Election 2012

Stories 1441 - 1460 | << Prev   Next >>

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to Endorse Mitt Romney

Christie Endorses Romney

New Jersey governor gives front-runner a big boost

(Newser) - If you needed any further proof that Chris Christie isn't running, here it is: He endorsed Mitt Romney for president today, reports Fox News . "America cannot survive another four years of Barack Obama, and Mitt Romney is the man to lead America," the New Jersey governor said....

ObamaCare Modeled on RomneyCare: Records

NBC News obtains records that are sure to play a part in tonight's debate

(Newser) - As the GOP frontrunner, it's widely expected that Mitt Romney will face a tough time tonight —and it looks like tough might be an understatement. NBC News has obtained White House visitor log records that reveal that ObamaCare doesn't just resemble RomneyCare , it was actually modeled on...

Gallup Poll Shows Herman Cain Passing Rick Perry, Nearly Tying Mitt Romney for October
 Cain Leaps Past 
 Perry, Nearly 
 Ties Romney 
Poll Numbers

Cain Leaps Past Perry, Nearly Ties Romney

Gallup poll shows Romney at 20%, Cain at 18%, Perry at 15%

(Newser) - It’s not a hoax or a dream: Herman Cain really has surged to the upper echelon in GOP primary polls. Cain more than tripled his support in Gallup’s October poll , jumping from 5% in September to 18%, just a hair behind Mitt Romney’s 20%. Rick Perry, meanwhile,...

Election 2012: What to Watch for in Tonight's GOP Debate
 For Rick Perry, 
 Tonight Is 
 Do or Die 

For Rick Perry, Tonight Is Do or Die

What to watch for in tonight's GOP debate

(Newser) - The Republican presidential candidates head back to New Hampshire tonight for the Granite State's second debate of the year. What to watch for, courtesy of Politico , the Washington Post , and Reuters :
  • It's now or never for Rick Perry: Following a series of disappointing debate performances, time is running

Elizabeth Warren Pulls in $3.15M

In first month, campaign touts 96% small donors

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren's nascent campaign to unseat Scott Brown in Massachusetts raised $3.15 million in its first month, potentially setting up what the Boston Globe says could be one of the more expensive and hard-fought Senate races in next year's election. Warren, riding establishment Democrats' support and a...

Anti-Mormonism Is the New Racism
 Is the New Racism 

Anti-Mormonism Is the New Racism

But it's harder for us to recognize, denounce: William Saletan

(Newser) - There was quite an uproar when word got out about Rick Perry’s racist hunting camp name —Perry himself acknowledged that it was “offensive” and, thus, was painted over. But neither Perry nor Herman Cain, who was quick to denounce the camp name, worked up quite the same...

Joe the Plumber Running for Congress

Files for candidacy in Ohio

(Newser) - With all eyes on the 2012 presidential election, a familiar face from 2008 has returned: Joe the Plumber is set to run for Congress, Capital New York reports. Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher has filed a statement of candidacy and established a congressional campaign committee. He is seeking Ohio's 9th district...

Rove, Kochs Square Off for Heart of GOP in 2012

Two big groups may be working at cross purposes

(Newser) - Two of the most powerful and moneyed groups in conservative politics could be working at odds with each other during the 2012 election, leading some Republicans to worry about the GOP’s chances to take both the Senate and the White House. On one side is Karl Rove’s network,...

GOP Dances Around Mormon Question
 GOP Dances 
 Around Mormon Question

GOP Dances Around Mormon Question

And the field pounces on Occupy Wall Street, as Pelosi slams Cantor

(Newser) - Republican presidential contenders would not touch the brouhaha surrounding Mormonism with a 10-foot pole today. Michele Bachmann called the issue "inconsequential" and "ridiculous." "We have religious tolerance in this country, and I have a very sincerely held belief on faith, and I think we just leave...

