President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 2821 - 2840 | << Prev   Next >>

Senate Passes Landmark Financial Reform

Measure goes to President Obama for his signature

(Newser) - Congress sent legislation to President Obama today that imposes sweeping new regulations on Wall Street and creates new protections for millions of US consumers. The Senate's 60-39 vote came nearly two years after a financial crisis knocked the US economy to its knees. At a whopping 2,300 pages, the...

Media Moguls: Obama's Scaring Big Business

Sun Valley conference a pessimistic affair

(Newser) - The Sun Valley summit of media titans last week was a dour affair, with the CEOs lamenting the poor state of the economy—and how little faith they have in the Obama administration to fix it. In on- and off-the-record conversations with the moguls, Peter Lauria of the Daily Beast...

Obama's Approval Hits New Low
 Obama's Approval 
 Hits New Low 

Obama's Approval Hits New Low

But Congress, as ever, is even worse

(Newser) - President Obama’s approval rating dips to a new low in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll . Just 43% approve of the job the president is doing, while 54% disapprove—including one-third of Democrats. Obama’s supporters aren’t very enthusiastic, either: Twice as many people gave him a strongly...

Vitter Backs Birther Lawsuits

Distrusts 'mainstream media' on Obama birth certificate

(Newser) - Sen. David Vitter says he supports conservative organizations challenging President Barack Obama's citizenship in court. The Louisiana Republican, who is running for re-election, made the comments at a town hall-style event in Metairie, La., on Sunday when a constituent asked what he would do about what the questioner said was...

Gun Rights Gain Under Obama
 Gun Rights Gain Under Obama 

Gun Rights Gain Under Obama

Fear of backlash keeps Dems timid on 2nd amendment

(Newser) - Gun-rights advocates who feared that the Obama presidency would mean the end of the Second Amendment have instead found the political climate surprisingly friendly, the Washington Independent reports. The Supreme Court and state legislatures alike have awarded victories to pro-gun forces, and federal lawmakers are wary of rocking the boat....

Palin: Obama's Backasswards
 Palin: Obama's Backasswards 

Palin: Obama's Backasswards

Meanwhile, she doles out $87K in campaign contributions

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has slam-Tweeted President Obama's economic strategy as "the most disconnected, backasswards plan ever imposed on the country we love." She made the broadside after Obama ripped her girl Sharron Angle in her race against Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, reports the New York Daily News . Palin...

Axelrod: Oil Rig Pullout 'Not Optimal'
 Oil Rig 
 'Not Optimal' 

Axelrod: Oil Rig Pullout 'Not Optimal'

Plus, Ariz. rep tired of Brewer getting 'kicked around'

(Newser) - The exit of oil drilling rigs from the Gulf of Mexico "is not an optimal situation," David Axelrod tells Fox News Sunday, but it's not un-optimal enough to lift the White House's moratorium on new drilling. While "the president does not want to stop drilling," the...

Obama: 'Solemn' Duty to Help Vets With PTSD

White House plans to make getting benefits easier

(Newser) - With the military fighting two wars, President Obama said today the country has a "solemn responsibility" to ensure that veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder get the help they need. Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki is to announce new regulations Monday intended to make it easier for veterans with PTSD...

10 Celebs Who Rule Facebook

 10 Celebs Who 
 Rule Facebook 
yep, vin diesel

10 Celebs Who Rule Facebook

Vin Diesel, Linkin Park have a lot more friends than you do

(Newser) - We know Lady Gaga and President Obama have plenty of fans (more than 10 million, though the leader of the free world actually trails the singer). Here are some other surprising social media mavens, singled out by Time , along with their number of fans (as of Thursday) and a taste...

Spy Swap Talks Started Weeks Before Arrests

Agents' kids sent to Russia or planning to go

(Newser) - The 14-person spy swap executed today at an airport in Vienna grew out of talks that started in June—weeks before the Russian spies living in the US were arrested—and the White House knew about the sleeper agents in February, reports the Washington Post . Meanwhile, the Russian agents' kids...

