Election 2012

Stories 1841 - 1860 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Fired Up Over 2012 VP Candidates

Successful 2010 elections offer up many new possibilities

(Newser) - The field of GOP presidential candidates for 2012 may not be so great , but the VP field is getting the right energized. A wealth of new Congress members and governors has Republicans buzzing over potential veeps like Marco Rubio , Bobby Jindal and Kelly Ayotte , Politico reports. Where the potential presidential...

Rick Santorum Could Be GOP's Savior
 Rick Santorum 
 Could Be GOP's Savior 
George Will

Rick Santorum Could Be GOP's Savior

George Will: Nobody can energize social conservatives better

(Newser) - Rick Santorum will probably run for president in 2012, and George Will sounds pretty happy about it. With his focus on social issues—he's "passionately right-to-life and dedicated to trying to reform today's abortion culture"—Santorum might be the perfect candidate to energize social conservatives (who are "...

Obama's China Envoy Quitting—to Run in 2012

Gibbs: Ambassador Huntsman's future wide open

(Newser) - The White House confirmed today that it's looking for a new envoy to China, as Ambassador Jon Huntsman leaves to prepare a 2012 bid against his current boss, Politico reports. Huntsman has the support of several prominent GOP operatives, who've formed a PAC in order to begin the financial and...

GOP's Got Nobody for 2012

 GOP's Got 
 for 2012 

GOP's Got Nobody for 2012

Not one of the slate of hopefuls is electable, writes Chris Cillizza

(Newser) - The GOP's presidential 2012 field isn't pretty. "All—that's A-L-L—of the Republicans considering runs carry at least one major flaw," writes Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post . Mitt Romney signed a health care bill similar to President Obama’s. Mississippi governor Haley Barbour “virtually invented lobbying....

Trouble for Romney? '08 Backers Keep Quiet

Former governor has little support in Iowa, South Carolina

(Newser) - Mitt Romney may be “the nearest thing the GOP has to a frontrunner,” but the path ahead of him is looking thorny: many of the key supporters of his 2008 campaign haven’t committed to supporting him in 2012, writes Jonathan Martin in Politico . In fact, some former...

Why Obama Could Lose in 2012

 Why Obama 
 Could Lose 
 in 2012 

Why Obama Could Lose in 2012

George H.W. Bush had great approval ratings two years out, too

(Newser) - Right now, Barack Obama’s approval ratings are riding high in the wake of a strongly bipartisan State of the Union address and lovely Arizona speech. But there’s plenty of time for all that to change before the 2012 election, writes GOP operative Mark McKinnon in the Daily Beast...

Mike Pence Won't Run for President

Indiana congressman looks to governor's mansion

(Newser) - Scratch one off the list: Mike Pence says he won't run for president in 2012. The conservative congressman from Indiana told supporters of his decision in a letter, reports the Indianapolis Star . "In the choice between seeking national office and serving Indiana in some capacity, we choose Indiana,"...

In Iowa, Sharron Angle Won't Rule Out 2012 Run

And she pleads with Iowans to invite her back to the state

(Newser) - Sharron Angle may have lost to Harry Reid in November, but the Tea Party fave hasn’t disappeared: She showed up at a Christian movie premiere in the oh-so-important state of Iowa last night, and she wouldn’t rule out a presidential bid. “I’ll just say I have...

Gingrich: Let's Scrap the EPA
 Gingrich: Let's Scrap the EPA 

Gingrich: Let's Scrap the EPA

He's no fan of the 'tool of ideologues'

(Newser) - The EPA is "a tool of ideologues to push an anti-jobs agenda" and it should be replaced, Newt Gingrich writes on his website. The potential 2012 presidential candidate called yesterday for scrapping the Environmental Protection Agency and creating a new agency that would streamline environmental regulations, with the goal...

George Allen Running for Old Senate Seat

Tea Party, Dems greet announcement with derision

(Newser) - George Allen lost his Virginia Senate seat and his presidential aspirations in 2006 to a no-name in combat boots, and he's decided he'd like one or both back. Allen, a former governor narrowly ousted by Jim Webb after his infamous "macaca" moment was picked up on tape, announced today...

