President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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White House Squeezed in Libya Speech Before DWTS

Networks consulted over timing of Obama speech

(Newser) - President Obama's speech making the case for intervention in Libya came after some high-level talks—with TV networks. The White House and network officials agreed on a 7:30pm ET slot, which ensured ABC would still be able to broadcast Dancing with the Stars at 8pm as planned, reports the...

Obama: 'We Intervened to Stop a Massacre'

President defends decision to intervene in Libya

(Newser) - President Obama made his case for the American intervention in Libya tonight at the National Defense University, reports Politico, citing the perfect storm of international support, Libyan rebels' pleas, the United States' ability to avoid committing ground troops—and its obligation to prevent genocide. Some highlights:
  • On his decision: Obama

Gingrich Clarifies His Libya Shifts, Blames Obama

Admits 'contradictions,' but pins them on the president

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich today admitted "contradictions" in his own Libya statements, but says he was merely reacting to President Obama's policy shifts. The rundown, as first noted in Think Progress :
  • March 7: "Exercise a no-fly zone this evening," said Gingrich. "We don't need to have the United

Obama: We're Not Trying to Kill Gadhafi

President tells lawmakers assassination isn't on the table

(Newser) - President Obama has said Moammar Gadhafi should go, but he apparently doesn't mean it in the most extreme sense. The president told congressional lawmakers today that the military isn't out to assassinate the Libyan leader, reports Politico . “There was a discussion of how we have other ways of regime...

Peggy Noonan: Obama Has to Give a Major Speech Explaining His Libya Decision

 Time for Your 
 Libya Speech, 
 Mr. President 
Peggy Noonan

Time for Your Libya Speech, Mr. President

Peggy Noonan: Obama has to explain this to the American people

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan is among those scratching their heads over the US decision to flex its muscle in Libya, and she'd like help figuring it out ... from President Obama himself. "I cannot for the life of me see how an American president can launch a serious military action without a...

Oops: Obama Locked Out of White House

He is (very briefly) kept out of the Oval Office

(Newser) - President Obama apparently caught the White House staff off guard with his early return from Latin America yesterday. A video making the rounds shows him briefly locked out of the Oval Office. (He nonchalantly walks to another door.) Goofy, yes, but Mediaite makes a safe guess it'll be showing...

Dana Milbank: Anthony Weiner Is the Only Democrat Fighting for Health Care
 Weiner's the 
 Only Dem in 
 Health Brawl 

Dana Milbank

Weiner's the Only Dem in Health Brawl

Dana Milbank: Only he is standing up to Republican attacks on law

(Newser) - Republicans keep attacking health care reform, and with one loud exception, Democrats have been "passive to the point of wimpy" in defending it, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . That exception? "Brooklyn-born streetfighter" Anthony Weiner. "I don't represent the hide-under-the-desk wing of the Democratic Party,"...

Rumsfeld to Obama: Hey, Wars Have Consequences

He also faults president for having an unclear mission

(Newser) - Glass houses, alert: Donald Rumsfeld thinks the US intervention in Libya—or at least the way President Obama is going about it—is misguided. The former defense chief tells Politico that President Obama has presented a muddled set of goals, resulting in an unclear mission. The problem involves the international...

Biden's Old 'Impeach Bush' Speech Turned Against Him

... and toward his new boss

(Newser) - Churn through enough news sites today, and you're bound to come across a 2007 clip of Joe Biden promising to lead an impeachment of President Bush if he attacks Iran without getting the approval of Congress, notes Mediaite . It's leading to charges of Libya hypocrisy along these lines from Ed...

Limbaugh: Obama and His Boys Are 'Sissies'

Gates, male liberals are 'the new castrati'

(Newser) - In a column for CNN, David Gergen wrote about how "ironic" it is that the advisers who "talked Obama into using force" against Moammar Gadhafi were all women. But Rush Limbaugh was not at all surprised by the fact that "leading male advisers were opposed." Referencing...

