President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama Gets Weepy at Final Rally

Romney holds last event in NH, then announces 2 more

(Newser) - President Obama returned to Iowa for what he says will be the final campaign event of his political career. The president, sharing a stage with Michelle, shed a few tears as he reminisced about his 2008 campaign and didn't mention Mitt Romney once in his 29-minute speech, Politico reports....

Obama Really Did a &#39;Heckuva Job&#39; on Sandy
 Obama Really Did a
'Heckuva Job' on Sandy

Obama Really Did a 'Heckuva Job' on Sandy

FEMA would fail once again under Romney: Paul Krugman

(Newser) - Some on the right might have been hoping that Sandy would be President Obama's Katrina, but Paul Krugman is having none of it: Instead, the president's handling of the superstorm has won him much well-deserved praise and even a bump in the polls, he writes in the New ...

Will Ferrell: Vote, and I&#39;ll Eat Toenails

 Stars Come Out 
 for Tomorrow's 
ferrell will eat toenails

Stars Come Out for Tomorrow's Election

Will Ferrell is willing to eat toenails to get you to vote

(Newser) - The stars are coming out in a big way as Election Day looms. The latest:
  • Will Ferrell really, really wants you to vote—and he'll do anything to make sure you do, he promises in a new video for President Obama. "Hungry? How about a home-cooked meal? Hope

What Election? Sandy Recovery Continues

Marines head to Staten Island, Queens

(Newser) - Sure, it's Election Day tomorrow—but to plenty of families still reeling from Sandy's effects, civic duty is a secondary concern, the Washington Post reports. "Everyone’s trying to live. They got kids. How’s anybody gonna go out and vote?" says a Manhattan school lunch helper....

Candidates Make Final Push
 Candidates Make Final Push 

Candidates Make Final Push

Obama, Romney have packed schedules on last day of campaign

(Newser) - With Election Day looming tomorrow, President Obama and Mitt Romney are making their final cases:
  • Both have rallies scheduled in that oh-so-important of states, Ohio, today. Obama is also visiting Wisconsin and Iowa, while Romney will hit Florida, Virginia, and New Hampshire, the AP reports. Romney has also been making

SEAL Team Six Sucks
 SEAL Team Six Sucks 
TV Review

SEAL Team Six Sucks

Critics yawn over Harvey Weinstein's political thriller

(Newser) - Harvey Weinstein is trying to give President Obama an electoral boost with SEAL Team Six , a feature airing tonight on National Geographic about the assault on Osama bin Laden's compound. But critics had trouble staying awake:
  • "As either propaganda or realist fiction SEAL Team Six is ineffective,"

Obama, Romney Face Off in Dueling CNN Op-Eds

Obama cites Hurricane Sandy, Romney wants 'fiscal sanity'

(Newser) - With just four days to go until the presidential election, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are squaring off one last time—in dueling op-eds on CNN 's website. Of course, at this late stage, neither candidate is revolutionizing their campaigns, but it is one of their last chances to...

Robocall Invents Bogus Obama-Netanyahu Debate

Creator laughs at criticism, promises more

(Newser) - Ah, the closing days of a tight, bitter election, when robocalls send fact-checkers' blood pressure through the roof. Case in point, one playing in swing states from the Emergency Committee for Israel that not only invents a debate between President Obama and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu that never existed, but...

Bloomberg Endorses Obama, Cites Hurricane

Mayor says president will lead on climate change

(Newser) - Hurricane Sandy's impact on the election grows: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg made a surprise endorsement of President Obama today, reports the New York Times . The reason? Bloomberg thinks climate change contributed to the storm, and he thinks Obama is more willing to deal with it.

Rove: Romney's Going to Win a Squeaker

Poll numbers, early results all in Romney's favor, says Karl Rove

(Newser) - Political guru Karl Rove may be predicting a Mitt Romney win next week, but at least he's keeping his predictions more modest than Dick Morris' " landslide ." Instead, Rove notes in the Wall Street Journal that Romney has a thin lead in national polls—he's ahead in...

Romney Looks to Swing 3 Blue States

Campaign, super PACs eye Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota

(Newser) - With the election less than a week away, Mitt Romney is making a push in some seemingly unlikely places. Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Minnesota have all gone blue since at least 1988—and Minnesota has the longest blue streak of any state, going the way of the Democrats since 1972. Still,...

Christie, Obama Get Aerial View of Damage

President travels to New Jersey

(Newser) - President Obama and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie surveyed the damage from Sandy by helicopter today, then traded praise afterward. “I want to let you know that your governor is working overtime,” Obama told people at a community center, reports the New York Times . Christie, who has been...

Woman, 108, Votes for the First Time

Joanna Jenkins backs Obama

(Newser) - Joanna Jenkins was not allowed to vote in her younger years thanks to Jim Crow laws—but even after those were abolished and the Voting Rights Act passed, she never voted … until this year, at the age of 108. Whose name did she check on her absentee ballot? “...

Presidential Campaigns Set to Resume

Mitt back on trail today, Obama following suit tomorrow

(Newser) - With Election Day less than a week away, President Obama and Mitt Romney are preparing to get back on the campaign trail—or at least those parts of it not flooded by superstorm Sandy.
  • Romney resumes his campaign schedule today with three rallies in Florida, while Obama will start campaigning

Obama's Problem: He Doesn't Seem to Care

Richard Cohen will still vote for him, but not happily

(Newser) - Richard Cohen does not disagree with the Washington Post’s endorsement of President Obama, he writes in that paper —but when he votes for Obama next week, it will be “with regret.” Because Cohen once mistook Obama for an RFK-like figure, only to be proved very wrong....

Trump to Obama: OK, You Can Have More Time

 Trump to Obama: 
 OK, Deadline 

Trump to Obama: OK, Deadline Extended

Hurricane Sandy probably has prez a little preoccupied

(Newser) - Donald Trump is nothing if not magnanimous. Considering President Obama is currently dealing with the devastation of a superstorm and probably hasn’t had time to dig around for his college transcripts, Trump is giving him some extra time to earn $5 million for his favorite charity . “Because of...

Obama Declares Major Disaster Area as Sandy Kills 16

More misery ahead as superstorm heads west

(Newser) - Superstorm Sandy is slowly moving inland, leaving a trail of devastation across the Northeast even as President Obama quickly declared major disaster areas in New York and New Jersey. The storm has killed at least 16 people in seven states, adding to the 69 people it killed in the Caribbean....

Hurricane Sends Partisan Attacks Packing

Softer tone as Obama hunkers down, Romney cancels stops

(Newser) - Unlike much of the East Coast, the presidential campaign hasn't been shut down by Hurricane Sandy. But the dynamics of the race have changed significantly, with President Obama in crisis mode in Washington and Mitt Romney canceling events "out of sensitivity for the millions of Americans in the...

'Odd' Views Persist on Obama's Religion: Poll

'Makes it difficult to trust the results': blogger

(Newser) - The AP released a shocking poll this week showing that racism is up across America and could cost Obama 5 points—but that poll also contains some weird numbers, blogs mollie at Patheos . First, the less weird: Only 10% think he's Muslim—down from 17% in 2010—while about...

Obama Is the 'Bullsh***er' on the Auto Bailout

Romney wanted to save Detroit too: Marc Thiessen

(Newser) - President Obama called Mitt Romney a "bullsh***er" the other day, but it's "Obama who is peddling the BS when it comes to Romney and automobile-company bankruptcy," writes Marc Thiessen at the Washington Post . An Obama campaign ad claims that Romney would have let the auto industry...

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