President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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President Surprises First Lady With Birthday Dinner

For Michelle's 46th, Barack lines up friends, family

(Newser) - Even after a year in the White House fishbowl, President Obama can still pull off a surprise—as he did last night, when he threw a private dinner for Michelle Obama's 46th birthday. The first lady, whose birthday is actually today, knew they were dining out, but not where or...

3 Presidents Team Up on Haiti
 3 Presidents Team Up on Haiti 
new website for donors

3 Presidents Team Up on Haiti

Bill Clinton and George W. Bush join Obama at White House

(Newser) - President Obama said today that America "stands united" with the Haitian people as he thanked two former presidents for agreeing to help raise billions to rebuild the Caribbean nation. Obama met in the Oval Office with George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, and they announced a new website for...

Obama Gives Illegal Haitians Temp Amnesty

Iowa rep objects: Deported, they could help with relief

(Newser) - President Obama today gave Haitians in the US illegally the OK to stay for 18 months under “temporary protective status” while the quake-devastated nation rebuilds. And while critics don’t see much daylight between that and a blanket amnesty, one Republican says if the illegal immigrants were sent home,...

Obama Speech Takes on Defensive Edge
 Obama Speech Takes on 
 Defensive Edge  


Obama Speech Takes on Defensive Edge

Favorite phrase—'Let me be clear'—now signals grim determination

(Newser) - One of President Obama's longest-running, most-used rhetorical standbys is the earnest phrase "let me be clear." It cropped up in his national debut speech at the 2004 convention, was deployed throughout the campaign, and continues. But let me be clear—Obama's use of the phrase has changed. During...

Disturbing Disconnect Hanging Up Prez
 Hanging Up Prez 

Disturbing Disconnect Hanging Up Prez

Obama needs to learn to listen, writes Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - A year into his presidency, President Obama isn't reading from the same page as the American people and may not even be reading from the same book, writes Peggy Noonan. A president needs to have a "deep and shrewd sense of the people," but Obama seems blind to...

Obama Is Politicizing Haiti, Rush Maintains

And woman calling him on it is 'bigot' with 'tampons in her ears'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh said today he didn’t mean to discourage private donations to Haiti relief efforts yesterday in insisting that Americans had already made a contribution via income taxes—but did stand by a claim that President Obama is using those efforts to boost his popularity in the black community....

Obama Turns Up Heat in Mass. Senate Race

New video urges support for Coakley, president's agenda

(Newser) - With less than a week to go before the special election for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat and Democratic nominee Martha Coakley slipping in the polls, President Obama is appealing directly to voters. In a video released today, Obama ties his agenda to Coakley's prospects, saying the Massachusetts AG will "...

George W, Bill Clinton to Lead US Aid Team
 George W, Bill Clinton 
 to Lead US Aid Team 
haiti earthquake

George W, Bill Clinton to Lead US Aid Team

Ex-presidents will help direct 'full-court press' on Haiti

(Newser) - In addition to pledging $100 million to Haiti relief efforts, President Obama is calling in some familiar names for help. He's asked former presidents Clinton and the younger of the Bushes to lead US relief efforts, reports Politico . Clinton is currently the UN special envoy to the nation. In other...

Obama Needs to Ditch the 'Wall Street Liberal' Label

A fight with big banks would best help his reputation

(Newser) - "Wall Street Liberal" is pretty much the worst label you could stick on a politician: The left has no great love of Wall Street, while the "liberal" part ticks off the right. Bad news, then, for President Obama—who is actually neither liberal nor a Wall Street darling—...

What Happened to Obama the Orator?
 What Happened to 
 Obama the Orator? 

What Happened to Obama the Orator?

Empathy is absent from Obama speeches, writes Michael Gerson

(Newser) - The golden age of presidential oration President Obama's more fervent supporters predicted has completely failed to materialize, writes former George W. Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson. Obama's speechmaking—once seen as his greatest strength—has been so uninspired and unmemorable that it now seems like a major weakness, Gerson writes in...

