President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Krugman: Obama One of Our Best Presidents

Economist writes 'Rolling Stone' cover piece in praise of his accomplishments

(Newser) - President Obama will want to keep the latest issue of Rolling Stone handy to counter reports of his down-in-the-dumps approval ratings. The cover story is by economist and New York Times pundit Paul Krugman, and its headline of "In Defense of Obama" might understate things. Consider this line: “...

Did White House Cover Up Prostitution Scandal Link?

Washington Post: Senior aides knew about team member's cavorting in Colombia

(Newser) - The Secret Service found itself under the microscope after reported agent sexcapades in Cartagena, Colombia, in 2012. But government documents and interviews unearthed by the Washington Post are now not only identifying a White House advance-team member who also allegedly took part in "after-hours" activities—they also appear to...

Hawaii Drops Plan to Name Beach After Obama

Public wasn't thrilled about Sandy Beach renaming

(Newser) - The Hawaiian beach where a young Barack Obama bodysurfed is keeping its name after a plan to name it President Barack Obama Sandy Beach Park instead of Sandy Beach Park met with what officials say was a "mixed" reception from the public. "Most of the comments have raised...

Ebola Screening Coming to US Airports

Obama vague on details, but says protocols are being worked out

(Newser) - Some 77 travelers destined for America have been prevented from boarding their flights after they were flagged during Ebola screening overseas. Now, it looks like screening is coming to US shores. President Obama yesterday announced "we're going to be working on protocols to do additional, faster screening both...

Panetta: Obama 'Lost His Way,' 'Lacks Fire'

Ex-CIA, DoD head describes frustration in new memoir

(Newser) - The man who ran the CIA from 2009 to 2011 and the Pentagon from 2011 to 2013 has got some pretty scathing things to say about his old boss in his new memoir, Worthy Fights: A Memoir of Leadership in War and Peace, and in interviews with USA Today and...

Flirty Secret Service Agent Revealed Obama Travel Plans

Meanwhile, a fake congressman got backstage at a presidential speech

(Newser) - What's a day without another revelation about Secret Service miscues ? As a Friday bonus, here are two:
  • Leaked Obama travels: Inside Sources reports that in the waning days of the 2012 presidential campaign, a married agent assigned to the Romney campaign tried to put the moves on a

Pierson Wanted Secret Service 'More Like Disney': Staff

Ex-director ignored security advice, cut employees, 'WaPo' article says

(Newser) - Julia Pierson, the Secret Service director who resigned yesterday , was brought in a year and a half ago to solve the agency's problems in the wake of its various sex scandals and other issues. But her tenure—marred by recent accusations of the service's ineptitude in handling a...

Secret Service Chief Resigns
 Secret Service Chief Resigns 

Secret Service Chief Resigns

Julia Pierson steps down amid gaffes, criticism

(Newser) - In a not-so-shocking development, Secret Service chief Julia Pierson has resigned, reports CNBC . The move comes amid withering criticism in the wake of high-profile security lapses involving President Obama. Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson announced the resignation and said he was appointing Joseph Clancy to be interim director of the...

Boston Herald Sorry for Obama 'Watermelon' Joke

Cartoonist says reference was 'naive' and not intended to offend

(Newser) - A political cartoonist at the Boston Herald set out to make fun of the Secret Service but wound up apologizing for a racial gaffe involving the president. The cartoon depicts an intruder in a White House bathtub asking a pajamas-clad President Obama, "Have you tried the new watermelon flavored...

Arrogant Secret Service Needs Outsider's Overhaul

Critics say agency's main task these days is covering up its own incompetence

(Newser) - Secret Service chief Julia Pierson's defense of her agency before Congress seems only to have made people angrier. At Politico Magazine , Ronald Kessler delivers a blistering criticism in which he alleges not only incompetence—for stuff like this and this —but arrogance that is off the charts. As...

Secret Service Let Obama on Elevator With Armed Felon

The guy wouldn't stop filming the president with his phone

(Newser) - And the hits just keep on coming for the Secret Service: The Washington Examiner today reports on yet another serious lapse in security involving President Obama. The latest incident occurred just two weeks ago when the president traveled to Atlanta to visit the CDC—and ended up in an elevator...

Fence-Jumper Got Deep Inside White House: Report

Omar Gonzalez overpowered guard, passed First Family's quarters

(Newser) - The fence-jumper who bolted across the White House lawn with a knife this month made it further than previously admitted—inside the building and within a stone's throw of the First Family's living quarters, the Washington Post reports. Insiders say former Army soldier Omar Gonzalez overpowered a Secret...

Obama, Now Is the Time to Move on India

Key Asian ally has been neglected for years: Nicholas Burns

(Newser) - India's "charismatic and strong-willed" prime minister Narendra Modi is in town this week, and now is the time for the Obama administration to get serious about its long-neglected relationship with a key partner. Writing in the Washington Post , former undersecretary of state Nicholas Burns says that President Obama...

McCain Slaps Obama: We Predicted Rise of ISIS

'Of course' we are at war, says senator

(Newser) - In a 60 Minutes interview last night , President Obama asserted that the US had "underestimated" the looming threat posed by ISIS, but John McCain strongly disagrees. "We predicted what would happen if we didn't leave residual force [in Iraq]," McCain tells CNN . "His intelligence comments—...

How the Secret Service 'Bungled' White House Shooting

Agency didn't even know White House had been hit: investigation

(Newser) - The Secret Service fumbled its response to a 2011 attack on the White House so badly that the president and Michelle Obama were furious with the agency behind closed doors, according to a Washington Post investigation. The Post's article—apparently based on documents, radio transmissions, and interviews with key...

Obama: Yes, We Underestimated ISIS
 Obama: Yes, We 
 Underestimated ISIS 
'60 Minutes'

Obama: Yes, We Underestimated ISIS

Meanwhile, Boehner says 'somebody's boots have to be on the ground'

(Newser) - Asked if the rise of the Islamic State caught the United States by surprise, President Obama gives a resounding affirmative: "That's true," he tells Steve Kroft in a 60 Minutes interview airing tonight. "That's absolutely true." After US marines crushed the militants in Iraq,...

Ebola Death Toll Passes 3K
 Ebola Death 
 Toll Passes 3K 

Ebola Death Toll Passes 3K

WHO prepares thousands of experimental vaccines

(Newser) - The number of deaths linked to Ebola has now passed 3,000, according to a WHO toll published today. In just two days, more than 150 people died in Liberia, the hardest-hit country. And WHO has warned that even those high tolls might be an underestimate as patients fear going...

Obama Makes Serious Mistake on Syria Airstrikes
Obama Makes Serious Mistake on Syria Airstrikes

Obama Makes Serious Mistake on Syria Airstrikes

New York Times says it's a major escalation that needs debate in Congress

(Newser) - The New York Times editorial board thinks President Obama has the US blundering into a new war with the expanded airstrikes in Syria . Before the US gets any deeper into the operation, the president should open this up for a full debate in Congress, says the editorial. It's also...

Obama's Salute With Coffee Cup Causes Outrage

Obama is getting heat over what some are calling 'unpresidential' gesture

(Newser) - Many of us have probably disembarked from a long flight clutching a cup of joe—but we're not all the president of the United States saluting members of our armed forces. President Obama is on the receiving end of criticism and coffee-themed jokes for stepping off the Marine One...

Obama Has a New Role: War President

He should embrace it, writes editor at Politico Magazine

(Newser) - Yes, President Obama came to national prominence on an anti-war platform, or, more specifically, as an opponent of what he saw as a "dumb" war in Iraq. But that was then. Now he "must go from being the president who was elected to end wars—his most treasured...

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