I Won't Be 'Suckered Into' Early Debates: Huckabee

He's sticking to his own timeline, will decide on 2012 run by summer

(Newser) - Presidential debates are already scheduled for May, but Mike Huckabee won’t be pushed into participating. "I don’t want to get suckered into taking on the schedule because it’s what the media wants us to do," said Huckabee on Friday. Added the former Arkansas governor, who...

Conservative Owns Obama Catchphrase Website
Conservative Owns Obama Catchphrase Website

Conservative Owns Obama Catchphrase Website

WinTheFuture.com could go to RNC

(Newser) - President Obama has been talking a lot about the need to “win the future” lately. In fact, it sounds like a pretty good re-election campaign slogan, notes Roll Call . There's just one teensy-tiny issue: A conservative activist already owns WinTheFuture.com—and .org, .net, and every other WinTheFuture website....

Bachmann Will Give Own SOTU Response

Tea Party announces rebuttal after rep passed over by GOP

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann, passed over by the GOP for both House leadership roles and its response to President Obama's State of the Union address, is, well, going to go ahead and give her own response to the SOTU anyway, reports Ben Smith on Politico. The move, announced by the Tea Party...

Palin Testing Waters in Iowa
 Palin Testing Waters in Iowa 

Palin Testing Waters in Iowa

But she lags behind competitors in the state

(Newser) - Sarah Palin operatives have begun putting out presidential feelers in Iowa, asking potential allies and activists whether they’d support a campaign, sources tell RealClearPolitics . Iowa’s politicos had until now assumed Palin wasn’t running, because most hadn’t heard from her, even as other would-be 2012 nominees jockeyed...

Lieberman: Yes, I'm Leaving; My Politics Never Changed
Lieberman: Yes, I'm Leaving; My Politics Never Changed

Lieberman: Yes, I'm Leaving; My Politics Never Changed

John McCain hopes he becomes defense secretary

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman today confirmed what everybody knew: He's not running for Senate re-election in 2012. Some quotes from the Connecticut independent's news conference, as collected by the Washington Post :
  • "Along the way, I have not always fit comfortably into conventional political boxes—maybe you've noticed that—Democrat or Republican,

Sen. Kent Conrad to Retire
 Sen. Kent Conrad to Retire 

Sen. Kent Conrad to Retire

North Dakota Democrat doesn't want to be distracted by campaign

(Newser) - Sen. Kent Conrad will not run for re-election in 2012, he announced today, saying he will concentrate instead on reducing the national debt and dependence on foreign oil. "It is more important I spend my time and energy trying to solve these problems than to be distracted by a...

Chris Christie: Too Fat to Be President?

Size could matter for leading GOP contender

(Newser) - Chris Christie is widely seen as a leading GOP contender for 2012 but some analysts see a hefty obstacle in the way: Chris Christie. America hasn't had an obese president since William Howard Taft a century ago and bias against the overweight could count against the New Jersey governor."...

Guess Who's Flirting With a Presidential Run?

No decision yet, but she's visiting Iowa...

(Newser) - Another 2012 contender emerges: Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann . Rumors have been swirling that Bachmann is weighing a Senate run in the next national election, but ABC News reports that the Tea Party favorite is also seriously considering a presidential run. A source says she’ll take meetings in her native...

'King of the Birthers': I'm Running for President

Andy Martin says he'll be 'driving the GOP agenda'

(Newser) - The first Republican candidate has officially entered the 2012 presidential race: Self-proclaimed “King of the Birthers” Andy Martin will seek the office, he told New Hampshire radio. Though he said he’s "clearly" not the frontrunner, "I'm going to have a tremendous impact on the presidential election....

2008 All Over Again: Obama to Base Campaign in Chicago

First reelection bid outside DC in recent memory

(Newser) - President Obama’s reelection campaign will likely be based in Chicago, not Washington—a rare move for a sitting president, and one that his advisers hope will help him rekindle the energy of 2008, Politico notes. Usually, campaigns are kept close to the president’s DC home, where they’re...

Stories 1841 - 1860 | << Prev   Next >>