President Obama

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Thief Swipes Obama's Teleprompter

Truck containing $200K of equipment stolen in Virginia

(Newser) - He took the words right out of Barack Obama's mouth—sort of. A thief (or thieves...) in Henrico, Va., made off with a truck that just so happened to contain the president's teleprompter, podium, related audio equipment, and, should he have been unclear on just who he...

Why President Obama Can't Win on Wall Street: Annie Lowrey
 Why Obama 
 Can't Win on 
 Wall Street 


Why Obama Can't Win on Wall Street

Incumbent gets blamed for current woes: Annie Lowrey

(Newser) - Here's a president who bailed out the big banks, protected their pay, and helped hold them together—yet "Wall Street hates Barack Obama," writes Annie Lowrey at Slate . Why? It's simple: "Wall Street is doing terribly," and in a bad economy, "everybody blames...

Obama Fights for Longtime Red States

North Carolina, Virginia key to 2012 strategy

(Newser) - It's not just about Ohio and Florida anymore. President Obama heads to North Carolina today then continues on to Virginia, hoping he can once again capture the longtime Republican strongholds in 2012; next week, it's off to the Mountain West, where he'll look for victory in Colorado,...

Obama: Martin Luther King Jr. 'Stirred Our Conscience'
 Obama: King 
 'Stirred Our 

Obama: King 'Stirred Our Conscience'

Thousands attend dedication of Martin Luther King Jr Monument

(Newser) - Forty-three years after Martin Luther King Jr. was killed by an assassin's bullets, the nation's first black president today led an all-star tribute to the civil rights activist who "stirred our conscience" and made our Union "more perfect." "I know we will overcome,"...

Obama's 'Bundlers' Shift Into High Gear

President rakes in donations, but Wall Street turns to GOP

(Newser) - President Obama's big-money "bundlers" are on the rise, with at least 41 supporters now having raised more than $500,000 each for the president, reports MSNBC . That's a sizeable jump from the 27 bundlers—well-connected supporters who help candidates raise big money—reported three months ago. It'...

Obama Plan: Turn Wall Street Anger on Romney

But OWS protesters may have different ideas

(Newser) - With Occupy Wall Street building momentum across the US and even the world , the White House has decided to make that anger a central line of attack against Mitt Romney and the Republicans in the 2012 election, reports the Washington Post . “One of the main elements of the contrast...

Solyndra Investigators Won't See Obama BlackBerry

White House rejects request from House panel

(Newser) - President Obama's BlackBerry messages are off-limits to the House energy committee investigating the ugly bankruptcy of Solyndra , report Politico and CNN . White House officials say that revealing the messages would compromise presidential confidentiality, and that they have already given the panel plenty—including more than 900 pages of Solyndra-related...

White House Ditches Part of Health Care Overhaul

It pulls plug on insurance plan championed by Ted Kennedy

(Newser) - The Obama administration says it is unable to go forward with a major program in the president's signature health care overhaul law—a long-term care insurance plan. Officials said today the long-term care program has critical design flaws that can't be fixed to make it financially self-sustaining. Health...

Obama Whips Up Anger That May Spin Out of Control
Obama Whips Up Anger
That May Spin Out of Control
charles krauthammer

Obama Whips Up Anger That May Spin Out of Control

His populist turn opens 'Pandora's Box': Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - President Obama can't run on his abysmal record, writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post , so instead he's found a convenient scapegoat in the rich. His strategy boils down to a simple theme: "Plutocrats are bleeding the country, and I shall rescue you from them." The...

We&#39;re Finally Talking About Jobs
 We're Finally
 Talking About Jobs 

We're Finally Talking About Jobs

Conversation has shifted away from deficit: Josh Marshall

(Newser) - Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo points out what he sees a change in the "national conversation" about the economy: It's all about jobs now instead of the debt and deficit. Witness the Republican senators who unveiled a jobs plan of their own , along with John Boehner giving...

Obama: Iran Plot Evidence Will Convince Skeptics

President calls for 'toughest sanctions'

(Newser) - The alleged Iranian plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia's man in Washington sounds far-fetched, but skeptical foreign governments have been presented with evidence, State Department officials say. President Obama, in his first remarks about the plot, promised to push for "the toughest sanctions" against Iran and said US officials...

Obama Needles Fox Reporter as Romney 'Spokesman'

President jabs back after Ed Henry quotes the GOP candidate

(Newser) - Was that a little White House-Fox News friction at President Obama's press conference today? When the network's Ed Henry asked about US reaction to Iran's alleged Saudi plot —and used a quote by Mitt Romney critical of Obama to do so—Obama responded, "Well, I...

South Korea's Lee Visits White House

State visit coincides with new free trade agreement

(Newser) - President Obama welcomed Lee Myung-bak to the White House with all the requisite pomp and circumstance today, touting the newly-minted free trade agreement between South Korea and the US. “With our landmark trade agreement, we will bring our nations even closer, creating new jobs for both our people and...

Obama Pulls in $70M, Trounces GOP

But fundraising down compared to previous quarter

(Newser) - President Obama raised a combined $70 million for his own campaign and the Democratic Party this summer, easily exceeding his $55 million goal and walloping his Republican rivals, his campaign announced today. The number does, however, represent something of a slowdown for Obama, who raised $16 million more than that...

Congress Passes 3 Free-Trade Pacts

Obama scores win with S. Korea, Colombia, Panama deals

(Newser) - President Obama scored a victory with the passage of a trio of free-trade pacts yesterday, marking America's biggest trade expansion in nearly 20 years. The House and Senate both approved the pacts with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama. While the Latin American pacts may have little impact, the South...

Obama's Jobs Bill Fails in Senate

Measure can't overcome filibuster

(Newser) - No Senate miracle for the president's $447 billion jobs bill. As expected , the measure failed to advance in the chamber this evening, reports the Hill . All Republicans and two Democrats (Ben Nelson and Jon Tester) joined together in a filibuster, leaving the measure well short of the necessary 60...

Obama's Job-Creation Team Full of Job Cutters

Advisers from Xerox, Kodak have laid off thousands

(Newser) - Tomorrow, President Obama will meet with his council of advisers on job creation; trouble is, many of its members seem to know more about cutting jobs than adding them. The head of American Express, for example, was appointed to the council days after AmEx cut 550 jobs—despite the firm...

Obama's Newest Education Adviser: Shakira

Colombian singer joins education advisory board

(Newser) - The newest member of the Obama administration is ... Shakira. Yes, the hip-shaking singer will be appointed to a position on the President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics because of her education reform activism, the Huffington Post reports. Shakira started a foundation in 1995 to fund schools in...

Obama on Steve Jobs: 'World Has Lost a Visionary'

Politicians mourn Apple founder

(Newser) - The death of Steve Jobs has brought tribute from politicians from across America, many of whom compare Jobs to the greatest geniuses in American history, Politico reports.
  • President Obama: "The world has lost a visionary. And there may be no greater tribute to Steve's success than the fact

The New Obama Gives &#39;em Hell
 The New Obama Gives 'em Hell 

The New Obama Gives 'em Hell

Democrats rejoice as president goes on the attack

(Newser) - On Labor Day, Carl Levin gave President Obama the text of a speech by Harry Truman—who won reelection despite a bad economy by attacking Republicans so viciously that he earned the nickname “Give ‘Em Hell Harry.” Ever since, Obama’s been giving Republicans hell, the Washington ...

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