Election 2012

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Bachmann Could Actually Lose
 Bachmann Could Actually Lose 
tight races

Bachmann Could Actually Lose

Politico looks at tight and 'nasty' races

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann's path to re-election has gotten a lot bumpier than you might expect, reports Politico . It digs into the Minnesota rep's bid to hang onto her seat against a challenge from hotel exec Jim Graves , and finds that even with "off-the-charts" name recognition, more than...

Obama Gains in Swing States
  Obama Gains in Swing States 
Poll Numbers

Obama Gains in Swing States

But he and Romney are dead even nationally

(Newser) - Hurricane Sandy has thrown polling into disarray—Gallup, for instance, has suspended its daily tracking poll—but some data is still trickling in for those desperate for presidential election score updates. Here's what we know today:
  • President Obama has expanded his lead in Michigan, and now leads 48% to

Romney Looks to Swing 3 Blue States

Campaign, super PACs eye Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota

(Newser) - With the election less than a week away, Mitt Romney is making a push in some seemingly unlikely places. Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Minnesota have all gone blue since at least 1988—and Minnesota has the longest blue streak of any state, going the way of the Democrats since 1972. Still,...

Get Ready for a Romney Landslide
 Get Ready for a 
 Romney Landslide 
dick morris

Get Ready for a Romney Landslide

GOP's Dick Morris sounds very, very confident

(Newser) - The rest of the political universe seems to think the race is pretty close, but the GOP's Dick Morris predicts a huge night for Mitt Romney and the GOP. In a column for the Hill headlined "Here comes the landslide," Morris maintains that the debates proved President...

Campaign Makes 4-Year-Old Cry

It's almost over, Abby

(Newser) - An election-related video looks to be going viral today, and it's one that both Republicans and Democrats can relate to. The YouTube caption, as noted by Slate , is self-explanatory: "This is my four year old daughter, Abigael, after hearing one too many mentions of the election." Less...

Woman, 108, Votes for the First Time

Joanna Jenkins backs Obama

(Newser) - Joanna Jenkins was not allowed to vote in her younger years thanks to Jim Crow laws—but even after those were abolished and the Voting Rights Act passed, she never voted … until this year, at the age of 108. Whose name did she check on her absentee ballot? “...

Axelrod Bets His Mustache on Obama Win

He'll shave the 40-year-old 'stache if prez. loses MI, MN or PA

(Newser) - This election's shaping up to be a close shave, and David Axelrod is taking that idiom literally. On Joe Scarborough's Morning Joe, the president's mustachioed adviser vowed to bare his upper lip for an uncurious world to see if Obama loses Michigan, Minnesota, or Pennsylvania, reports Politico...

Poll: Working-Class Ohioans Critical to Obama Victory

Plus: Most Americans think Obama will win

(Newser) - President Obama and Mitt Romney are both planning a series of campaign events in Ohio as Election Day draws nearer, and a new Quinnipiac University/ New York Times /CBS News poll finds that working-class voters in that state are likely key to Obama’s re-election. Obama and Romney are about...

Presidential Campaigns Set to Resume

Mitt back on trail today, Obama following suit tomorrow

(Newser) - With Election Day less than a week away, President Obama and Mitt Romney are preparing to get back on the campaign trail—or at least those parts of it not flooded by superstorm Sandy.
  • Romney resumes his campaign schedule today with three rallies in Florida, while Obama will start campaigning

Political Consultant Behind Fake Sandy Tweets

His false information made it into news broadcasts

(Newser) - A Twitter user who spread false information as superstorm Sandy battered New York City has been unmasked by BuzzFeed as the campaign manager for Christopher Wright, the Republican House candidate from New York's 12th congressional district. Among the rumors started by hedge fund manager Shashank Tripathi, using the name...

'Base' Michael Moore Ad Riles Conservatives

Feisty seniors use some salty language

(Newser) - Michael Moore and MoveOn.org put together a pro-Obama ad, and it’s predictably controversial. It features a message from the Greatest Generation to the GOP and Mitt Romney: “If your voter suppression throughout this beautiful country enables Romney to oust Barack Obama, we will burn this motherf***er down,...

Chrysler CEO: No, We're Not Moving Jobs to China

Romney releases controversial ad aimed at Ohio

(Newser) - Sandy can't keep all the politicking tamped down. The latest fuss centers around Mitt Romney's recent comments in Ohio—followed by an ad—about Chrysler and China. "I saw a story today that one of the great manufacturers in this state, Jeep, now owned by the Italians,...

Sandy Proves Romney Was Wrong to Diss FEMA

Eugene Robinson recalls small-government point during debate

(Newser) - There's something of a Sandy-related brouhaha swirling around comments Mitt Romney made in the ancient days of 2011: Seems that when asked during a Republican debate about disaster relief, Romney sounded like he wanted to gut FEMA, saying he'd shift responsibility for disaster management to the states—or...

Obama's Problem: He Doesn't Seem to Care

Richard Cohen will still vote for him, but not happily

(Newser) - Richard Cohen does not disagree with the Washington Post’s endorsement of President Obama, he writes in that paper —but when he votes for Obama next week, it will be “with regret.” Because Cohen once mistook Obama for an RFK-like figure, only to be proved very wrong....

How Romney May Be Linked to Meningitis Outbreak

Salon looks at his lax regulation

(Newser) - Less than a week before Election Day, a potential hit to Mitt Romney’s campaign: Salon reports that the recent meningitis outbreak in the US can be linked to Romney’s failure to regulate when he served as governor of Massachusetts. Numerous problems had been reported at the New England...

Trump to Obama: OK, You Can Have More Time

 Trump to Obama: 
 OK, Deadline 

Trump to Obama: OK, Deadline Extended

Hurricane Sandy probably has prez a little preoccupied

(Newser) - Donald Trump is nothing if not magnanimous. Considering President Obama is currently dealing with the devastation of a superstorm and probably hasn’t had time to dig around for his college transcripts, Trump is giving him some extra time to earn $5 million for his favorite charity . “Because of...

Gaffes Squash GOP Bid to Rule Senate—Again

Akin, Mourdock stumbles reminiscent of 2010 struggle

(Newser) - In 2010, the GOP looked poised for a potential Senate takeover—but losses by Tea Party favorites to Democrats in Nevada, Delaware, and Colorado helped Democrats maintain control. Now, a similar scenario is playing itself out, notes the AP . Once again, Republicans should have had the Senate locked up this...

How Romney Used Mormon Church to Defer Taxes

Bloomberg reports on loophole he used

(Newser) - Since 1996, Mitt Romney has been deferring some of his taxes through something called a charitable remainder unitrust, a tax shelter Congress cracked down on little more than a year after Romney set his up. As Bloomberg describes it, the trust “allowed rich people to take advantage of the...

Hurricane Sends Partisan Attacks Packing

Softer tone as Obama hunkers down, Romney cancels stops

(Newser) - Unlike much of the East Coast, the presidential campaign hasn't been shut down by Hurricane Sandy. But the dynamics of the race have changed significantly, with President Obama in crisis mode in Washington and Mitt Romney canceling events "out of sensitivity for the millions of Americans in the...

Why Working Class Americans Vote Republican
Why Working Class Americans Vote Republican

Why Working Class Americans Vote Republican

Gary Younge investigates a conundrum that vexes liberals

(Newser) - Nothing frustrates liberals more than poor Republicans. They are, after all, generally voting against their economic self-interests—government dependency is consistently higher in right-leaning counties. "To many liberals, these are turkeys voting for Christmas or lemmings off for a leap," writes Guardian columnist Gary Younge, who set out...

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