Election 2012

Stories 1561 - 1580 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Needs Bachmann —as a Perry Buffer

Steve Kornacki: She can clear the way for a more electable candidate

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann is bad news for the GOP on two fronts, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . She might somehow win the nomination and thus "cost her party an utterly winnable election," or, more likely, she could push the other candidates too far to the right and play into...

Perry's Haul as Governor: $23K in Gifts

...including 9 hunting trips and 22 pairs of cowboy boots

(Newser) - Rick Perry’s salary may be $150,000 a year—but his total haul as Texas governor also includes more than a couple pairs of cowboy boots. Perry has received at least 90 gifts during his tenure, together worth at least $22,500, Politico reports. Among them are the boots...

Russ Feingold Won't Run in 2012
 Feingold: I'm Out of 2012 Race 

Feingold: I'm Out of 2012 Race

Wisconsin Democrats had hoped he'd run against Scott Walker

(Newser) - Russ Feingold dashed the hopes of supporters today, announcing that he wouldn’t run for anything in 2012. Feingold was widely considered the Democrats’ best bet to take on Scott Walker if they succeeded in forcing a recall election next year, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. Others hoped he’d...

Perry: Evolution a 'Theory With Gaps'

Huntsman: 'I believe in evolution ... call me crazy'

(Newser) - Evolution has joined global warming on the list of things Rick Perry is skeptical about. Evolution is "a theory that's out there—and it's got some gaps in it," the Texas governor told a little boy during a campaign stop in New Hampshire yesterday, the Huffington...

Candidates Thank Big Donors With ... Fancy Titles

Give Rick Perry $50K and you're officially a "Pilot"

(Newser) - Consider yourself a Patriot? Not until you’ve given Rick Perry $500,000. If you’re a little less flush, you can be an Entrepreneur for $250,000, an Explorer for $100,000, or a Pilot for $50,000. Perry’s not the only one handing his donors special titles...

'Have You Ever Had Sex With Rick Perry?' Asks Ad

One of his political haters in Texas wants to publicize it

(Newser) - Welcome to the presidential campaign trail of 2011, Governor Perry. An Austin political activist and Ron Paul supporter has placed a full-page ad in a local alternative weekly asking, "Have you ever had sex with Rick Perry?," reports Salon . The ad asks for stories from strippers, escorts, "...

Study Proves It: Media Snubs Ron Paul

He gets less coverage than people not in the race

(Newser) - Looks like Jon Stewart was right —the media is grossly ignoring Ron Paul. A new study from the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism has found that Paul is just the 10th leading newsmaker in the GOP field—behind even non-candidates like Donald Trump and Sarah Palin. Paul has...

Obama Staffer Slams Krugman, Liberal Bloggers

NM campaign director blasts 'Firebaggers'

(Newser) - President Obama's campaign director in New Mexico has gone on the offensive—against liberals. Ray Sandoval sent supporters an email containing a blog post describing the debt ceiling deal as an "out-and-out win for the president," and blasting Nobel Prize-winning New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and...

Bachmann Staffer Was Busted for Terrorism

Peter E. Waldron's activities in Uganda murky

(Newser) - The campaign worker Michele Bachmann credits with a "tremendous" job in helping her win the Ames straw poll was charged with terrorism five years ago in Uganda. Peter Waldron was arrested for possession of assault rifles and ammunition just days before that nation's elections, reports Politico . A conviction...

Colbert's Treasurer Ditches Him, Joins Perry Campaign

'Obviously, there was a potential conflict of interest,' says Salvatore Purpura

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert's super PAC has lost its treasurer ... to Rick Perry. Salvatore Purpura resigned Thursday from Colbert's Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, he tells Politico . On Monday, Perry filed his Federal Election Commission paperwork, and guess who was listed as treasurer? That's right, Salvatore Purpura, who...

