President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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NYC Voted Bluer Than Blue for Obama
NYC Voted
Bluer Than Blue
for Obama

NYC Voted Bluer Than Blue for Obama

President scored 81% of city's vote, best in a century

(Newser) - Not since the five boroughs joined together in 1898 has New York City seen such overwhelming support for a presidential candidate: President Obama won 81% of the city's vote, to Mitt Romney's 18%, underlining New York's deep blue politics, Bloomberg notes. Republicans haven't managed a quarter...

On Deck at Inaugural: Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson

James Taylor will also sing at Jan. 21 event

(Newser) - Not much of a shocker, but huge Obama fan Beyonce will perform at the president's second inauguration, People reports. She'll perform the National Anthem at the Jan. 21 event, while Kelly Clarkson will sing "My Country 'Tis of Thee" and James Taylor will perform "America...

Hagel's Skill: Saying What We Want to Hear

Bret Stephens: Former senator is no GOP maverick

(Newser) - Chuck Hagel showed courage in Vietnam—but those who hail him for the bravery to stand against his party have it wrong, writes Bret Stephens in the Wall Street Journal . The truth is, Hagel is just good at taking views "exactly in keeping with received Beltway wisdom." Take...

Gun Activists: Jan. 19 Is 'Gun Appreciation Day'

Conservatives rally as Joe Biden's team weighs sweeping measures

(Newser) - Are we surprised that an anti-gay rally inspired a pro-gun rally? Gun-rights activists say last year's "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day" has motivated them to make Jan. 19 "Gun Appreciation Day," reports NPR . Organizers want Americans to visit gun shows, gun ranges, and gun stores that Saturday, two...

On Karzai's Agenda for US Visit: Complaints

Afghan president has list of demands

(Newser) - Hamid Karzai will be in DC this week, and the visit sounds like it will be a less-than-pleasant one for President Obama. The Washington Post details the list of complaints Karzai will want to discuss, chief among them Karzai's belief that the US is violating his country's sovereignty...

Boehner: Why I Threw F-Bomb at Harry Reid

More WSJ goodies: 'I need this job like I need a hole in head'

(Newser) - John Boehner didn't seem to hold much back during his hour-long interview with Stephen Moore for the Wall Street Journal , which took place just after Boehner was re-elected House speaker . "I need this job like I need a hole in the head," the chain-smoking congressman says at...

Obama Signs Sandy Relief Bill

$9.7B headed to pay flood insurance claims

(Newser) - It's back to work for President Obama, who returned to Washington from vacation today to sign into law a bill that would throw $9.7 billion at flood insurance claims related to Superstorm Sandy, as well as increase FEMA's borrowing authority. FEMA had said it was running out...

Obama Picks Chuck Hagel for Pentagon: Report

Announcement expected tomorrow

(Newser) - President Obama has settled on a nominee to succeed Leon Panetta at the Pentagon, and it is indeed Chuck Hagel, reports Mike Allen at Politico . “Chuck Hagel is a decorated war hero who would be the first enlisted soldier and Vietnam veteran to go on to serve as Secretary...

This Was &#39;Worst Day&#39; of Obama&#39;s Presidency
 This Was 'Worst Day' 
 of Obama's Presidency 
2012 in images

This Was 'Worst Day' of Obama's Presidency

Photo is of Sandy Hook briefing; White House releases images from 2012

(Newser) - White House photographer Pete Souza has released a collection of images from 2012, and they can be viewed on the official Flickr stream here . We picked out a few, including one getting a lot of attention today: President Obama's reaction as he gets briefed on the Sandy Hook shooting....

Next for Obama: Immigration Reform

Plus: Executive order aims to limit family separations

(Newser) - Despite continued hand-wringing over fiscal policy, President Obama remains on schedule to push for immigration reform this month, an insider tells the Huffington Post . The effort will likely be led by Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren, who warns that "in the end, immigration reform is going to depend very much...

Post-2014 Afghanistan: US Has 3 Options

Gen. Allen presents scenarios to Pentagon

(Newser) - Gen. John Allen has submitted three options to the Pentagon for how to maintain a presence in Afghanistan after the 2014 military withdrawal, defense officials tell the New York Times :
  • 6,000 troops, highest risk of failure: At this level, the US mission would focus on counterterrorism. Special Ops commandos

Next Up: Debt Ceiling Showdown

But can you have a showdown if Obama refuses to show up?

(Newser) - President Obama signed the fiscal cliff tax deal last night, and you know what that means: Time for the debt ceiling fight! Technically, the government has already reached its $16.4 trillion borrowing limit, and is relying on "extraordinary measures" to get by. By the end of next month,...

Inside the Cliff Deal: Mistrust, Proposals on Fire, F-Bombs

Negotiations were even more prickly behind the scenes

(Newser) - If you thought fiscal cliff negotiations were testy when Harry Reid took to the Senate floor to accuse John Boehner of running a dictatorship , well, the reality was closer to a hybrid of rioting kindergartners and the showdown at the OK Corral. The lowlight came last Friday, reports Politico in...

EPA Boss Quit Over Keystone XL

Lisa Jackson left post because Obama is changing his position: insider

(Newser) - Here's the latest on the eco-drama going on in DC: Lisa Jackson, who last week left her post as the head of the EPA, apparently stepped down because President Obama is now planning to change course and throw his support behind the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, reports the New ...

Obama Praises Cliff Deal, Resumes Hawaii Vacation

He thanks Biden, congressional leaders

(Newser) - President Obama flew off to resume his family vacation in Hawaii minutes after delivering remarks praising the House and Senate for passing the fiscal cliff deal , the New York Times reports. In his remarks, Obama praised the work of congressional leaders and his "extraordinary Vice President Joe Biden" and...

Fiscal Cliff Averted: House Passes Late-Night Bill

Obama says it's just 'one step' toward stronger economy

(Newser) - A weary Congress sent President Obama legislation to avoid the "fiscal cliff" of middle-class tax increases and across-the-board spending cuts late tonight, hours before financial markets reopen after the New Year's holiday. The bill's passage on a 257-167 vote in the House sealed a hard-won political triumph...

We Have a Tentative Deal: Details
 We Have a 
 Deal: Details 


We Have a Tentative Deal: Details

An initial look at the pact struck between McConnell and the White House

(Newser) - The White House and Mitch McConnell have reached a tentative deal tonight, though the New York Times reports that the House won't vote on the measure tonight in time to avoid the fiscal cliff. The measure would raise taxes by about $600 billion over 10 years and delay for...

House GOP: We're Going Over the 'Cliff'

Republicans say they'll vote on other bills tonight

(Newser) - An agreement to avoid the sharp tax hikes and spending cuts known as the fiscal cliff won't be reached before the midnight deadline, lawmakers in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives said today; however, the Senate continued talks to reach a deal. House Republicans notified lawmakers that the chamber will...

Once Again, Obama and Clinton Are Most Admired
Once Again, Obama and Clinton Are Most Admired
survey says

Once Again, Obama and Clinton Are Most Admired

Gallup poll results also include Conn. teachers, US troops

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is the most admired woman in America for the 16th time since 1993, and President Obama is the most admired man for the fifth consecutive year, according to a new USA Today / Gallup poll. But it wasn't just familiar names for 2012: For the first time,...

There's Hope: 'Major Progress' on Fiscal Cliff

But sticking points exist after flurry of overnight negotiations

(Newser) - So just where are we on the fiscal cliff? After Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid hit an impasse yesterday , McConnell called in Joe Biden, and after a flurry of offers that included President Obama and went throughout the night, Politico finds "major progress" and reason for hope this morning....

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