President Obama

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Obama's Gitmo Plan? Call It the 'Dorothy Doctrine'

Krauthammer: President thinks he can wish terror problems away

(Newser) - President Obama thinks he can declare an end to the war on terror by simply wishing it away, writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . He "would like to close his eyes, click his heels three times," and, poof, problem solved. The rub is that jihadism isn't...

Kim Retweeted Twice as Often as Obama
 Kim Retweeted 
 Twice as Often 
 as Obama 
sad statistics

Kim Retweeted Twice as Often as Obama

We know. You're depressed.

(Newser) - Adding to your fears for the future of mankind: MIT researchers have built a tool that estimates that, on average, Kim Kardashian can expect to be retweeted twice as often as President Obama. The researchers came up with what they call the " Twouija: Retweet Oracle " to predict how...

Threatening Letters Contained Identical Lines

"What's in this letter is nothing compared to what I've got planned"

(Newser) - Officials are questioning a Texas Army veteran over ricin-laced letters sent to President Obama , Michael Bloomberg , and Bloomberg's gun-control organization, law enforcement sources tell NBC New York . The man, who works as a Pentagon contractor, isn't a suspect in the case at this point, they say. He does,...

Another Ricin Letter Sent to Obama

Authorities intercept letter they think is related to Bloomberg's ricin letter

(Newser) - It's not a good trend when stories about ricin-tainted letters sent to the president and other officials start to blur together. The FBI says a suspicious letter was intercepted at a White House mail facility this morning, reports the Washington Post . Tests have yet to confirm the presence of...

Obama, Christie Rekindle a Political Friendship

President tours Jersey Shore

(Newser) - President Obama today reunited with one of his biggest political pals of last year as he and New Jersey's Chris Christie did a post-hurricane tour of the Jersey Shore. Obama's big quote, as per the Star-Ledger :
  • “We understand there’s still a lot of work to be

Heckler Gives Obama Grief
 Heckler Gives Obama Grief 

Heckler Gives Obama Grief

Code Pink founder interrupts, but president willing to cut her 'some slack'

(Newser) - President Obama had some trouble wrapping up his policy speech today thanks to repeated heckling from the founder of activist group Code Pink, reports NBC News . As Obama was talking about Guantanamo Bay, Medea Benjamin began shouting criticism of US policy. “I'm about to address it ma'am,...

Obama Sees an End to 'Perpetual' War on Terror

Time to narrow its scope, says president

(Newser) - In his big policy speech today, President Obama did indeed promise to rein in drone strikes —a higher threshold for targets will be required, along with a "near certainty" that no civilians will be killed—and to push once again for Gitmo's closure. The full text is...

In Major Shift, Obama Will Clamp Down on Drone Strikes

Will speak today on new counterterror policies

(Newser) - President Obama will today outline a new course against terror, including two big goals: cutting down on drone strikes and attempting, once again, to close the Guantanamo Bay prison. The speech comes after the administration yesterday admitted killing four US citizens with drones. Under new drone rules, strikes on foreign...

Pentagon Wants $200M— for 10-Year Gitmo Upgrade

Asks Congress for $450M for facility Obama wants to close

(Newser) - If you're already upset about the fact that Guantanamo is still open, your head may actually explode at this next bit: The Pentagon wants Congress to grant it more than $450 million to maintain—and upgrade—the prison, according to a budget request from the Obama administration. Specifically, $200...

Obama's Secret Weapon: This Guy?!

John McCain burying the hatchet with the president

(Newser) - Someone send the devil a sweater, because suddenly, John McCain and President Obama are getting along. Last week, McCain sat down with his 2008 rival for a private Oval Office strategy session, the latest in a string of such discussions. "Ever since the election, we've had conversations and...

Obama Lawyer Learned of IRS Case Weeks Ago, But...

New questions raised about White House approach to scandal

(Newser) - Several weeks ago, the White House's chief counsel heard that a nearly-finished investigation of the IRS pointed to Tea Party targeting—and apparently kept President Obama in the dark about it, a top administration official tells the Wall Street Journal . The White House hasn't said whether chief counsel...

Two Very Different Views on Obama Scandals
Two Very Different Views
on Obama Scandals

Two Very Different Views on Obama Scandals

They're either fizzling or the worst 'since Watergate'

(Newser) - Supporters of President Obama will be glad to read that all three of the scandals that have dominated headlines this week look like they're fizzling. So writes Ezra Klein at the Washington Post . Obama's detractors, though, can take heart to learn that "we are in the midst...

Yes, Obama Should &#39;Go Bulworth&#39;
Yes, Obama Should
'Go Bulworth'

Yes, Obama Should 'Go Bulworth'

Joan Walsh: He would do well to imitate Warren Beatty's character

(Newser) - The political catchphrase of the day: "Going Bulworth." It was tucked in a New York Times piece on President Obama's latest troubles, with Peter Baker writing this of the president:
  • "In private, he has talked longingly of 'going Bulworth,' a reference to a little-remembered

Obama: 'No Apologies' for Investigation of Reporters

He also expresses 'complete confidence' in Eric Holder

(Newser) - President Obama used a joint news conference today with the Turkish prime minister to try to defuse the recent White House scandals . Some highlights:
  • AP phone records: He said he would make "no apologies" for the Justice Department's subpoena of reporters' phone records because finding the source of

Holder-Issa Showdown: White House Is Loving It
Holder-Issa Showdown:
White House Is Loving It

Holder-Issa Showdown: White House Is Loving It

Team Obama likes having people they can ridicule lead charges against them

(Newser) - Things got heated on Capitol Hill yesterday as congressman Darrell Issa grilled Eric Holder over the recent White House troubles. At one point, Issa cut off one of the attorney general's answers to laugh about it, and Holder wasn't having it. “No, no, that’s what you...

Obama's Net Worth Revealed —Kind Of

It's somewhere between $1.8M and $7M

(Newser) - President Obama's net worth could stand at a hair under $7 million ... or just $1.8 million. That range comes via his financial disclosure reports released yesterday, and USA Today sums it up perfectly: The Obamas "are wealthy, but it's uncertain just how wealthy." Their assets...

Can Obama 'Stop the Bleeding'?

White House gets aggressive on scandals

(Newser) - Enter the new narrative from the DC press corps: The White House is shifting from offense to defense on scandals, or as Politico puts it, "President Obama tries to stop the bleeding." Obama fired the IRS chief yesterday, released Benghazi emails , and got a new press-shield law in...

White House Releases Benghazi Emails

They cover the development of 'talking points' after attack

(Newser) - If you can't get enough of the Benghazi story, the White House has some reading for you: This afternoon, it released 100 pages of emails and other internal notes that show how its "talking points" evolved after the attack, reports the Washington Post . You can dig in here...

Media Finally Gets It: Obama Is a Joke on Civil Liberties

Glenn Greenwald: Sad that it took a direct attack on the media to wake it up

(Newser) - Look around today, and it's easy to find a news story or column criticizing President Obama and his Justice Department for going after reporters' phone records. (Like these in the Washington Post , Politico , and the New York Times .) To which Glenn Greenwald at the Guardian can only say,...

1/3 of House Committees Investigating White House

Congress looking into IRS scandal, Benghazi, ObamaCare ...

(Newser) - If President Obama looks even grayer by the end of summer, this line in Politico might explain it: "All together, roughly one-third of House committees are engaged in investigating some aspect of the Obama administration." That includes two heavyweight panels—Darrell Issa's Oversight and Government Reform, along...

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