President Obama

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What Sheen Would Do If Elected President

Make Nicolas Cage his VP, for one

(Newser) - Charlie Sheen may have alienated his "truther" fans , but it looks like he'll be able to replace them with birthers. Politics was on the agenda when Sheen's "Violent Torpedo of Truth" tour hit Washington, DC, Tuesday night and the actor got plenty of cheers when he...

Obama's Facebook Forum Is a Little Ho-Hum

But we did get to see Mark Zuckerberg in a suit and tie

(Newser) - Maybe the most suprising part of President Obama's town hall meeting at Facebook headquarters today was that Mark Zuckerberg ditched his hoodie and put on a suit and tie, writes Carla Marinucci at the San Francisco Chronicle . "For all its tech/youth/cutting edge promise, Facebook's event was pretty...

Yes, Democrats, Obama Can Lose in 2012
 Yes, Democrats, 
 Obama Can Lose in 2012 

Yes, Democrats, Obama Can Lose in 2012

... If economy stays down and GOP avoids a fringe candidate: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Democrats could easily get complacent looking at the lackluster GOP candidates for 2012 or, better yet, the fringe contenders such as Donald Trump. At Salon , Steve Kornacki provides a sobering antidote to that complacency: "Under economic conditions like those that now exist, Obama is likely to be defeated in...

Grayer Obama Plays Up 'Older-but-Wiser' Theme

President turns 50 in August, and he's not hiding it: Politico

(Newser) - Listen to President Obama's speeches of late and you're bound to hear a familar refrain, notes Amie Parnes in Politico —self-deprecating comments about how he's getting older. “I don’t look that young anymore," he said in a recent conference call with reporters. "...

Polls: Obama Botching the Economy

...but he's still doing better than GOP field

(Newser) - The economy may be casting a shadow over President Obama’s reelection hopes, but he’s still doing better than a GOP field that’s not inspiring much enthusiasm. In a new Washington Post-ABC News poll , 47% approve of the job Obama’s doing overall, with 50% disapproving. But when...

Barack Obama Tax Returns: President and Michelle Obama Made $1.7 Million Last Year

 Bush Tax Cuts 
 Save Obamas 

Bush Tax Cuts Save Obamas $100K

President pulled in $1.73M in 2010, based mostly on books

(Newser) - Barack and Michelle Obama reeled in $1,728,096 last year—a precipitous drop from the $5.5 million the first couple claimed the year before, according to tax returns released yesterday by the White House. And while Obama proclaimed in last Wednesday's speech that he doesn't "...

Obama-Chimp Emailer: Sorry, I'm Still Not Quitting

Marilyn Davenport issues formal apology, but won't step down

(Newser) - Marilyn Davenport, the California Republican official who stirred up a controversy when she sent out an email depicting President Obama as a chimpanzee , formally apologized last night, the AP reports. "I humbly apologize and ask for your forgiveness of my unwise behavior. I say unwise because at the time...

GOP Official: Sorry About Obama-Chimp Email, But...

...It's not racist, says California party official Marilyn Davenport

(Newser) - A Republican party official from California who emailed an altered Obama "family photo" featuring the president's face copied onto a chimpanzee's body says she is "sorry if my email offended anyone." But she said she never considered it racist, reports the New York Daily News...

Obama Is &#39;Very Likely&#39; to Win ... Also &#39;Likely&#39; to Lose
Obama Is 'Very Likely' to Win
... Also 'Likely' to Lose
Brooks vs. Noonan

Obama Is 'Very Likely' to Win ... Also 'Likely' to Lose

Peggy Noonan and David Brooks have different views on the 2012 race

(Newser) - A lot of political analysts considered this week to be the informal start of the 2012 presidential campaign, and two right-leaning columnists have polar opposite views on Barack Obama's prospects:
  • David Brooks: "It doesn’t take a genius to see that Obama is very likely to be re-elected.

