President Obama

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Fiscal Cliff Deal Coming Together

But Obama, Boehner still haggling over numbers

(Newser) - President Obama made a fresh offer on the fiscal crisis to John Boehner yesterday and while it was rejected, the two sides are now so close together that it is no longer inconceivable that a deal to avert the cliff could be wrapped up by Christmas. The rundown:
  • The Obama

Boehner's New Offer: No Fight Over Debt Ceiling

Dems see progress in fiscal-cliff negotiations

(Newser) - John Boehner has made another big offer in the fiscal-cliff debate : He's willing to delay any battle over the debt ceiling for a year. With a new debt-ceiling showdown expected in the coming months, Boehner's offer to let the ceiling rise means giving up a key bargaining chip...

Obama: Newtown, You Are Not Alone

At memorial, he pledges to curb violence

(Newser) - At a nationally televised memorial service for the Newtown school shooting victims, President Obama told the town's shattered people that America shared their grief and vowed to do everything in his power to prevent further tragedies. "I can only hope it helps for you to know that you’...

Boehner: I'll Tax the Rich —if Obama Budges Too

House speaker concedes on taxes for the first time

(Newser) - John Boehner inched toward President Obama's position in fiscal cliff talks by offering to increase taxes on the richest Americans—his first concession on marginal tax rates. That would affect at least those earning $1 million or more, sources tell Politico . In return Boehner wants to curb the growth...

Obama Headed to Conn. Today

Commander-in-chief's 4th turn at aftermath of a mass shooting

(Newser) - Making a sadly familiar journey, President Barack Obama will attend an evening vigil in Newtown, Conn., to mourn with a town still seeking to comprehend the unimaginable massacre of its children and teachers. His visit today to this southeastern Connecticut community comes two days after a man opened fire inside...

Gun-Control Plan? That Got Shelved

Proposal could fortify FBI background-check system

(Newser) - The Justice Department developed a new gun-control initiative after the Gabrielle Giffords shooting last year but shelved it in the heat of a presidential election campaign, the New York Times reports. Whether President Obama will revive it in the wake of the Connecticut school shooting is unknown. But the basic...

Obama Picks John Kerry for State: Source

Sen. Menendez will replace Kerry on key committee

(Newser) - President Obama has already picked John Kerry to succeed Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, a source tells the Chicago Sun-Times . Kerry's replacement as leader of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will apparently be Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey. The Sun-Times already reported that Clinton preferred Kerry over...

Obama Weekly Address: Time for Solidarity

Repeats call for 'meaningful action'

(Newser) - President Obama devoted his weekly radio address today to the Connecticut school shooting , asking Americans to pray for the victims and their families. "Most of those who died were just young children with their whole lives ahead of them," he said, echoing yesterday's news conference . "And...

Choked-Up Obama: 'Our Hearts Are Broken'

He says nation needs to take 'meaningful action'

(Newser) - President Obama today spoke about the Connecticut school shooting , and he nearly broke down at the podium while doing so. "Our hearts are broken today," said Obama, who had to take a moment to compose himself while referring to the "beautiful little kids" who were killed, notes...

Obama, GOP Dig Heels in, 'Hundreds of Billions' Apart

White House, Boehner not budging much in latest proposals

(Newser) - President Obama and John Boehner traded fiscal cliff proposals Monday and yesterday, but the two sides remain miles apart, and the Washington Post reports that they don't appear to be giving any ground. Yesterday's Republican proposal was basically the same as one Obama rejected a week ago, but...

Extinct Toothy Lizard Named After Obama

Obamadon gracilis disappeared with the dinosaurs

(Newser) - President Obama's toothy grin inspired researchers to name a newly discovered species of prehistoric lizard after him. Obamadon gracilis, a small, insect-eating lizard found in northwest Montana, went extinct along with the dinosaurs after a giant asteroid hit Earth around 65 million years ago. "The lizard has these...

Right-to-Work Becomes Law in Michigan

Thousands protest in Lansing

(Newser) - It's a huge day for labor in Michigan. Gov. Rick Snyder has signed a pair of right-to-work bills that make it illegal to require the payment of union dues in order to work, the Detroit Free Press reports. The state's House of Representatives passed the bills earlier today....

Santa Is a Democrat, Say Voters
 Santa Is a Democrat, Say Voters
new poll

Santa Is a Democrat, Say Voters

No word on Rudolph

(Newser) - Seems the North Pole is a blue state. According to 44% of American voters, Santa Claus is a Democrat. Some 28% say he's a Republican, and another 28% aren't quite sure, finds a survey by Public Policy Polling . And when it comes to the naughty-nice spectrum, Mitt Romney...

Even Washington Bored by Fiscal Cliff
 Even Washington 
 Bored by Fiscal Cliff 
howard kurtz

Even Washington Bored by Fiscal Cliff

Ultimately, stakes aren't that high: Howard Kurtz

(Newser) - Last year's debt-ceiling debate had Beltway insiders on the edge of their seats—but just like the rest of the US, Howard Kurtz thinks that even those in Washington have little passion for fiscal-cliff negotiations. The fact is that "the country won’t plunge into a recession on...

Obama Attends PSY Gig Despite Controversy

Gangnam star performs at Christmas in Washington concert

(Newser) - President Obama and his family attended a charity concert starring K-Pop juggernaut PSY last night despite controversy over anti-American lyrics he rapped in 2004 . Other performers at the annual "Christmas in Washington" concert, which raises funds for a children's hospital and has been attended by the first family...

Obama Will Take Corporate Cash for Inaugural Parties

It's a 'symbolic reversal' after 2009 festivities: Politico

(Newser) - One way President Obama's second inauguration will differ from his first: This time, he's accepting unlimited corporate funds for parties and receptions, a rep says. He still won't take money from PACs or lobbyists, the New York Times notes, and with the economy in mind, his inaugural...

Charlie Crist Becomes a Democrat

Former Republican governor backed Obama

(Newser) - From Republican to independent to Democrat: Florida's former GOP governor Charlie Crist has completed the paperwork to join the Democratic Party. "I've had friends for years tell me, 'You know, Charlie, you're a Democrat and you don't know it,'" he said in...

Here's Obama Accepting Romney's Concession

White House releases official photo

(Newser) - The White House's Flickr feed posted a notable image today: It shows President Obama accepting Mitt Romney's concession phone call on election night, reports CNN . Obama took the call in his room at the Fairmont Millennium Park hotel in Chicago, and it looks like the room might have...

Rebels Warn: Damascus Airport a 'Legit Target'

Russia poised to 'brainstorm' with US, envoy

(Newser) - Syrian rebels have issued a warning to civilians and airlines: Damascus International Airport is now a "military zone" to be approached at locals' "own risk." "The airport is now full of armored vehicles and soldiers," says a spokesman for rebels, who call the spot a...

Fiscal Cliff Talks Resume
 Fiscal Cliff 
 Talks Resume 

Fiscal Cliff Talks Resume

Boehner staffers meeting with White House staffers

(Newser) - It might be too much to hope for, but it's at least possible that the public harumphing over the fiscal cliff might be nearing an end: With 25 days to go, the Wall Street Journal reports that private talks between staffers of John Boehner and the White House have...

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