President Obama

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How the White House Backed Into a Syria Solution

'WSJ' goes behind the scenes

(Newser) - In a nearly 3,000-word article, the Wall Street Journal today takes readers inside what it calls "an extraordinary 24 days in international diplomacy," detailing what happened behind the scenes as the White House decided how to handle the Syrian chemical weapons crisis. Based on more than two...

Assad Comes Out on Top in Syria Deal
 Assad Comes 
 Out on Top in 
 Syria Deal 

Assad Comes Out on Top in Syria Deal

Putin now 'US ambassador to Syria': GOP senator

(Newser) - Following the US-Russia agreement on Syrian chemical disarmament, plenty of political insiders are furious with the Obama administration—but the White House has its defenders. What the media is saying:
  • At Bloomberg , Jeffrey Goldberg sees a major victory for Bashar al-Assad: "The US has in a perverse way made

Obama: Syria Deal Not About &#39;Style&#39;
 Syria Deal 
 Not About 'Style' 

Obama: Syria Deal Not About 'Style'

Emphasizes it was more important to get the policy right

(Newser) - The road to the Syria chemical weapons deal may have been bumpy, but President Obama insists that he's "less concerned about style points" and "much more concerned with getting the policy right," he tells George Stephanopoulos this morning on ABC's This Week . “Folks here...

US Won't Demand Use of Force in UN Resolution

But White House will keep open possibility of strike on its own

(Newser) - The New York Times reports that the White House is bowing to reality: Because Russia will never agree to any UN resolution that calls for the possibility of military action against Syria, the US won't insist on such a clause. (The Russians already have balked at a draft proposal...

Obama's New Pen Pal: The President of Iran

US is hoping to thaw relations with Rouhani

(Newser) - US-Iranian relations have been tense lately—and by "lately" we mean for more than three decades—but the election of moderate Hasan Rouhani may have changed all that. President Obama has been exchanging letters with Rouhani in recent weeks, the LA Times reports, and officials say it's possible...

Obama&#39;s Syria Speech Wowed No One

 Syria Speech 
 Wowed No One 

Obama's Syria Speech Wowed No One

Reactions pour in, and most are not good

(Newser) - President Obama's Syria speech last night was only 15 minutes long, but it "will be analyzed for a LOT longer than that," writes Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post . But—because Congress isn't onboard with a strike on Syria and we don't yet know how...

Obama: We'll Give Russian Plan a Chance

But president wants military to remain ready if diplomacy doesn't work in Syria

(Newser) - President Obama capped a busy day of Syria developments with his personal pitch to the nation tonight: He's willing to pursue Russia's plan for a diplomatic resolution, but he insists that the US should remain ready to use military force "if diplomacy fails," reports CNN . Obama...

For First Time, Syria Admits It Has Chemical Arsenal

Will sign arms pact; also, Putin says US must renounce threat of force

(Newser) - President Obama's speech-writers are probably a stressed-out bunch right about now because Syria developments are coming quickly ahead of Obama's prime-time address:
  • Disclosing sites: Syria is ready to disclose the locations of its chemical stockpiles to the UN, Russia, and other unspecified nations, says Foreign Minister Walid Moallem,

Obama's Foreign Policy Approval at All-Time Low

Only 4 in 10 approve of the job he's doing

(Newser) - With low public support for US airstrikes on Syria, Obama's approval rating on foreign policy has also been sinking, and has now hit an all-time low, reports CNN . A poll by the news channel finds only four in 10 of those studied approve of the job the president is...

3 Ways Obama Can Get Our Syria Support
 3 Ways Obama Can 
 Get Our Syria Support 

3 Ways Obama Can Get Our Syria Support

An unsupportive public can come around: Jonathan Tepperman

(Newser) - President Obama has been "maddeningly tentative" in his handling of the Syria situation, and one big reason for that is the lack of public support in the US, writes Jonathan Tepperman in the New York Times . One week-old poll shows that just 29% of Americans are in favor of...

