President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 2701 - 2720 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama's Dumb Strategy Is Hurting Democrats

He's running an awful midterm campaign, Karl Rove writes

(Newser) - President Obama is “overseeing one of the worst White House midterm strategies in American history,” writes Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal . Even though the economy is foremost on voters’ minds, Obama continues to focus on immigration reform, the “Ground Zero mosque,” and “an...

Was Obama's Dad Murdered?
 Was Obama's 
 Dad Murdered? 

Was Obama's Dad Murdered?

Family members question 'car accident' story

(Newser) - The official story is that President Obama’s father died after crashing his car into a tree—but Obama’s family in Kenya fears foul play had a hand in his death, according to a book Peter Firstbrook is working on about the Obamas. Though Barack Sr.’s car...

Obama to Hit the Daily Show
 Obama to Hit the Daily Show 

Obama to Hit the Daily Show

President will guest days before rally—sorry, Glenn Beck

(Newser) - Glenn Beck is probably not a fan of the upcoming Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert rally as it is—but his head is really “going to explode when he hears this:” President Obama will be a guest on the Daily Show just days before the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or...

Obama Skipping Sikh Temple to Dodge Muslim Rumors

Source says head covering was an issue

(Newser) - President Obama won't be visiting Sikh worshipers' holiest site on his upcoming trip to India because he doesn't want to fuel rumors that he is a Muslim, a US official tells the New York Times . Visitors to Amritsar's Golden Temple are required to cover their heads and the White House...

GOP Rout May Be Great News &mdash;for Obama
 GOP Rout 
 May Be 
 Great News 
 —for Obama 
eugene robinson

GOP Rout May Be Great News —for Obama

Expect Republican obstruction, which the president can capitalize on

(Newser) - If even the worst Democratic fears play out next month and they wind up losing both the House and Senate, Eugene Robinson sees a bright silver lining for the party. Conservatives and Tea Party activists will suddenly find themselves in government instead of in the peanut gallery, and our "...

Obama Tapes Mythbusters Segment

He's rocking his inner geek, experimenting with Archimedes claim

(Newser) - President Obama says he'll be exercising his inner geek in an appearance on Discovery Channel show Mythbusters—but the myth he's busting has nothing to do with his birth certificate or whether he's secretly a Muslim. And unlike what usually happens on Mythbusters, he won't be blowing anything up. "...

Bachmann Rules House Wingnuts Index

Steve King, Louie Gohmert not far behind among fringe congressmen

(Newser) - A week after releasing its Senate Wingnut Index , the Daily Beast investigates wingnuttery in the House. Using a “semi-scientific” process to identify the most extreme members on both sides of the spectrum, the site ranks them:
  1. Michele Bachmann (R-MN): From calling the president “anti-American” to warning of tyranny,

4 New Voices Obama Should Hire
 4 New Voices 
 Obama Should Hire 
ezra klein

4 New Voices Obama Should Hire

With so many vacancies, the president has an opportunity

(Newser) - Peter Orszag, Christina Romer, Larry Summers, Rahm Emanuel, Jim Jones: A lot of people have left the Obama administration, but that could be a good thing. The president has a successful team—but he needs “a new agenda, and new ideas,” writes Ezra Klein in Newsweek . He offers...

Obama Picked Horrible Time for Mea Culpa Interview

David Corn: White House should be fighting, not admitting mistakes

(Newser) - Nice that President Obama is cognizant that he made political missteps in his first two years, writes David Corn at Mother Jones . But maybe he could have waited until after the election to provide the New York Times with his mea culpa? "The White House ought to be in...

Obama Admits 'Tactical' Mistakes

 Obama Admits 

Obama Admits 'Tactical' Mistakes

Admits he neglected the marketing of his policies

(Newser) - Barack Obama is proud of his many legislative accomplishments, but lately he’s been dwelling on the mistakes of his first two years, and spending “a lot of time talking about Obama 2.0,” one aide tells the New York Times in a sweeping profile today. Obama tells...

