Forget branding Mitt Romney as the father of ObamaCare, a flip-flopper, or a champion Etch-a-Sketcher—just call him a conservative, says Bill Clinton. The former president is pushing the current one to adjust his campaign strategy against the likely Republican nominee: Where the Obama team has long knocked Romney for...

Obama: Use Tech to Abuse Rebels, We'll Sanction You

Executive order fingers entities backing Iran, Syria, but could be enlarged

(Newser) - If you use technology to help a repressive regime commit human rights abuses, you'll find yourself slapped with US sanctions. That's the message from President Obama, who this morning announced a new executive order specifically targeting those backing Iran and Syria via technology, though it could be expanded...

Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28
Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28
new report

Media Decided GOP Race Was Over on Feb. 28

Even though Santorum didn't bow out until April 10

(Newser) - No one's been nominated yet—but the media crowned Mitt Romney the winner of the GOP primaries after he took Michigan on Feb. 28, a Pew report finds. Of course, Romney didn't essentially seal the deal until Rick Santorum dropped out. That happened on April 10, weeks after...

Big Shocker: Obama to Clinch Nomination Tomorrow

Democrats not planning big celebrations

(Newser) - There's one presidential nomination race free from spoilers, scandals, rancorous debates, and anybody-but-the-frontrunner hand-wringing—the Democrats'. And President Obama should clinch the nomination tomorrow after another five states vote, giving him 2,778 delegates and concluding a race that many people weren't even aware of, reports the AP...

Obama Disappoints His Pro-Pot Fans
 Obama Disappoints 
 His Pro-Pot Fans 

Obama Disappoints His Pro-Pot Fans

He gave them hope, then failed to deliver: Politico

(Newser) - President Obama seems to have made nothing but enemies in the pro-pot camp over four years. Those in favor of medical marijuana or the larger principle of legalizing recreational pot see it this way, writes Byron Tau in Politico : Obama the candidate in 2008 left the distinct impression he would...

Obama's Big Donors Slow to Write Checks

His fundraising is down compared to 2008

(Newser) - Whether because of the economy, fighting with Wall Street, or the lack of an exciting primary battle of his own, President Obama's fundraising this election cycle is behind where it was in 2008—$196 million as of the end of the March, down from $235 million in March 2008,...

Bachmann: Obama 'Waving a Tar Baby' on Gas Prices

Spokesperson insists remark had 'nothing to do with race'

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann stepped into a sticky situation this week, when she used the term "tar baby" while discussing President Obama's energy policy. In an interview with the conservative blog The Shark Tank on Wednesday, Bachmann opined that Obama is responsible for high gas prices, and shouldn't be...

Obama Camp Raffles Dinner With Clooney to Donors

President will be there, too

(Newser) - Dinner with the president not enough for you? You're in luck: The Obama campaign has sweetened the deal. George Clooney will also be joining winners of the campaign's "Dinner With Barack" contest, which offers a monthly chance at a presidential meal for donations as low as a...

Ted Nugent Has 'Professional' Chat With Secret Service

Looks like he's off the hook

(Newser) - After Ted Nugent's comments about President Obama got Secret Service attention, it looked like the rocker might be in trouble . But not much happened at his meeting today with two agents he called "fine" and "professional," the Washington Post reports. Though Nugent said he'd be...

Ted Nugent Meeting With Secret Service Today

'I'll be thoroughly polite,' he tells Glenn Beck

(Newser) - As if the Secret Service didn't have enough to deal with just now, agents are meeting today with shoot-from-the-lip rocker Ted Nugent . They're concerned about his comments that he'll be "dead or in jail" if President Obama wins reelection, apparently indicating some kind of violence . During...

Obama Digs at Romney: No 'Silver Spoon' for Me

He got an education and worked for his success, he says

(Newser) - President Obama spoke in Elyria, Ohio, today and delivered a not-so-thinly-veiled jab at Mitt Romney, notes the Hill : "I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth." Obama didn't mention Romney by name, but the message was clear as he sought to identify himself with...

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