Obama's Syria Push Jockeys With NFL, New iPhone

Congress leans toward no as Obama fights for attention

(Newser) - As a critical week in his presidency opens, President Obama is facing a big struggle not just for support on Syria but for the nation's attention, Politico finds. He'll make his case with interviews on six TV news shows today, where he'll be competing with the opening...

Obama: This Is 'Not Another Iraq or Afghanistan'

Presses case against Syria in weekly address

(Newser) - President Obama didn't exactly return from the G20 summit with a ringing international endorsement to take action against Syria, but he continued making his case before his own nation this morning via his weekly radio address. Obama hit familiar themes, ones he will surely revisit in his speech to...

Obama, Putin Meet ... for All of 15 Seconds

They have a brief greeting at G20 summit

(Newser) - They were originally supposed to have a separate summit of their own. But instead, Vladimir Putin and President Obama managed all of 15 seconds of "tight smiles and a businesslike handshake" as Obama arrived in Russia for the G20 summit, reports Reuters . It might be all the face time...

We Must Not Intervene in Syria Without UN Vote
We Must Not Intervene in Syria Without UN Vote

We Must Not Intervene in Syria Without UN Vote

Columnists weigh in on Syria situation

(Newser) - The big topic on today's opinion pages: Syria. A sampling of what's out there:
  • We absolutely cannot intervene in Syria without UN Security Council authorization, write Oona A. Hathaway and Scott J. Shapiro in the New York Times . There is no direct threat to any NATO member, so

Boehner: We're Backing Obama on Syria

Obama promises Syria won't be another Iraq

(Newser) - President Obama took a big step forward in his quest to gain Congressional approval for a strike on Syria, convincing the leaders of both parties in the House to back his play. Obama held a meeting with John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and other top lawmakers this morning, arguing that military...

After Putin Diss, Obama to Meet Russian Gay Activists

Prediction: the Kremlin will not be amused

(Newser) - Looks like President Obama has found something to fill the time he won't spend meeting with Vladimir Putin during the G20 summit in Russia this week: he's going to meet with gay rights activists instead. Buzzfeed confirms that LGBT organization Coming Out, human rights activists Lev Ponomarev and...

McCain: Great, &#39;Red Line&#39; Needs Congress&#39; OK?
 McCain: Great, 
 'Red Line' Needs 
 Congress' OK? 

McCain: Great, 'Red Line' Needs Congress' OK?

Outspoken White House critic blasts Obama's '11th-hour' waffling on Syria

(Newser) - Never one to shy away from bashing the White House over its Syria policy , John McCain was out in full force today, warning that "the whole region is going to be engulfed" and blasting President Obama thusly: "When the president of the United States said that it was...

Syria Paper: Obama Starting 'Historic American Retreat'

Assad boasts Syria can deal with 'any external aggression'

(Newser) - President Obama has started a "historic American retreat" in seeking Congress' approval to strike Syria , according to a gloating state-run newspaper. "Whether the Congress lights the red or green light for an aggression, and whether the prospects of war have been enhanced or faded, President Obama has announced...

Obama Will Wait for Congress on Syria

He backs idea of military action, but will hold off until vote

(Newser) - Hold your fire, troops: President Obama made his strongest case yet for a military strike on Syria today—but he also said he would seek the authority of Congress before launching it, reports AP . Obama made clear in his afternoon press conference that he believes the US must act to...

Lawmakers Unswayed by White House Syria Case
Lawmakers Unswayed by White House Syria Case 

Lawmakers Unswayed by White House Syria Case

When strike would occur remains unclear

(Newser) - The specifics of President Obama's plans for Syria don't seem much clearer after a conference call with Congressional leaders. The call didn't include information on when a strike would occur, Politico notes, nor did it appear to sway lawmakers who had doubts about military action. During the...

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