President Obama

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Obama: Sony &#39;Made a Mistake&#39;
 Obama: Sony 'Made a Mistake' 

Obama: Sony 'Made a Mistake'

President says company should not have pulled movie

(Newser) - President Obama didn't mince words today when asked at his end-of-the-year news conference about Sony Pictures: "Yes, I think they made a mistake," he said of the company's decision to pull the movie The Interview, reports NBC News . "We cannot have a society in which...

Radio Caller: 'This Is Barack Obama, Formerly of Somerville'

President calls in to Massachusetts governor's final show

(Newser) - On his final radio show as Massachusetts governor today, Deval Patrick took a notable call: "Governor," said the caller to Boston Public Radio , "this is Barack Obama, formerly of Somerville." It was indeed the president, calling his friend to say that he had a "few...

Family Rains Cash on Dems, Immigration Breaks Ensue

Travel ban on Estefania Isaias is dropped

(Newser) - Estefania Isaias was banned from entering the US after getting illegal visas for her maids—a ban that was lifted right around the time the Isaias family donated tens of thousands of dollars to President Obama's campaign, the New York Times reports. The family has given vast sums to...

Obama: Time for 'New Chapter' With Cuba

President says current approach is 'outdated,' needs to go

(Newser) - President Obama today confirmed that the US is going to play nice with Cuba after a half-century of frosty relations. "We will end an outdated approach that has failed to advance our interests," said Obama, speaking after Havana released US prisoner Alan Gross . "Neither the American nor...

Obama Signs $1.1T Spending Bill

Bipartisan deal funds government for 9 months

(Newser) - With little fanfare to mark a rare bipartisan achievement, President Obama has signed a massive $1.1 trillion spending bill that keeps the government operating over the next nine months. The legislation was a compromise that angered liberals and conservatives alike but avoided a government shutdown and put off partisan...

Lie of the Year: Overblown Ebola Claims

Americans' concern about disease has wildly fluctuated

(Newser) - When Americans learned about the Ebola outbreak in March, they weren't too concerned; then, "from August to October, it was the apocalypse," a researcher tells Politifact . Now, they say it was "overhyped," he notes. Indeed, when a US health worker arrived for treatment in the...

Despite NRA, Senate OKs New Surgeon General

Vivek Murthy is approved in 51-43 vote

(Newser) - The Senate today approved President Obama's nomination of Vivek Murthy to serve as US surgeon general, despite opposition from Republicans and some Democrats over his support for gun control. Murthy, 37, a physician at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital and instructor at Harvard Medical School, won confirmation...

Odds of a Warren Presidential Run Just Grew

She battles own party on 2 issues within weeks: Danny Vinik

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren has come out swinging against her own party on two contentious issues in recent weeks—and it could be a sign she's moving closer to a presidential run, writes Danny Vinik at the New Republic . First, the senator opposed President Obama's nomination of investment banker Antonio...

Obama Takes Colbert&#39;s Chair
 Obama Takes Colbert's Chair 

Obama Takes Colbert's Chair

Hosts Colbert Report segment before interview

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert's guest last night came for more than just an interview—he decided to take over the host chair, CNN reports. President Obama performed "The Word," a segment during which Colbert typically comments on an issue while jokes appear on the side of the screen. "...

Gitmo Prison Count Hits Milestone

With release of 6, Cuban prison at lowest number of prisoners since 2002

(Newser) - Six prisoners from Guantanamo Bay have been transferred to Uruguay, the US government said today, announcing a resettlement deal that had been delayed for months by security concerns in the Pentagon and political considerations in the South American country. The six are the first prisoners transferred to South America from...

Obama's Sore Throat Prompts Medical Tests

But it's 'not a matter of urgency': press secretary

(Newser) - President Obama had some medical tests today at a military hospital just outside Washington because of a persistent sore throat. White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Obama's physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, suggested that some diagnostic tests be done this afternoon since the president had free time in his...

22 Romney Staffers Had to OK Tweets

And Facebook posts, photos...

(Newser) - The fast-paced world of social media wasn't quite so speedy at the Mitt Romney presidential campaign. Sure, tweets may only be 140 characters at most, but they required the approval of 22 different people "towards the end of the campaign," a digital media campaign staffer says in...

Obama Declares Dec. 26 Holiday for Federal Workers
Obama Declares
Dec. 26 Holiday

Obama Declares Dec. 26 Holiday

Federal employees will get the day off

(Newser) - Federal employees just got a Christmas present from President Obama in the form of a four-day weekend. Obama issued an executive order giving the workers off on Dec. 26, reports the Washington Post . Because it's a Friday, that means an extra-long weekend. An online petition on the White House...

White House Holds 3 Meetings on Ferguson Today

Will address law enforcement equipment, civil rights

(Newser) - As unrest over the shooting of Michael Brown continues, President Obama is scheduled to address the situation in Ferguson in three meetings today, Politico reports. All the meetings will also include Joe Biden, as per the White House schedule . First up is a Cabinet discussion of "federal programs and...

GOP Aide Backtracks on 'Class' Dig at Obama Kids

Elizabeth Lauten's comments to bored Sasha and Malia inspired backlash

(Newser) - President Obama trotted out his daughters for the sixth pardon of a turkey of his tenure, and when they, like much of the rest of the nation, appeared bored by the tradition , a congressional aide created a stir by publicly taking offense, reports the Washington Post . In a Facebook post...

What the Obamas Are Eating Today: A Whole Lot of Pie

Six kinds, plus turkey

(Newser) - Mac and Cheese may have escaped the oven thanks to the president, but some other fowl won't be so lucky. CBS News shares the holiday menu released by the White House; the Obamas plan to dine with family and friends. Mac and cheese of the pasta variety will...

Obama Pardons Turkeys; Sasha, Malia Not Impressed

Malia passes on petting 'Cheese'

(Newser) - "I am here to announce what I’m sure will be the most talked-about executive action this month," President Obama quipped yesterday as he pardoned a pair of Thanksgiving turkeys named Mac and Cheese. He admitted that he found the Pardoning of the National Turkey "a little...

Obama: 'We Need to Accept' This Decision

No excuse for violence, president says

(Newser) - President Obama appealed for calm and understanding in Ferguson, Mo., after a grand jury decided not to indict in the death of Michael Brown, pleading with both residents and police officers to show restraint. "We are a nation built on the rule of law, so we need to accept...

Chuck Hagel Stepping Down as Defense Chief

One source says Hagel, Obama mutually agreed upon the move

(Newser) - President Obama on Friday decided to ask Chuck Hagel to step down, White House officials tell the New York Times , which reports that the president will announce the defense secretary's exit in a Rose Garden appearance today. The sources say the move follows two weeks of meetings that Hagel...

Rand Paul: Let's Declare War on ISIS

Congress hasn't made formal declaration since WWII

(Newser) - Rand Paul wants Congress to do something it hasn't done since World War II: formally declare war. President Obama plans to ask lawmakers to formally support the use of force against the militant group, the New York Times reports, but the senator described his own plan to the paper...

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