President Obama

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Obama, Netanyahu, Iran: What You Need to Know

Israeli PM to speak to Congress on Iran as Kerry works for nuke deal

(Newser) - Over the next two days, Washington will be a study in contrasts. Today, President Obama and two key advisers will push for a diplomatic means of avoiding a nuclear Iran; tomorrow, in a controversial speech to Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will push back against the plan, the New ...

Poll: 11% of Republicans Think Obama Loves America

Giuliani gets some support from his party

(Newser) - Some may have been shocked at Rudy Giuliani's suggestion that President Obama doesn't love America , but it seems many in the GOP agree with him. A Huffington Post/YouGov poll finds that just 11% of Republicans believe the president loves his country, Politico reports. Some 85% of Democrats agree...

Obama Vetoes Keystone Oil Pipeline

It's the third veto of his presidency

(Newser) - President Obama rejected a bill today to approve construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, wielding his veto power for only the third time in his presidency. It came as no surprise. Obama offered no indication of whether he'll eventually issue a permit for the pipeline, whose construction has...

Giuliani: I've Been So Blunt Everyone Misunderstood Me

Ex-NYC mayor explains what he really meant in comments about the president

(Newser) - Rudy Giuilani is blunt. So blunt, in fact, that the ex-NYC mayor reportedly said last week that he doesn't believe President Obama loves America (or you or me, for that matter). He got even more blunt a day later when he reminded the New York Times that Obama had...

Obama's Speeches Show Giuliani Is Way Off Base

He lands top marks for 'whoppers' on president's love for US

(Newser) - The Washington Post is fact-checking Rudy Giuliani's recent claims about President Obama: On Fox News, the former New York mayor followed similar comments at a dinner by saying he never hears from the president about "what a great country we are, what an exceptional country we are. When...

Rudy Giuliani: I've Gotten Death Threats

Most GOP hopefuls back away from his comment

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani says his comment that President Obama doesn't love America has resulted in death threats being phoned in to his office, reports Politico via CNN . The former New York City mayor isn't backing off his comments, notes Politico, and in fact says the majority of phone calls...

Scott Walker: I Don't Know If Obama Loves His Country

'I've never asked him,' says Wisconsin governor

(Newser) - As Rudy Giuliani takes heat for comments questioning President Obama's love for his country , Scott Walker, a leading Republican 2016 contender, says he doesn't know how Obama feels. "You should ask the president what he thinks about America," the Wisconsin governor tells the AP. "I'...

Giuliani: I'm Not Racist, Obama's Mom Was White

#ObamaLovesAmerica, tweets White House

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani, under fire for private-dinner comments that President Obama doesn't love America and wasn't "brought up the way you were brought up," has explained that he wasn't attacking Obama's race, just his upbringing. "Some people thought it was racist—I thought that...

Giuliani Shares 'Horrible Thing' About Obama

Politico reports the former mayor says president doesn't love America

(Newser) - Another private-dinner comment is grabbing headlines, this time courtesy of Politico , which describes Rudy Giuliani's remarks last night as going "straight for the jugular." His target: President Obama. With Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and some five dozen execs and "media types" friendly to the GOP in...

Obama: They're Not 'Islamic' Terrorists

Saying so gives them credibility they don't deserve, says president

(Newser) - President Obama today elaborated on why you'll never catch him referring to "Islamic terrorists." Doing so would give them too much credit, said the president at a White House summit on violent extremism. "No religion is responsible for terrorism—people are responsible for violence and terrorism,...

Obama's New Secret Service Chief Is His Old Guard

Acting director Joe Clancy gets post permanently despite calls for new blood

(Newser) - The White House says President Obama has chosen Secret Service Acting Director Joe Clancy to fill the position permanently. Clancy was appointed on an interim basis in a hurry last year after then-Director Julia Pierson was forced out of the agency after two embarrassing security breaches. An independent panel tasked...

4 Standout Points From Obama's Terror Op-Ed

We must address terror at its roots, president writes

(Newser) - As Washington prepares to host a global summit against terrorism, President Obama is outlining his own strategy in a Los Angeles Times op-ed. In the piece, Obama calls not only for ridding the world of extremists but of addressing the forces that lead young people toward extremism in the first...

Judge Used Obscure Law to Block Obama on Immigration

White House says it'll appeal Texas ruling, but feds have to uphold for now

(Newser) - Millions of immigrants are cooling their heels instead of starting their deferred-deportation paperwork today after a Texas judge blocked President Obama's executive order on Monday. But how US District Judge Andrew Hanen did it is pretty fascinating: He used a little-used and vague administrative law from 1946 to ding...

Obama Lays Out Privacy Rules for Drones

White House memo sets limits of feds' use of unmanned aircraft

(Newser) - As the US prepares to see more drones aloft in coming years, President Barack Obama is taking steps to ensure that the government respects privacy and civil liberties when it uses the unmanned aircraft to collect information. Obama issued a memorandum to federal agencies today specifying measures to guard against...

Newspaper Correction: Obama Isn't the Antichrist

But the seventh king? Maybe

(Newser) - A newspaper correction issued by the Lexington Dispatch in North Carolina caught fire on the Internet for reasons that will be obvious once you read it: “Boyd Thomas’ letter Saturday contained an error in the headline. He does not believe President Obama is the Antichrist, who will come after...

Ayatollah Sent Secret Letter to White House

Wall Street Journal says it came amid recent nuclear talks

(Newser) - As Iran nuclear talks approach crunch time, one wild card has emerged—it turns out that President Obama and Iran's ayatollah are even bigger pen pals than realized, relatively speaking. The Wall Street Journal reports that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei sent Obama a letter "in recent weeks"...

Obama Breaks Silence, Condemns Muslim Murders

Says nobody should be a target because of how they look or worship

(Newser) - After taking flak for remaining silent after the murder of three young Muslims in North Carolina, President Obama today condemned the killings. Noting that the FBI is investigating to determine whether the victims were shot because of their religion, Obama said that "no one in the United States of...

Who Goes to SOTU Sober? Not Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Justice had vowed to 'stay away from the wine' this year, but oh well

(Newser) - Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been making headlines lately, from her proclamations that America can handle gay marriage to inspiring a University of Maryland student's elaborate upper-arm tattoo . Yesterday the Supreme Court justice cleared up a more sopoforic scandal that's been circulating: her alleged nap during President Obama's...

Obama to Tech World: Share Your Cyberthreats With Us

But Facebook, Yahoo, Google CEOs won't attend today's cybersecurity summit

(Newser) - In the wake of the Sony hack , President Obama will be speaking at a cybersecurity summit at Stanford University today, where he plans to sign an executive order calling for companies to share cyberthreats, both with the government and each other. But the CEOs of at least three major Silicon...

Obama Asks Congress to OK Military Force Against ISIS

President is offering to limit authorization to 3 years

(Newser) - President Obama today asked Congress to formally authorize military force against ISIS, arguing the militants could pose a threat to the US homeland if their violent power grab goes unchecked. In the three-page draft resolution (full text here ), Obama is offering to limit authorization to three years, extending to...

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