President Obama

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Sequester Talks Yield ... Zilch

Obama warns of 'dumb, arbitrary' cuts as GOP rejects tax increases

(Newser) - No sequester kumbaya. President Obama and congressional leaders met for an hour this morning and made zero progress on striking a deal to avoid the automatic budget cuts, reports Politico . Their respective statements afterward tell the story:
  • Obama: "Let's be clear: None of this is necessary," he

Senate Makes Limp Efforts to Duck Sequester

But 'it's going to happen' despite votes: Rep.

(Newser) - Today, the Senate will vote on two plans that could potentially avert the sequester—but passage doesn't seem likely, USA Today reports. The Democrats' plan, which focuses on a minimum 30% tax on millionaires as well as defense and farm cuts, lacks the 60 votes it would need to...

Woodward: White House Said I'd 'Regret' Sequester Stance

Calls Obama's approach 'madness'

(Newser) - Bob Woodward's standoff with the White House is heating up: Now the journalist says a top administration official warned him to stop blaming President Obama for the sequester, Business Insider reports. In an email, "it was said very clearly: You will regret doing this," Woodward told CNN...

Obama Invites Republicans to Zero-Hour Sequester Talk

They won't meet until Friday, the day cuts are supposed to kick in

(Newser) - President Obama has invited John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi to the White House for a meeting on Friday—the same day the sequester cuts are scheduled to kick in and the House is scheduled to leave town, the White House announced today. Does this mean we'...

White House: Here's How Sequester Will Hit Your State

State-by-state breakdown released as deadline looms

(Newser) - The White House has released detailed breakdowns of how the across-the-board spending cuts called the sequester will affect individual states, reports the Washington Post , which has collected the state-by-state reports here . The reports on all 50 states and the District of Columbia detail the sequester's effects on things like...

As Sequester Nears, Workers Brace for Furloughs

Unions, agencies scrambling to work out details ahead of Friday

(Newser) - At this point, it's all but certain that no last-minute deal will emerge by Friday to avoid the sequester and the automatic spending cuts of $85 billion that go along with it, reports the Wall Street Journal . And while some think the doomsday scenarios are being overblown , try telling...

Woodward: This Is Obama's Sequester

He 'personally approved' the plan suggested by his own staffers

(Newser) - John Boehner and other Republicans have taken to calling the automatic spending cuts set to take effect in a week as the "president's sequester." It may sound like typical DC blame-shifting, but Republicans happen to be exactly right in this case, writes Bob Woodward in the Washington ...

Obama: Our Mission in Niger Has Begun

At least 100 military personnel stationed next to Mali

(Newser) - President Obama told Congress today that he has sent troops to Niger to support France's mission against militants in neighboring Mali, Reuters reports. But the deployment of about 100 military personnel will only set up a base for unarmed aircraft to conduct surveillance, he wrote in a letter. He...

Cop Canned Over 'Police Threats' to Obama, 1st Lady

But alleged bad-boy cops also lost their jobs

(Newser) - So much for speaking up: Richmond police have fired a whistleblowing cop for claiming that two officers chatted about shooting and bombing President Obama while protecting him, Raw Story reports. The officer, who wasn't named, told WTVR last May that a supervisor had said to a police sharpshooter, "...

Obama Offered Big Thanks for 47% Tape: Carter

Video 'a major factor' in Obama victory, says ex-president

(Newser) - When President Obama met Jimmy Carter's grandson last week—the guy reportedly behind the infamous Mitt Romney "47%" tape —the president "ran across the room, embraced him and thanked him profusely for his time," the elder Carter told CNN's Piers Morgan, per Politico . "...

Stop Overhyping the Sequester
 Stop Overhyping 
 the Sequester 

Stop Overhyping the Sequester

These spending cuts will not bring about Armageddon: Matt Miller

(Newser) - Enough with the sequester hype, pleads Matt Miller in the Washington Post . We're less than two weeks away from across-the-board spending cuts unless a last-minute deal emerges, and to hear President Obama and others tell it, everyone should head to their underground bunkers now. "Criminals would run free,...

Gen. John Allen to Retire, Skip NATO Post

Leaving to nurse wife through serious health issues

(Newser) - President Obama says he has accepted Marine Gen. John Allen's request to retire from the US military, meaning the White House won't go forward with Allen's nomination to lead US and NATO forces in Europe. “I told General Allen that he has my deep, personal appreciation...

White House Plans to Map Human Brain

Experts hope for economic boost from potential $3B project

(Newser) - When President Obama mentioned mapping the brain in his State of the Union address, he may have been hinting at a big science goal for the White House. The administration is readying a project to investigate the human brain at a level on par with the Human Genome Project, the...

Teen Shot Dead Same Day Sister Attends Obama Speech

She was one of 3 Chicago teens slain over the weekend

(Newser) - A Chicago teenager was gunned down just hours after her 14-year-old sister sat on a stage behind President Obama as he gave a speech at her high school about gun violence. Janay McFarlane, the 18-year-old mother of a 3-month-old boy, was shot dead while visiting friends and family in North...

Obama Golfs With Tiger Woods

Prez 'counts all his shots,' coach says

(Newser) - President Obama beat former Dallas mayor Ron Kirk and Houston Astros owner Jim Crane on the links yesterday—with a little help from a guy called Tiger Woods. The foursome played 18 holes at Crane's Floridian Yacht & Golf Club in Palm City, Fla., reports the Palm Beach Post...

Thousands March Against Keystone Oil Pipeline

Greens also call for standards on current power plants

(Newser) - A crowd that organizers tallied at 35,000 marched on the White House today to pressure President Obama into nixing the Keystone XL oil pipeline, reports The Hill . The environmental activists came together in the National Mall and heard speeches before heading to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. "They’ve got...

Bloomberg Turns Chicago Race Into Test Case on Guns

Politico: $2M ad blitz goes after NRA ally

(Newser) - To gauge how well the Newtown massacre translates into political reality, keep an eye on the special election to fill the congressional seat vacated by Jesse Jackson Jr. in Chicago, reports Politico . Its story says New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is pouring up to $2 million into the race...

Yes, Obama&#39;s Drone War Is Legal

 Yes, Obama's 
 Drone War 
 Is Legal 
Charles Krauthammer

Yes, Obama's Drone War Is Legal

Even if the Justice Department made a lousy case: Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - The Justice Department may have written some weak memos justifying President Obama's drone warfare , but the case for the program is solid, writes Charles Krauthammer in a rare defense of the president in the Washington Post . The conservative columnist says the drone debate involves three distinct questions—Does the...

White House Wants Sweeping Preschool Overhaul

Critics cite costs, logistics, but educators say better pre-K needed

(Newser) - The Obama administration is outlining the "federal-state partnership" it wants to use to widen preschool programs, emphasizing small class sizes and rigorous curricula in its outreach to 4-year-olds in low- and moderate income households, reports the Wall Street Journal . The outline expands on President Obama's State of the...

John Allen to Back Out of NATO Command Job

Sources say he doesn't want to dredge up Jill Kelley emails

(Newser) - Gen. John Allen intends to decline to be nominated for NATO Supreme Allied Commander-Europe, military officials tell NBC News . While the official reason will be that he's doing what's best for his family, the officials acknowledge that one of the major reasons is that he doesn't want...

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