Gadhafi Vows Victory: 'I Am Here, I Am Here'

Obama has 'no doubt' allies will figure out next steps

(Newser) - Plenty of observers see the Libya conflict in the shorthand of Obama vs. Gadhafi (as much as the US president objects), and the two main players made fresh appeals today:
  • Gadhafi: In a 3-minute address on state television, he remained defiant, reports the BBC . "In the short term, we'll

Jonah Goldberg Thinks the US Didn't Act Fast Enough on Libya; Michael Kinsley Thinks We Shouldn't Have Acted at All
Obama's Libya Response:
Too Much, or Too Slow?
OPINION roundup

Obama's Libya Response: Too Much, or Too Slow?

Michael Kinsley thinks the former, Jonah Goldberg, the latter

(Newser) - Today's op-ed page of the Los Angeles Times illustrates how President Obama is taking flak from both sides over his Libya decision:
  • Not fast enough: Jonah Goldberg thinks Obama blew it by not acting in the early days of Libya's unrest, when a "small intervention" such as bribing military

Ralph Nader: Impeach 'War Criminal' Obama

If Bush, Cheney were criminals, Obama is too

(Newser) - Ralph Nader, often a candidate for president and never a fan of the president or anyone who wants to be president , has quickly condemned President Obama's action in Libya , branding him a "war criminal," Mediaite reports. Sound familiar? Nader had the same pet name for George W Bush...

Why Are 64 Senators Writing a Letter, Not Laws?

'Odd' missive asks for help supermajority doesn't need: Ezra Klein

(Newser) - There’s something strange about the letter 64 senators have written to Barack Obama, requesting that he support comprehensive debt reduction. The language itself is standard enough, writes Ezra Klein in the Washington Post —but why did a powerful bloc of senators write it, rather than the legislation they...

Michael Moore Twitter-Blasts Obama

Left-wing filmmaker outraged over US military intervention in Libya

(Newser) - Michael Moore ripped into President Obama yesterday for taking military action in Libya , reports the Hill , unloading a barrage of criticism via Twitter . A sampling of Moore's outrage:
  • "It's only cause we're defending the Libyan people from a tyrant! That's why we bombed the Saudis last wk! Hahaha. Pentagon=comedy"

Obama Stresses Jobs in Brazil, Keeps Eye on Libya

His five-day trip to Latin America overshadowed by military action

(Newser) - Seeking to link his Latin American tour to job growth back home, President Obama said today the US was eager to sell its goods and services to Brazil's booming middle class. With his message all but overshadowed by the chaos in Libya and Japan, Obama held meetings with newly elected...

Call Him Our 'Imperial' President

 Call Him Our 
Andrew Sullivan

Call Him Our 'Imperial' President

Andrew Sullivan: Libya action makes no sense; Congress should vote

(Newser) - President Obama's speech yesterday justifying military action against Libya was "disturbingly empty," writes Andrew Sullivan at his Daily Dish blog in the Atlantic. Notice he didn't try to explain why we're moving against Tripoli but not allies Bahrain or Yemen? That's "because, one suspects, there is no...

Hillary Clinton Drove President Obama's Decision to Use Military Force on Libya
 Clinton Drove 
 Obama Shift on Libya 

Clinton Drove Obama Shift on Libya

Secretary of State secured Arab buy-in, convinced prez to act

(Newser) - President Obama came late to the decision to authorize military force against Libya , but he did so based on the counsel and efforts of Hillary Clinton, reports the New York Times . The secretary of state was herself against intervention until she secured buy-in from Arab nations; she then joined a...

Obama Gives Blunt Warning to Gadhafi

Cease attacks immediately or face military action, he says

(Newser) - President Obama warned Moammar Gadhafi today if he doesn't immediately pull back his troops from major cities and cease attacks on protesters, the world community will make good on its promise of military action, reports CNN . He emphasized that the US would not act alone and that no American ground...

Obama: Radiation Poses No Risk to US

President says West Coast won't see Japan fallout, endorses nuclear energy

(Newser) - President Obama reaffirmed today that Americans in Japan should get at least 50 miles away from the damaged nuclear plant, but he doesn't think Americans elsewhere have much cause for worry: "I want to be very clear," he said in a brief statement on the crisis. "We...

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