President Obama

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Obama Apologizes for Praising AG's Looks

He calls California attorney general Kamala Harris to say sorry

(Newser) - President Obama caused such a ruckus by praising the looks of California attorney general Kamala Harris that he called her last night to apologize "for creating this distraction," an aide tells USA Today . During a fundraiser in the state yesterday, the president called attention to Harris in the...

Obama’s Salary 'Sacrifice' Is Patronizing

Dana Milbank: A $20K cut is nothing for a man worth millions

(Newser) - Obama's decision to give 5% of his salary back to the Treasury to match sequester cuts to government agencies is hardly the "sacrifice" it's getting made out to be, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . Although $20,000 of his $400,000 salary is technically on...

First Lady Calls Herself 'Busy Single Mother'

Michelle Obama quickly corrects herself in TV interview

(Newser) - A Vermont TV station's interview with the first lady is getting lots of attention for unintended reasons, notes Mediaite . In the course of talking about the demands on busy parents, Michelle Obama slipped up and referred to herself as a "busy single mother" before quickly correcting herself. The...

Obama Chided for Praising Attorney General's Looks

Once again, critics call White House a 'boys' club'

(Newser) - President Obama has been criticized for making his second-term Cabinet too much of a boys' club, and a comment he made yesterday only served to resurrect the debate, reports the Washington Post . After praising the legal abilities of California Attorney General Kamala Harris while at a fundraiser in the state,...

Obama to Return Portion of Salary

President says he's making 5% gesture to support federal workers

(Newser) - President Obama will return 5% of his salary every month as a gesture of support for federal workers soon to be hit with unpaid furloughs, reports the New York Times . Given his $400,000 salary, the move amounts to about $16,600 through the end of the year. A White...

Goodbye Flip-Flopping, Hello 'Evolving'

Howard Kurtz: It's too late for John Kerry, but now all the cool kids are doing it

(Newser) - John Kerry once got nailed for saying he voted for a measure "before I voted against it"—he was called a flip-flopper. But that was the old days. Now, politicians have a "linguistic escape hatch" to avoid such accusations, writes Howard Kurtz at the Daily Beast : They...

Michelle Obama: Barack Is a Sex Symbol

'He's got a little swag,' she says of the president

(Newser) - Michelle Obama was on Entertainment Tonight last night—so, needless to say, the interview covered such hard-hitting topics as her husband's "swag" and her bangs, Mediaite reports. Asked what it's like to be married to a "sex symbol," Obama replied of her husband, "He'...

Obama Announces $100M Brain-Mapping Project

Set to devote $100M to initiative

(Newser) - President Obama today unveiled a major federal project to map out the human brain , discovering "how millions of brain cells interact," in the words of a White House scientist. Obama is directing $100 million toward the program, which has been compared to the Human Genome Project and could...

Obama: 'Shame on Us' If We Forget Newtown

President pushes Congress for stricter gun laws

(Newser) - President Obama surrounded himself with mothers who lost their children to gun violence today and urged Congress to tighten the nation's laws. He called special attention to the Newtown school massacre, reports the Hill . "Shame on us if we've forgotten," he said. “I haven't...

Obama Signs Stopgap Bill, Averts Shutdown

Still hopes for budget deal, Jay Carney says

(Newser) - Yet another government shutdown has been averted. President Obama yesterday signed the continuing resolution to keep the government funded until Sept. 30, the last day of the fiscal year, The Hill reports. The bill includes sequester-related spending cuts, but White House press secretary Jay Carney said that shouldn't be...

US Creates 5 New National Monuments

GOP not happy about Antiquities Act move

(Newser) - President Obama has used his executive authority to create five new national monuments despite Republican opposition, the Washington Post reports. The five sites now off-limits to development "honor the pioneering heroes, spectacular landscapes, and rich history that have shaped our extraordinary country," the president said. The chair of...

Obama to Congress: 'Finish Job' on Immigration

Calls for April debate

(Newser) - At a White House ceremony honoring 28 new American citizens today, President Obama called for Congress to "finish the job" on immigration reform. He said the system is "broken" and now is the time "to fix it once and for all," his most substantive remarks on...

Obama Brokers Apology From Israel to Turkey

Netanyahu admits 'mistakes' in fatal flotilla attack

(Newser) - President Obama today pulled a diplomatic victory out of his 3-day trip to Israel by brokering a detente between Israel and Turkey, Reuters reports. As Obama ended the visit, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Turkish PM Tayyip Erdogan and apologized for "mistakes" made during the flotilla incident that...

Obama to Israelis: Put Yourself in Palestine's Shoes

It's 'not fair' that their kids can't grow up in their own state, he says

(Newser) - President Obama gave a well-received speech to Israeli college students today in which he pressed them to challenge their political leaders to bring about peace, reports CNN . "You must create the change that you want to see," he said, adding that having a Palestinian state and an Israeli...

Obama Defuses Heckler in Israel

He gets a standing ovation from audience

(Newser) - During his speech to young Israelis today, President Obama started getting heckled in Hebrew. As the crowd booed, Obama handled it lightly, notes Raw Story . “This is part of the lively debate that we talked about,” he said, which prompted a standing ovation. " I have to say...

O'Reilly Goes to Bat for Obama, Hits Bachmann

Fox host criticizes her 'small ball' attacks on president

(Newser) - With Michele Bachmann attacking President Obama for his "lifestyle of excess," the White House found a surprising defender yesterday—Bill O'Reilly. The Fox News host called out Bachmann for "small ball" attacks that are more than a little factually challenged and that "trivialize" much more...

Obama: Israel Settlements in West Bank Not Appropriate

Earlier, Gaza militants fired rockets into Israel during Obama visit

(Newser) - President Obama headed over to the West Bank today for a meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in which he blasted Israel's settlement activity as neither constructive or appropriate. At a news conference with Abbas, Obama said he's told Israel's leaders as much, the AP reports,...

In Israel, Obama Warns Syria on Chemical Weapons

On Iran, says there's still time for diplomacy to work

(Newser) - Maybe the most newsworthy item out of President Obama's news conference today with Benjamin Netanyahu centered on Syria, not Israel. Obama said the US is investigating claims that chemical weapons were used in Aleppo, and he warned that Bashar al-Assad will be held accountable if he employed them, reports...

Obama Lands in Israel Amid Low Expectations

Iran, Syria, Palestine will be discussed

(Newser) - President Obama arrived in Israel today for his first visit to the country since taking office, the AP reports, calling the itinerary "laden more with symbolism than substance." Foremost on the agenda: Iran's nuclear program, the Syria conflict, and the Israel-Palestine peace process. Obama is meeting with...

Internet Freaks Over Bible's Obama-Satan Resemblance

Mohamen Mehdi Ouazanni bears striking resemblance to president

(Newser) - The Internet is all aflutter over the resemblance between President Obama and one Mohamen Mehdi Ouazanni, the actor who happens to be playing Satan in the History Channel's The Bible miniseries . Glenn Beck tweeted about it Saturday, but things really took off on Twitter when last night's episode...

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