Obama on GOP Field: 'I'll Be Ready for Them'

Talks election, economy with Wolf Blitzer

(Newser) - President Obama is not too concerned with the 2012 election right now, he says: “I'll let (the Republicans) winnow it down a little bit.” But when the time comes, “I'll be ready for them,” he tells Wolf Blitzer in a CNN interview . Discussing the...

Dominionism— the Scary Bond Between Perry and Bachmann

Both candidates tied to movement that calls for Christian world rule

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry are far more than just two hard-right Christian candidates angling for the GOP presidential nomination—both have ties to a scary, theocratic movement called Dominionism, writes Michelle Goldberg at the Daily Beast . While many have pooh-poohed those worrying about a Christian sect bent on world...

Rick Perry's Texas Donors Living Large

'Los Angeles Times' analysis finds dozens of examples

(Newser) - Rick Perry has raised $102 million as Texas governor over the last 10 years, and $37 million of that comes from just 150 individuals and couples—nearly half of whom have enjoyed business contracts, appointments, or tax breaks under Perry. A Los Angeles Times analysis found dozens of examples, from...

Jon Stewart to Media: Why Are You Ignoring Ron Paul?

Paul has become '13th floor in a hotel,' notes 'Daily Show' host

(Newser) - Along with Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul dominated the Ames straw poll—so why is he never mentioned by members of the media whenever they talk about the "top tier" of the race? Heck, even Rick Santorum and Jon Huntsman get mentioned before Ron Paul—and in the straw poll,...

Perry: Bernanke Printing More Money 'Almost Treasonous'

Bernanke would be 'treated pretty ugly' in Texas, GOP hopeful warns

(Newser) - Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke will be no better than Benedict Arnold if he embarks on a third round of tinkering with the money supply between now and the election, Rick Perry told a Republican rally in Iowa yesterday. "If this guy prints more money between now and the...

Obama Blasts GOP Field, Promises Jobs Plan

Plan to be unveiled next month, president tells Iowans

(Newser) - Sounding every inch a campaigner, President Obama went on the attack yesterday as his bus tour of Midwestern states rolled into Minnesota and Iowa. "There are going to be two contrasting visions that are going to be presented" in the run-up to the presidential election, Obama told supporters in...

Clinton: Perry a 'Good-Lookin' Rascal'

But Bubba says GOP presidential hopeful's policies are 'crazy'

(Newser) - Here's the backhanded (non-?) endorsement that must keep GOP candidates up at night: Bill Clinton sized up Rick Perry today and thinks "he's a good lookin' rascal," but that Perry's promise to cut back federal government while he rides "on Air Force One, and...

Mike Lupica: Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry a Gift to Barack Obama
 Perry a Gift 
 to Obama 

Bachmann, Perry a Gift to Obama

Mike Lupica: GOP destroying its chances with 'fringe candidates'

(Newser) - With the economy weak, the president is looking vulnerable; “the Republicans have Obama right where they want him,” writes Mike Lupica in the New York Daily News . But with Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry in the lead, the party is shooting itself in the foot. For his part,...

Paul Krugman: Rick Perry's 'Texas Miracle' Economy Pure Myth
 Rick Perry's 
 'Texas Miracle' 
 Is Pure Myth 
paul krugman

Rick Perry's 'Texas Miracle' Is Pure Myth

Texas hasn't escaped unemployment—and 'Perrynomics' wouldn't work nationally

(Newser) - Rick Perry’s campaign will probably focus on an “alleged economic miracle” in Texas, predicts Paul Krugman: People think the state “sailed through the Great Recession almost unscathed thanks to conservative economic policies," which Perry will no doubt argue that he can replicate nationwide. Thing is, there...

Pawlenty's Next Move: Senate Run?

GOP divided over lessons of former governor's exit

(Newser) - Now that Tim Pawlenty is no longer eyeing the White House , could his new target be a Senate seat? The head of the Minnesota GOP hopes so. “I think he'd make a heck of a candidate,” Tony Sutton tells Minnesota Public Radio . Pawlenty earlier rejected the idea...

Stories 1561 - 1580 | << Prev   Next >>