Allies to NATO: No Leaving Libya Until Gadhafi Is Out

Ministers meet in Berlin as Obama links military effort to ouster

(Newser) - NATO’s mission in Libya must continue as long as Moammar Gadhafi holds power, President Obama and the leaders of France and Britain say. “So long as Gadhafi is in power, NATO must maintain its operations so that civilians remain protected and the pressure on the regime builds,”...

Fox News Ditches Obama Speech Suicide Story

Piece implied link between student death, deficit chat

(Newser) - Fox News has wiped from its website a report on a George Washington University student's suicide whose timing may have coincided with President Obama’s speech on the school's campus—and that seemed to suggest the two events were linked. "GWU officials tell Fox that police were...

Angry Dems Seek Obama Challenger

Some House Dems outraged by budget deal

(Newser) - The budget deal President Obama hammered out with Harry Reid and John Boehner appears to have been the last straw for some Democrats—especially in the House. Democratic caucus members, including Nancy Pelosi, who voted against the budget deal are feeling ignored and disappointed, and some have even begun discussing...

Obama: I Was Born in Hawaii, Don't 'Have Horns'

President thinks birthers will end up hurting GOP

(Newser) - President Obama doesn't generally address the birther movement , but he took a rare shot at it today in an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC . Upshot: The whole issue is ridiculous, and because most Americans realize that, it's going to backfire on Republicans in the long run. Asked...

Most Important Part of Obama Plan: The 'Trigger'

Congress would have to act if 'magical' growth fails to materialize

(Newser) - Amid the reaction to President Obama's budget speech (ranging from it was terrific to it was "a disgrace" ) at least two columnists think his proposed trigger—Congress would have to cut more spending or raise taxes if deficit targets aren't met—is significant. This "may be the...

Biden Appears to Nod Off During Obama Speech

Vice president takes a ribbing as video takes off

(Newser) - Only Joe Biden knows for certain, but it sure looks like he nodded off today during President Obama's big budget speech . Either way, the VP is taking a ribbing as the video makes the rounds: See ABC , Politico , Mediaite , and the Daily Caller .

GOP Blasts Obama Speech: 'I Missed Lunch for This?'

Republicans call it a partisan campaign speech

(Newser) - A sampling of Republican reaction to President Obama's budget speech today, from USA Today and Politico :
  • Paul Ryan: He called it "excessively partisan, dramatically inaccurate, and hopelessly inadequate" in getting the nation's debt under control. It was "a political broadside from our campaigner in chief."
  • Jeb Hensarling:

What Obama Will —and Should— Say in His Budget Speech

Some advice for the POTUS ahead of today's address

(Newser) - Here’s what we know about President Obama’s budget speech today: He’s going to lay out a four-step, long-term budget-reduction plan. It’s going to involve defense cuts, tax code changes, and recommendations from his deficit commission. And he’s going to stress keeping domestic spending low and...

Obamas On Oprah: First Couple Returning for One of Winfrey's Final Shows
 Obama Returning to Oprah 

Obama Returning to Oprah

First couple to appear on one of host's final shows

(Newser) - President and Michelle Obama have been lined up to appear on one of the final episodes of the Oprah Winfrey Show. The Obamas—who last made a joint appearance on Oprah in 2006—will tape an episode of the chat show later this month, and the show will be aired...

Obama's Sis: Time to Put Birther Rumors 'to Bed'

Maya Soetero-Ng calls rumors 'unfortunate'

(Newser) - Not surprisingly, President Obama's half-sister Maya Soetero-Ng is firmly in her brother's corner when it comes to the birther rumors. "I think that it is time for people to put that to bed, put it to rest completely," she tells Piers Morgan in her first primetime interview, airing...

When Obama Dreams, He Dreams of...

...long walks in Central Park. And car washes

(Newser) - Barack Obama is the leader of the free world—and he just wishes he could go to the car wash. In an interview with a group of Hearst Magazines editors and publishers, President Obama revealed his most secret desires. "I just miss—I miss being anonymous," he confessed....

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