Romney: God Wants US to Lead

He calls for a new 'American Century' in foreign policy speech

(Newser) - Mitt Romney gave his first big foreign policy speech of the campaign today, going strong on American exceptionalism. Full text here . Some parts being highlighted by the Washington Post and Boston Globe :
  • “This century must be an American century. In an American century, America leads the free world and

Sarah Palin: GOP Candidates Already Calling

Alaskan 'didn't want to make a big darn deal' out of non-candidacy

(Newser) - Republican hopefuls didn't waste any time getting in touch with Sarah Palin after she announced that she isn't going to run for president . Several candidates have already called and Todd Palin is setting up some meetings, Palin told Fox's Greta Van Susteren in an On the Record...

The New Obama Gives &#39;em Hell
 The New Obama Gives 'em Hell 

The New Obama Gives 'em Hell

Democrats rejoice as president goes on the attack

(Newser) - On Labor Day, Carl Levin gave President Obama the text of a speech by Harry Truman—who won reelection despite a bad economy by attacking Republicans so viciously that he earned the nickname “Give ‘Em Hell Harry.” Ever since, Obama’s been giving Republicans hell, the Washington ...

Mitt Romney: Occupy Wall Street Is Class Warfare

 Romney Calls 
 Occupy Wall Street 
 'Class Warfare' 

Romney Calls Occupy Wall Street 'Class Warfare'

And other tales from the front...

(Newser) - Occupy Wall Street protesters are unlikely to find a friend in Mitt Romney. While speaking to a retirement community in Florida last night, the presidential candidate responded to a question about the anti-Wall Street protests with a brief but decidedly unsupportive comment, as reported by the National Journal : "I...

Chris Christie: The Answer Was Always No

But 'serious people' made him reconsider

(Newser) - Chris Christie today told the world what he’s been telling it all along: He’s not running for president. “For me, the answer was never ever anything but no,” he said, according to the Wall Street Journal . He admitted that he had considered the idea “because...

Sources Say Chris Christie Not Running

We'll likely hear it from the horse's mouth at 1pm

(Newser) - The "Chris Christie Watch" may be nearing its end. New Jersey Republicans tell the National Review that Christie will not throw his hat into the 2012 ring. A source (one with "direct knowledge of the governor's thinking," no less) tells ABC News the same thing. Christie...

Bachmann Campaign Cuts Loose Top Staffers

...in what's widely seen as a way to save money

(Newser) - A handful of Michele Bachmann staffers left the campaign last night, most notably pollster Ed Goeas and top adviser Andy Parrish, in a move that’s widely being interpreted as a cost-cutting measure for a cash-strapped campaign. Parrish, who helped lay the groundwork for the campaign in Iowa, will return...

Poll: Cain, Perry Tied for 2nd
 Poll: Cain, Perry Tied for 2nd 

Poll: Cain, Perry Tied for 2nd

Perry's loss is Cain's gain

(Newser) - A surge in support for Herman Cain and an equally dramatic drop in support for Rick Perry has left the pair tied in second place among GOP candidates with 12% each, according to the latest Washington Post poll, which finds Mitt Romney in first place with 25%. Support for the...

GOP Hopefuls Woo Homeschoolers

Support of seasoned activists could make the difference in Iowa

(Newser) - People who teach their children at home helped Mike Huckabee beat Mitt Romney in 2008's Iowa caucuses, and there's plenty of competition for the help of homeschoolers this time around, Reuters finds. In Iowa, homeschoolers are mainly Christian conservatives, and the group can provide the right candidate with...

Perry Gave Huge Tax Grants to Subprime Lenders

Countrywide, WaMu got $35M as they upped risky loans

(Newser) - Rick Perry handed mortgage lenders millions to draw them to Texas—right when their risky lending practices surged. The governor gave Countrywide $20 million and Washington Mutual $15 million in what he called an exemplary job-creation move; in effect, that $35 million subsidized dangerous subprime lending, an AP analysis of...

Elizabeth Warren Nearly Ties Scott Brown

 Elizabeth Warren 
 Nearly Ties 
 Scott Brown 
Poll Numbers

Elizabeth Warren Nearly Ties Scott Brown

And 37% of voters still don't know who she is

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren is within striking distance of Scott Brown, even though many voters have never heard of her, according to a new Boston Herald/UMass Lowell poll . While Brown came out ahead 41% to 38% in the poll, that’s essentially a tie given the poll’s 3.8% margin of...

Stories 1441 - 1460 | << Prev   Next >>