President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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White House Caves, Will Extend Bush Tax Cuts

But Axelrod says Obama will veto any health care threat

(Newser) - Any Republican attempt to repeal health care reform legislation won't make it past President Obama's veto pen, top adviser David Axelrod tells the Huffington Post. The president is willing to give ground in other areas and is prepared to accept an across-the-board continuation of Bush-era tax cuts even for the...

Note to Presidents: Words Matter
 Note to  
 Words Matter 
howard kurtz

Note to Presidents: Words Matter

Obama, Bush must recognize that demeanor isn't trivial

(Newser) - In office, George W. Bush seemed laid back no matter what, while Barack Obama “has not been a happy warrior.” Both men have been true to form in major interviews over the past week, writes Howard Kurtz in the Daily Beast . Obama acknowledged discouragement—a fair point, but...

No. of Feds Making Over $150K Soars

GOP to attack government pay in lame-duck Congress

(Newser) - The number of federal government employees making at least $150,000 a year is 10 times what it was five years ago, and it has doubled since President Obama’s inauguration, says a study by USA Today . House GOP members are hoping to pounce on the issue as the lame-duck...

Obama: 'Indonesia Is Part of Me'

America is not at war with Islam, president tells Jakarta audience

(Newser) - President Obama called for a fresh beginning with the Muslim world in a speech in Jakarta today. Obama, revisiting the nation where he lived for four years as a boy, praised Indonesia for fighting terrorism and called for both the US and the Islamic world to overcome "suspicion and...

Netanyahu Fires Back After Obama Dig

'Jerusalem is not a settlement,' declares Israeli leader

(Newser) - They may not be fighting words, but they're not exactly negotiating words, either: "Jerusalem is not a settlement," huffed Benjamin Netanyahu (or at least a statement from his office). "It is the capital of Israel." The retort came after President Obama criticized Israel's plan to add...

War With Iran 'Inconceivable'

 Let's Not Forget 
 the Cost of War 

Let's Not Forget the Cost of War

Roger Cohen asks: have we not learned 'the lessons of Iraq'?

(Newser) - A Washington Post journalist suggested that a “showdown” with Iran could help the US economy; now a key GOP senator wants to “go beyond sanctions” and “neuter that regime.” Seeing a blinded, one-legged veteran makes Roger Cohen wonder: Have we forgotten the cost of war? It’...

Obama Needs a B-Team
 Obama Needs  
 a B-Team 

Obama Needs a B-Team

Dissent among insiders could save his presidency

(Newser) - President Obama’s top advisers have had their chance, and Tuesday proves they blew it, writes American Prospect editor Robert Kuttner. The trouble is that “an in-group of experts often becomes an echo chamber, reinforcing their own prejudices and excluding people with different views,” he notes in the...

Obama to UN: Give India Seat on Security Council

Trip drives $14.9B in trade deals, 50K US jobs

(Newser) - In a key diplomatic move, President Obama called for a permanent seat for India on the UN Security Council today. In a speech to the country’s Parliament, Obama fulfilled the country’s top wish for his visit, the AP reports, though it does not mean that India will join...

Obama Enters G20 Currency Fray

Germany blasts US currency policy ahead of summit

(Newser) - Days ahead of a G20 summit, President Obama has weighed in on an international debate over currency, as the US seeks to cull huge German and Chinese trade surpluses, the Wall Street Journal reports. At a New Delhi press conference, Obama seemed supportive of the Fed’s decision to buy...

Obama Talks Mistakes, Midterms in 60 Minutes Interview
 Obama: Tone Has 'Slipped' 

Obama: Tone Has 'Slipped'

Prez talks mistakes, midterms on 60 Minutes

(Newser) - President Obama acknowledged mistakes since entering office, including “slipping” on maintaining a better tone in Washington, in a 60 Minutes interview last night, Politico reports. “Part of my promise to the American people when I was elected was to maintain the kind of tone that says we can...

Boehner Fist Bump Hits New Yorker Cover

Mag reprises controversial cover

(Newser) - The New Yorker has reprised the "terrorist fist bump" cover that irked Obama in 2008 —this time with House Speaker-in-waiting John Boehner standing in for Michelle. The cover, by artist Barry Blitt, features the president offering his hand to Boehner and being offered a fist in return, the...

Cantor: Obama, Pelosi Just Don't Get It
 Pelosi Just 
 Don't Get It 


Cantor: Obama, Pelosi Just Don't Get It

Lots of other sparring, slicing, and dicing on your Sunday show roundup

(Newser) - Apparently President Obama and Nancy Pelosi aren't listening to the message Democrats were given Tuesday, complains Eric Cantor. "When you hear the president say things like 'we did a poor job of explaining what we were trying to do,' that is indicative of his not getting it,"...

It's Time for Obama to Call GOP's Bluff

Rich: Make the Republicans get specific

(Newser) - President Obama took a "shellacking" because Democrats didn't have a coherent message for America. But, argues Frank Rich in the New York Times , the Republicans don't, either. To regain some ground, Obama must call the right's bluff, and force the GOP to get specific. The Republicans keep talking about...

Republicans Look to Hobble Health Reform

May force partisan standoff

(Newser) - The GOP may not have the votes to repeal health care reform, but they're still setting their sights on it. Incoming Republicans say they plan to curtail the controversial law by finding creative ways to hobble it, finds the New York Times . They may, for instance, cut funding and personnel...

Obamas Begin India Visit
 Obamas Begin India Visit 

Obamas Begin India Visit

President puts focus on trade, security

(Newser) - President Obama's 10-day overseas trip is under way, with he and the first lady paying homage today to the victims of the Mumbai terror attacks of 2008. "We visit here to send a very clear message that, in our determination to give our people a future of security and...

Secret to Recovery: Optimism
 Secret to 

Secret to Recovery: Optimism

Obama, Boehner must promote American confidence

(Newser) - There’s a big economic problem that’s been keeping a low profile: American confidence, writes David Smick in the Washington Post . “Between $2.5 trillion and $4 trillion of private capital is waiting on the sidelines to ‘reliquify’ a new era of American confidence and innovation,”...

Obama: What I Got Wrong
 Obama: What 
 I Got Wrong 

Obama: What I Got Wrong

Says he forgot 'leadership isn't just legislation'

(Newser) - In his first post-midterm interview, President Obama offers an analysis of missteps over the past two years, one that echoes his day-after press conference. "We were so busy and so focused” that we forgot “leadership isn’t just legislation,” he tells 60 Minutes . It’s also “...

Obama 'Open' to Tax-Cut Compromise

President may be willing to give ground after midterm losses

(Newser) - In what promises to be an, ahem, interesting dinner party, President Obama will meet with both sides of the aisle at a Nov. 18 White House dinner—during which tax cuts will be at the top of the agenda. What's more, the White House may be willing to compromise in...

Bush: Palin Isn't Qualified to Be President

He 'thinks less' of McCain for choosing her, says confidant

(Newser) - Former President George Bush doesn't believe Sarah Palin is qualified to be president and thinks less of John McCain for choosing her as his running mate, a confidant tell the New York Daily News. "Naming Palin makes Bush think less of McCain as a man," said a GOP...

Potential Obama Challenger in 2012 Is ... Howard Dean?

Roger Simon think it's possible, but a Dean spokesman denies

(Newser) - The jockeying is well under way among Republicans to see who will emerge as the GOP challenger to President Obama in 2012. But at Politico , Roger Simon says the White House is keeping a wary eye on a Democrat: Howard Dean. "While today it looks impossible" that Obama would...

Stories 2661 - 2680 | << Prev   Next >>