Obama Pushes $50B Infrastructure Plan

Prez seeks GOP support for 'roads, railways, runways' spending

(Newser) - President Obama has made a fresh call for bipartisan support for his $50 billion "roads, railways and runways" plan to upgrade the nation's infrastructure. Obama warned that a failure to invest in infrastructure is eroding America's competitive edge and called for lawmakers to choose between "decline and prosperity,...

Obama Points Finger, GOP Denies Using Foreign Funds

GOP counterattacks after Obama targets Chamber funding

(Newser) - The GOP is rejecting accusations from President Obama and the Democratic National Committee that its allies are using funds from foreign donors to underwrite election campaigns. The White House is urging the Republican-allied US Chamber of Commerce to open its books to prove that foreign money isn't illegally being used...

Book Thrown at Obama at Rally, Streaker Busted

Naked man set to collect $1M prize

(Newser) - President Obama sought to recapture the spirit of 2008 at a huge rally in Philadelphia yesterday, though flying books and naked men presumably weren't part of that spirit. Somebody threw a book at the president as he spoke, missing narrowly. Both the book and the thrower remain unidentified, Gawker notes....

George W. Bush Pulls Even With Obama in Poll

Current president used to have a 23-point edge

(Newser) - A CNN poll is getting some buzz today because respondents put Barack Obama and George W. Bush in a statistical dead heat on the question of who's the better president. Obama edged Bush 47% to 45%, but it's a far cry from the 23-point margin he held a year ago....

Obama Uses 'Pocket Veto' on Foreclosure Bill

Critics say measure would give banks too much leeway

(Newser) - President Obama is refusing to sign a bill that critics say would make it easier for banks to rush foreclosures on homeowners, the Wall Street Journal reports. The bill zipped through both the House and Senate when it was deemed an uncontroversial measure on interstate commerce—it centers on out-of-state...

Limbaugh: Obama Is an 'Imam-Child'

Shaving top tax cuts turns Rush apoplectic over 'economic ignoramus'

(Newser) - Right-wing trumpet Rush Limbaugh absolutely tore into President Obama yesterday, calling the commander in chief a "jackass," an "economic ignoramus," and an "idiot," over his support for extending the Bush tax credits to all but the top 2%. Obama said at a speech before...

Afghan Troop Surge Just 'Political Cover' for Obama
Afghan Troop Surge Just 'Political Cover' for Obama
Charles Krauthammer

Afghan Troop Surge Just 'Political Cover' for Obama

Charles Krauthammer: President doesn't believe in the war

(Newser) - President Obama doesn't really believe in the Afghanistan war, writes Charles Krauthammer, and Bob Woodward's book proves it. Sure, he increased troops and called it a "vital national interest," but he simultaneously told his team that he needed an exit strategy because "I can't lose the whole...

The Tragedy of Obama's Choice in Afghanistan
The Tragedy of Obama's Choice in Afghanistan

The Tragedy of Obama's Choice in Afghanistan

And how we might actually be able to escape the war

(Newser) - Underneath all the Beltway intrigue in Bob Woodward’s new book “lurks a saga of tragedy,” writes Fred Kaplan of Slate . The tragic hero: Barack Obama, who, after painstaking analysis, escalated a potentially unwinnable war. Fed up with a Pentagon that refused to offer him any options other...

Obama: 'I'm a Christian by Choice'

President opens up about his religion

(Newser) - President Obama was unusually forthcoming today about his religion, explaining to a questioner that he is "Christian by choice," reports the Washington Post . Addressing the issue for the first time since a Pew poll found that many Americans think he's Muslim, the president said that his parents "...

This Is a Man, Not a Superhero
 This Is a Man, 
 Not a Superhero 

This Is a Man, Not a Superhero

Progressives have proved too ready to abandon Obama

(Newser) - Critics of Barack Obama are taking last week's confrontation by Velma Hart , a struggling middle-class black supporter, as proof that the president has lost even the support of African-American voters. Hart, who told Obama she was "still waiting for change" couldn't "have done a better job for the...

Stories 2701 - 2720 | << Prev   Next >>