President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama Ready to Cut Social Security

President pushing $4T deficit reduction plan

(Newser) - With Medicare already on the table , President Obama has signaled that the other big budgetary time bomb isn't safe from cuts: Social Security. The president is pressing congressional leaders to accept an ambitious plan to slash $4 trillion over the next decade, insiders say. He hopes to use the...

Obama Calls Boehner's Tweet 'Slightly Skewed'

Overall, Twitter town hall nearly 'news-less'

(Newser) - The first Twitter town hall is in the books, and save for the unique forum, it was an "almost entirely news-less affair," writes Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post . President Obama mainly used it to rehash familiar talking points, such as pushing the GOP to bend on tax...

Obama Calls White House Debt Talks

Boehner says they'll be useless

(Newser) - President Obama is hauling congressional leaders into the White House tomorrow for a sit-down in a desperate attempt to break the debt-ceiling deadlock. He rejected calls for a short-term increase in the limit, saying they had “a unique opportunity to do something big.” He said the sides had...

Majority of US Jews Still Back Obama

Israel speech shows little effect on support: Gallup poll

(Newser) - A clear majority of Jewish Americans—some 60%—still support President Obama, Gallup finds. That figure is 14 points higher than his overall 46% approval rating, a gap that matches the average since the president entered office. US Jews’ approval of Obama’s performance is statistically unchanged from April’s...

Frank Rich: Obama's Been Too Soft on Wall Street Because of Ivy League Bias
Obama's Risky Soft Spot:
Ivy league White Guys
Frank Rich

Obama's Risky Soft Spot: Ivy league White Guys

Frank Rich: They're preventing him from going after Wall Street

(Newser) - Former Times columnist Frank Rich makes his debut in New York magazine today with a harsh assessment of President Obama's handling of the aftermath of the economic meltdown. Obama has been way too soft on Wall Street, argues Rich, who complains of a "stunning lack of accountability for...

Secret Service Probing Fox 'Obama Dead' Tweets

'Script Kiddies' claim responsibility for Fox hack

(Newser) - The Secret Service is investigating yesterday's President Obama assassination hoax by hackers on Fox News' political Twitter account, reports the Los Angeles Times . The agency plans to look into the postings that claimed the president had been shot at a restaurant in Iowa, and "conduct the appropriate follow-up....

Bachmann to Obama: I'll Find You a Job

... after I take yours

(Newser) - In between taking potshots at ObamaCare and the economy, Michele Bachmann had some words of comfort for President Obama yesterday: Not to worry, because after she kicks him to the curb next year, he won't have to join the ranks of the unemployed. "I want you to know,...

Obama Right to Stop Petraeus&#39; &#39;Moby Dick&#39; War
Obama Right to Stop Petraeus' 'Moby Dick' War

Obama Right to Stop Petraeus' 'Moby Dick' War

He finally rejects misguided 'bigger is better' Afghan strategy: Steve Clemons

(Newser) - President Obama's decision to bring home 30,000 troops by the end of next year isn't getting much praise, writes Steve Clemons at the Atlantic . Critics think it's either too much too fast or too little too slow. But Obama and Joe Biden "have it just...

Obama: Nothing Off-Limits in Budget Debate

Except tax hikes, retorts GOP

(Newser) - Everything is on the chopping block as Democrats and Republicans wage their battle over the budget, according to President Obama: "Nothing can be off-limits," he said in his weekly address. Which might be news to Republicans, reports the AP, who are dug in on their stance that tax...

White House: Halperin's Comment 'Inappropriate'

And Jay Carney let the network know

(Newser) - For the record, the White House thinks it would be inappropriate to call a president from either party a "dick." So says spokesman Jay Carney, who was asked to respond to Mark Halperin's infamous description of President Obama today on MSNBC's Morning Joe, reports ABC . (See...

Senate Cancels July 4 Break; McConnell Challenges Obama
 Senate Cancels July 4 Recess 

Senate Cancels July 4 Recess

McConnell challenges president to meet with Republicans

(Newser) - The Senate abandoned plans for a July 4 break as time dwindled for lawmakers to strike a compromise on avoiding a government default. Harry Reid announced the scheduling change today, a day after President Obama prodded lawmakers to act swiftly to extend the government's ability to borrow money. "...

MSNBC Suspends Halperin for 'D**k' Remark

Commentator calls move 'totally appropriate'

(Newser) - MSNBC has suspended Mark Halperin indefinitely after he called President Obama a “dick” on Morning Joe. “Mark Halperin's comments this morning were completely inappropriate and unacceptable. We apologize to the president, the White House, and all of our viewers,” the network said in a statement. “...

Obama Gives Retiring Gates Medal of Freedom

Today is outgoing defense secretary's last day

(Newser) - President Obama today honored outgoing Defense Secretary Robert Gates' four decades of service, including the past 4 1/2 years in charge of the Pentagon, by surprising him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest US honor a president can give a civilian. "I can think of no better...

Halperin on Morning Joe: Obama Was 'Kind of a D**k'

Apologizes after rude remark is aired unbleeped

(Newser) - Political discourse reached a new high this morning, as political analyst Mark Halperin called President Obama "kind of a dick" on the air. Halperin was on Morning Joe, when he was asked to characterize Obama's combative press conference from yesterday . "Are we on the seven-second delay today?"...

Obama Happy to Pick a Fight in Combative Speech

President lays into Republicans over budget cuts, taxes

(Newser) - President Obama today cast the budget fight today as a choice between jet owners and ordinary Americans at his press conference . Some reactions:
  • Greg Sargent, Washington Post : "He was clearly out to pick a major public fight with Republicans over tax cuts for the rich. Obama mounted a surprisingly

Obama Leads From Behind on Gay Marriage, Too
Obama Leads From Behind on Gay Marriage, Too
Dana Milbank

Obama Leads From Behind on Gay Marriage, Too

His position makes no sense, and isn't changing: Dana Milbank

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton fell over herself congratulating her home state on its “historic vote” in favor of gay marriage this week. “I’ve always believed that we would make progress because we were on the right side of equality and justice,” she declared. “Clinton left out one...

Obama: Republicans Must Bend on Tax Hikes

President says eliminating breaks for ultra-wealthy isn't 'radical'

(Newser) - President Obama entered the deficit/debt war of words today in a wide-ranging press conference and laid into the GOP with what the Washington Post calls his toughest language yet. He said congressional Republicans have to "take on their sacred cows" and agree to scrap tax breaks for the ultra-rich...

Obama Romancing 'Fat-Cat' Donors

And, simultaneously, not-so-rich ones

(Newser) - President Obama's 2012 machine is revving up early, and his campaign is using all its assets to pull in wealthy donors—while also courting the small Internet donors that fueled his grass-roots machine in 2008. The Washington Post takes a long look at the fundraising push, which has included...

White House: 'Significant' Debt Deal Possible

But Obama hasn't talked with Mitch McConnell yet...

(Newser) - The White House said today that a "significant" deal with Republicans on cutting government spending and raising the nation's debt limit is still possible, even as the administration hardened its stance on the need for increased tax revenue as "the only way to get it done."...

Obama 'Mystery Shoppers' to Check Doctors' Access

They'll try to see whether physicians give preference to private insurance

(Newser) - The Obama administration fears there are too few primary care doctors to go around—so it’s launching a team of “mystery shoppers” to look into the physicians’ availability. The undercover callers will seek appointments at doctors’ offices nationwide to determine ease of access. Some will say they’ve...

Stories 2221 - 2240 | << Prev   Next >>