Sarah Palin Makes Fox Debut
 Sarah Palin Makes Fox Debut 

Sarah Palin Makes Fox Debut

GOP star talks Obama, Pelosi, Iran with O'Reilly

(Newser) - Sarah Palin made her much-anticipated debut on Fox News tonight, appearing as a contributor on Bill O’Reilly’s show. The former Alaska governor (and weekend sportscaster for an Anchorage TV station) hit on President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and US relations in with Iran, Colby Hall notes for...

Major Quake, Aftershocks Rattle Haiti
 Major Quake, 
 Aftershocks Rattle Haiti 

Major Quake, Aftershocks Rattle Haiti

Huge death toll likely from 7.0 temblor; Obama promises aid

(Newser) - Scores of buildings have collapsed in Haiti after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck near the capital, Port-au-Prince, today, and was followed by a number of strong aftershocks, with two measuring 5.5 or higher. There’s no yet word on what’s expected to be a high death toll. An...

Black Optimism Surges
 Black Optimism Surges 

Black Optimism Surges

About 40% say they're better off now than 5 years ago, up from 20%

(Newser) - The last two years have seen a big increase in black Americans’ sense of how well-off they are in society. A Pew poll concludes that the election of President Obama was a “spur for this sharp rise in optimism,” in which 39% of respondents say they are better...

Lou Dobbs: Obama Birth Questions 'Common Sense'

Left creates 'toxicity' by harping on controversy

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs might’ve softened on illegal immigration as he weighs politics in his post-CNN life, but still isn’t sold that President Obama was born in the US. “When you can create a controversy by asking what seems to me still a perfectly commonsense question?” he says in...

Obama Budget Likely to Include Bank Fees

Aims to recoup bailout losses, avoid passing along to customers

(Newser) - The Obama administration will likely include a provision in next month’s budget that imposes fees on banks in an effort to make back some of the taxpayer money lost on the bailout and close the record deficit. Politico has it that a transaction tax is not on the table;...

No American Troops to Yemen: Petraeus, Obama

Security funding to Yemen will more than double, general says

(Newser) - The US has "no intention" of dispatching troops to Yemen or Somalia but will more than double the funding it allots for security aid in Yemen, according to the president and rthe head of Central Command. It's "quite clear that Yemen does not want to have American ground...

'Captain Obvious' Deduces Terror's Alive, Well

National security crises are not the time to play it cool, Obama

(Newser) - "No Drama Obama" reacted to the attempted Christmas bombing with characteristic cool—he "reviewed the reviews, analyzed the intelligence every which way," then he "came down from the mountaintop" to declare what we already know, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . "We are...

Health Costs Would Rise 1% Under Senate Bill

But modest increase would cover 34 million more, gov't study finds

(Newser) - Americans would see only a modest rise in health costs under the Senate's plan to extend coverage to 34 million people, government economic experts say in a new report. The study found that health spending, which accounts for about one-sixth of the economy, would increase by less than 1% than...

Reid Apologizes for 'No Negro Dialect' Remark
Reid Apologizes for 'No Negro Dialect' Remark
sorry, mr. president

Reid Apologizes for 'No Negro Dialect' Remark

He gave an unfortunate appraisal of candidate Obama

(Newser) - Harry Reid apologized today for his "poor choice of words" in 2008 when he said candidate Barack Obama had a chance to win because he was "light-skinned" and had "no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one." Reid made the comments privately, but they're coming...

Obama Highlights Health Care Bill's Immediate Benefits

In weekly radio address, president renews push

(Newser) - Barack Obama stepped back into the health care debate in today's weekly radio address, pushing for the bill's final passage and promising that the benefits of reform would be immediately felt. "What every American should know is that once I sign health insurance reform into law, there are dozens...

Stories 3261 - 3280 | << Prev   Next >>