President Obama

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Dems Treat Obama Like GOP Did Bush in Final Year
Dems Treat Obama Like GOP Did Bush in Final Year

Dems Treat Obama Like GOP Did Bush in Final Year

... and shoulders will get colder as mid-terms near

(Newser) - President Obama’s support among his fellow Democrats—yep, looking at you, Howard Dean —is in a steeper dive than his opinion-poll numbers, and reminds David Broder of the last months of George W. Bush’s administration. But that was 7 years in for Republicans, he writes in the...

Obama's Pact Is Slap at Progressive Ideals

Copenhagen deal creates 'league of super-polluters'

(Newser) - The Copenhagen climate deal President Obama struck with China, India and South Africa flies in the face of progressive values, environmental writer Bill McKibben rages. Here’s how:
  • Obama made the UN obsolete: “The clear point is, you poor nations can spout off all you want on questions like

US Joins Yemen in Raids on Al-Qaeda

Obama himself ordered Navy to fire cruise missiles

(Newser) - The US participated in raids this week on al-Qaeda targets in Yemen, with warships launching cruise missiles yesterday in attack the Yemeni government says killed 34 militants. One official tells NBC that President Obama personally ordered the missile salvo; the New York Times reports that the US also contributed intelligence...

Obama, Leaders Reach Agreement on Emissions
Obama, Leaders Reach Agreement on Emissions
climate summit

Obama, Leaders Reach Agreement on Emissions

Copenhagen summit yields basic deal to fight climate change

(Newser) - President Obama and the leaders of China, India, and South Africa reached a "meaningful agreement" tonight in Copenhagen on steps to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the White House announced. The deal requires the nations of the world to list their actions to curb emissions and sets up a framework...

How Michelle Became the Popular Obama

First lady stays above the fray, elevating her image

(Newser) - Her days as a lightning rod on the campaign trail firmly behind her, Michelle Obama has polished her image in a paradoxical way for a political wife: by steering clear of politics. She's a familiar presence on the national scene, and her poll numbers are robust, even among Republicans. "...

Gloria Estefan Grills Obama&mdash;About Xmas
 Gloria Estefan Grills 
 Obama—About Xmas 

Gloria Estefan Grills Obama—About Xmas

Singer gets into the nitty-gritty—about Christmas—with the president

(Newser) - Gloria Estefan’s interview with President Obama—conducted for a Univision Christmas special—didn't exactly delve into immigration reform or health care. Politico offers up the complete transcript. Some of the, uh, highlights:
  • Urgent matters: “I have a very important question to start off this interview,” Estefan says.

Obama, Wen Meet, Report 'Progress'
 Wen Meet, 
copenhagen talks

Obama, Wen Meet, Report 'Progress'

But world leaders still seem far apart on fundamental issues

(Newser) - The two men who hold the fate of the Copenhagen climate talks in their hands met face-to-face for nearly an hour today. President Obama and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao discussed a possible accord, with the White House saying only that they "made progress." Earlier, Obama declared that the...

Obama Challenges China: We Need Emission Monitors

President addresses Copenhagen summit, urges action

(Newser) - President Obama took direct aim this morning at China's resistance to climate change monitoring, saying any deal that emerged from Copenhagen "would be empty words on a page" without such measures. They “need not be intrusive, or infringe upon sovereignty,” said Obama. The issue's been a sticking...

Obama Arrives at Climate Summit

President joins 110 world leaders in bid to end 'crisis'

(Newser) - President Obama arrived in Copenhagen this morning for the final day of the UN climate change conference as diplomats scrambled to salvage an agreement from the talks. A political agreement drawn up overnight by a group of countries was rejected this morning. The clashes between Western and developing nations that...

Obama, Medvedev Will Talk Arms Treaty Tomorrow

But they're not expected to sign a final accord to replace 'START' pact

(Newser) - President Obama will meet with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev tomorrow to discuss a successor to the recently expired START pact on nuclear weapons. The meeting, on the sidelines of the Copenhagen climate conference, isn't expected to yield a final accord. Both leaders, however, have pledged to eventually sign a replacement...