'Seminal' Town Halls of 2009 Still Resonate
 'Seminal' Town Halls 
 of 2009 Still Resonate 
peggy noonan

'Seminal' Town Halls of 2009 Still Resonate

Consequences will be felt in November midterm elections

(Newser) - The midterm elections are poised to shake up the political landscape, a consequence that Peggy Noonan traces directly back to the volatile town hall meetings of last summer. "Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats saw it coming," she writes of the movement. "But it was a seminal...

Obama's a Narcissist

 Obama's a Narcissist
charles krauthammer

Obama's a Narcissist

He's only modest when it comes to the country

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer thinks President Obama has an ego fit for a king. Just look at the way he litters his speeches with the words "I" and "my," a stylistic quirk that may sound minor but is "quite revealing of Obama's exalted view of himself." What...

Another Poll Spells Trouble for Obama, Democrats

Democracy Corps survey finds 55% think president is socialist

(Newser) - Writing in the New Republic , William Galston unveils the results of a most recent Democracy Corps poll taken on the public's perception of President Obama. The left-leaning polling firm, headed by James Carville and Stan Greenberg, found that 55% of those questioned agreed that "Obama is a socialist,"...

Baby Boomers Turning Their Backs on Obama
Baby Boomers Turning
Their Backs on Obama

Baby Boomers Turning Their Backs on Obama

They're leaning Republican after voting for him in 2008

(Newser) - Potentially big trouble for President Obama and the Democrats, writes Doyle McManus: They're losing the baby boomers. Polling shows the over-50 set "leaning increasingly Republican," even though they generally voted for Obama in 2008 and for congressional Democrats in 2006. Assuming they hold, the defections will likely hurt...

Obama Used Bush Drilling Policies He Slammed

Political expediency caused U-turn on offshore drilling

(Newser) - President Obama and his administration have gone from condemning Bush-era offshore drilling policies to embracing them to blaming them for the mess in the Gulf, a Wall Street Journal look at Obama's energy policy finds. The tough talk about environmental protection heard on the campaign trail gave way to support...

Obama Is Not Only a Woman, He's My Cousin
Obama Is Not Only a Woman, He's My Cousin
Kathleen Parker

Obama Is Not Only a Woman, He's My Cousin

She defends her column—and reveals their family ties

(Newser) - Well. Kathleen Parker today defends her previous column about Barack Obama being our first female president but sees her critics' point that it's not easy for black man to get angry in public (he'll be seen as Angry Black Man). She then offers this twist: She doesn't see him "...

Obama Unveils $2B for Solar Projects

Aims to create thousands of jobs at a time we need it, he says

(Newser) - The government is handing out nearly $2 billion for new solar plants that President Obama says will create thousands of jobs and increase renewable energy sources. Obama announced the initiative in his weekly address today, saying the money is part of his plan to bring new industries to the US....

Steele Backs Off Afghan War Smack Talk

RNC chair rushes to declare support for troops

(Newser) - Having enraged conservatives and delighted Democrats by criticizing the decision to engage in Afghanistan—a policy advanced by President Bush and supported by congressional Republicans—the RNC chairman is scrambling to defuse the controversy, reports the Washington Post . "For the sake of the security of the free world, our...

Lady Gaga Beats Obama to 10M Facebook Fans

Singer beats president to milestone

(Newser) - More than 10 million Facebook users are fans of Lady Gaga, making her the first living person to reach the eight-digit reaches of global popularity, Us reports . Michael Jackson, Family Guy, Texas Hold 'Em, and Mafia Wars are the only other entities with 10 million fans. Even President Obama has...

Arizona to Prez: Do Your Job, Secure the Border

Guv fires back after Obama scolding

(Newser) - Did President Obama's slam against Arizona's immigration law make the governor quake in her boots? Hardly. "Do your job. Secure the border," Gov. Jan Brewer shot back at the president in a speech to a Republican group. Brewer pledged to "defend this law against every assault, including...

Stories 2821 - 2840 | << Prev   Next >>