President Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Second Stimulus, Additional Debt Release Coming

President to trade short-term spending for long-term cuts

(Newser) - President Obama's promises to boost jobs and cut the deficit are taking shape, with a new stimulus and tax cuts for companies that hire new workers to be announced in a major address right after Labor Day, reports the Washington Post . The stimulus is said to focus on road...

Gallup Poll: President Obama's Economic Approval Sinks to New Low of 26%
Obama's Economic Approval Sinks to New Low of 26%
gallup poll

Obama's Economic Approval Sinks to New Low of 26%

Numbers are lower in nearly every area since 2010

(Newser) - More data from the latest Gallup poll is trickling out, and—surprise, surprise!—it's not good news for President Obama. When it comes to handling the economy, his approval rating has sunk to a new low of 26%. That's down 11 percentage points since mid-May; his previous...

Obama Staffer Slams Krugman, Liberal Bloggers

NM campaign director blasts 'Firebaggers'

(Newser) - President Obama's campaign director in New Mexico has gone on the offensive—against liberals. Ray Sandoval sent supporters an email containing a blog post describing the debt ceiling deal as an "out-and-out win for the president," and blasting Nobel Prize-winning New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and...

Limbaugh Names New Oreo After Obama

'Or-Bam-eo' is a 'biracial triple double-dipper,' Rush slurs

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh called a new Triple Double Oreo a "biracial" cookie with both vanilla and chocolate cream that he quipped will be known at the "Or-Bam-eo—the triple double-dipper." Limbaugh has used the Oreo slight once before against Obama, BET points out. In 2009, he said that...

Hillary Would Have Done Better? It's a Silly 'Fairy Tale'

A longtime Clinton supporter wishes this talk would go away

(Newser) - A political parlor game of sorts is making the rounds among Democrats called WWHHD, or What Would Hillary Have Done, notes Rebecca Traister. Might Clinton have handled, well, everything better? As someone who supported Clinton in the Democratic primary, you might think Traister would be an eager participant and a...

Obama on GOP Field: 'I'll Be Ready for Them'

Talks election, economy with Wolf Blitzer

(Newser) - President Obama is not too concerned with the 2012 election right now, he says: “I'll let (the Republicans) winnow it down a little bit.” But when the time comes, “I'll be ready for them,” he tells Wolf Blitzer in a CNN interview . Discussing the...

Obama Heckled Over Biden 'Terrorist' Comment

Iowa Tea Party founder Ryan Rhodes confronts him at town hall

(Newser) - President Obama was greeted with some unexpected spice at the end of his town hall meeting in Iowa last night, when the founder of the Iowa Tea Party confronted him about Joe Biden's alleged remark that Tea Party members acted like "terrorists" (the VP denies saying it )....

Obama Looks to Keep Feds in Mortgage Biz

Prez reportedly rejects calls to pull gov't out of housing market

(Newser) - Despite two White House proposals floated earlier in the year to get the federal government out of the housing market, President Obama will likely opt for the third option: reforming the housing market over the next decade but continuing to extend federal loan subsidies and insure most mortgages, reports the...

Obama Checks In on Foursquare

Prez becomes highest-profile user of social networking site

(Newser) - The White House has signed up on Foursquare, just in time for President Obama's bus tour of Midwestern states , reports Mashabl e. The White House says the president will be regularly checking in, "and now you’ll be able to discover 'tips' from the White House featuring...

Obama Blasts GOP Field, Promises Jobs Plan

Plan to be unveiled next month, president tells Iowans

(Newser) - Sounding every inch a campaigner, President Obama went on the attack yesterday as his bus tour of Midwestern states rolled into Minnesota and Iowa. "There are going to be two contrasting visions that are going to be presented" in the run-up to the presidential election, Obama told supporters in...

The Secret Service Pimps Obama's Bus Ride
  Meet Obama's 'Beast' of a Bus 

Meet Obama's 'Beast' of a Bus

Two new buses built from the ground up for Midwestern tour

(Newser) - This bus is Barackin', so don't bother knockin': President Obama is cruising the Midwest in a customized bus that is essentially a pumped-up version of his five-ton hulking limo, dubbed "the Beast." The bus, one of two ordered up by the Secret Service, sports bulletproof black windows,...

Obama Approval at Record Low
 Obama Approval 
 Rating Falls 
 Below 40% 
Gallup Poll

Obama Approval Rating Falls Below 40%

54% disapprove of how president's doing his job, only 39% approve

(Newser) - President Obama's approval rating has hit an all-time low, with just 39% of Americans satisfied with how he's handling his job, the latest Gallup poll has found. The poll found 54% of Americans disapprove of Obama's job performance, another bad-news record for the president, reports The Hill...

Hey, Lefties: This Supreme Court Should Scare You
Hey, Lefties: This Supreme Court Should Scare You

Hey, Lefties: This Supreme Court Should Scare You

Obama too timid on federal nominees, with big issues coming

(Newser) - With big issues working their way toward the Supreme Court on such vital issues as health care reform, same-sex marriage, affirmative action, and police stops of undocumented immigrants, liberals need to be on guard, writes longtime court-watcher Emily Bazelon for the New York Times . Sure, there are solid progressives, such...

Did White House Leak Osama Secrets to Hollywood?

Maureen Dowd says access granted for positive pre-election film

(Newser) - A Republican congressman is demanding an investigation following reports that the White House leaked top secret information about the Osama bin Laden kill operation to Hollywood filmmakers. Details were handed over to Hurt Locker director Kathryn Bigelow to make a positive film to boost the president's image before the...

Obama Keeps Vacation Plans

Obamas will be in Martha's Vineyard later this month

(Newser) - Sounds like Twitter fodder for the White House enemies: President Obama is keeping plans for a 10-day vacation in Martha's Vineyard later this month, reports USA Today . "I don't think Americans out there would begrudge that notion that the president would spend some time with his family,...

US to Demand Assad Go: Sources

Obama administration will call for Syrian president to step down

(Newser) - After months spent turning up the heat on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the Obama administration is finally ready to demand his departure. Officials tell the AP that the White House's new, tougher line will come tomorrow or by the end of the week, as a direct response to Assad'...

World's Most Powerful Man Seems ... Powerless

White House refuses to take change and lead: Dana Milbank

(Newser) - With the threat of a double-dip recession and the reality of a downgrade, the president of the United States is not acting like the leader of the free world, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . Yesterday's bland speech deflected blame and reiterated his usual calls for more unemployment...

Obama Visits Dover to Salute Fallen SEALs

He will meet privately with troops' families today

(Newser) - President Obama made an unannounced visit to Dover Air Force Base today to be on hand as the coffins of 30 US troops were carried off a plane, reports USA Today . The ceremony was closed to the press. The troops, many of them members of an elite Navy SEALS unit,...

Obama's Top Strategy for 2012: Attack Romney

President's campaign prepares to paint him as 'weird' and greedy: Politico

(Newser) - If Politico has it right, team Obama not only expects Mitt Romney to be the GOP nominee, it is ready to unleash a "ferocious personal assault" against him. The go-negative approach would have two fronts: portray Romney as a "weird" guy out of touch with ordinary people and...

Moore to Obama: 'Show Some Guts,' Arrest S&P CEO

At least President Matt Damon might stand up for his beliefs

(Newser) - Michael Moore wants President Obama to arrest the head of Standard & Poor's, blaming the company for the 2008 financial crisis and saying their downgrading of US government debt is threatening to create another one, reports the Washington Times . “Pres Obama, show some guts & arrest the CEO...

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