Blagojevich Defense Wants Obama to Testify

Lawyers seek investigators' interviews with Obama, Emanuel

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich's lawyers may attempt to get President Obama to testify in the former Illinois governor's corruption trial. The Blagojevich defense team has sought access to federal investigators' interviews with Obama and Rahm Emanuel conducted last year in order to determine whether to call the president or his chief of...

B+? Obama Must Be Joking
 B+? Obama 
 Must Be 

B+? Obama Must Be Joking

Prez deserves his failing grade from the public, writes Karl Rove

(Newser) - President Obama has the lowest approval ratings of any postwar president at the end of year one, and he's done plenty to earn them, writes Karl Rove. Poor policies at home and abroad have helped send his ratings downward, as has the increasingly blatant slipperiness of the president's words. These...

Obama Approval Slumps Below 50%

Widespread pessimism means worrying poll numbers for Dems

(Newser) - President Obama's approval rating held steady for most of this troubled year but it has now slumped below 50% for the first time in a Wall Street Journal / NBC poll. His approval rating now stands at 47%, with 55% of respondents believing the country is heading in the wrong...

Sanders on Health Bill: 'Not Voting for It'

Independent senator wanted public options since excised

(Newser) - Senate Democrats might’ve secured Joe Lieberman’s vote for the health-reform bill by killing various government-funded options, but they look to have lost another independent in the process. “I’m struggling with this,” Vermont’s Bernie Sanders told Fox News tonight. “As of this point, I’...

House Narrowly OKs $174B Job-Focused Stimulus Bill

Irate GOP calls measure 'son of stimulus'

(Newser) - President Obama's Democratic allies in the House have muscled through a year-end measure—with a price tag of $174 billion—aimed at creating jobs through a second round of stimulus spending. The 217-212 vote reflected considerable uneasiness among Democrats over the prospect of voting for more debt-financed spending as the...

Obama Sends Personal Letter to Kim Jong-Il

Missive delivered during envoy's visit to Pyongyang

(Newser) - President Obama has written a personal letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il as part of an intense effort to draw the reclusive nation back to nuclear disarmament talks, a senior State Department official says. The letter was delivered to North Korean officials last week by Obama's special envoy during...

Obama Rallies Dems: I'm 'Absolutely Confident'

President makes late push for health care reform

(Newser) - President Obama met with Senate Democrats behind closed doors today to make a final push for health care reform, then emerged with a note of cautious optimism. "I am absolutely confident if people know what's in this bill and if the senators know what’s in the bill ... it...

Obama Jakarta Statue Attacked on Facebook

Website founder says Barack is no national hero

(Newser) - A statue in Jakarta of President Obama as a boy is being attacked on a Facebook site by members who are demanding its removal. Some 15,500 members have joined the "Take Down the Barack Obama Statue in Taman Menteng Park" site since the 43-inch statue was erected last...

Obama Revives Cold War Liberalism

 Obama Revives  
 Cold War Liberalism  

Obama Revives Cold War Liberalism

In Nobel speech, a 'Christian realist' Obama Doctrine

(Newser) - President Obama's Oslo speech showed a spirit of Christian realism that most liberals abandoned after Vietnam but that would have been very familiar to Harry Truman, writes David Brooks. Obama, by acknowledging that evil exists and stressing that power needs to be constrained within institutions like NATO, is applying the...

Obama Overstates Domestic Al-Qaeda Threat: Experts

President, Clinton cite US arrests, but link to Pakistan appears weak

(Newser) - The White House has been overstating the link between recent domestic terrorism arrests and al-Qaeda activities in Pakistan and Afghanistan, security experts say. In justifying the Afghanistan troop buildup, President Obama cited recent arrests within the US; Hillary Clinton cited some of the same incidents a few days later. But...

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