Election 2012

Stories 1361 - 1380 | << Prev   Next >>

Cain to Media: Don't Even Go There

Candidate dodges harassment questions after friendly debate with Gingrich

(Newser) - Herman Cain emerged from a 90-minute debate/love fest with Newt Gingrich last night with a clear message for reporters who wanted to question the candidate about the sexual harassment allegations dogging him: "Don't even go there," he told the media after the Tea Party-sponsored debate. "Where’...

Gingrich Wants 7 Long Debates With Obama

If nominee, he promises to follow the president until he accepts

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich stole the show last night at an important GOP dinner in Iowa, reports Politico . Two notables were missing, however: Mitt Romney and Herman Cain, the state's current front-runners. Still, Gingrich clearly roused the audience more than the rest of the field, including Rick Perry, and one proposal...

Herman Cain's Poll Numbers Climb Amid Sex-Harassment Scandal

 Cain's Numbers 
 Climb Amid 
wapo-abc poll

Cain's Numbers Climb Amid Scandal

Republicans shrug off sex-harassment allegations

(Newser) - Herman Cain’s sex-harassment allegations don’t seem to have taken much of a toll on his poll numbers. Some 23% of Republicans support Cain’s nomination, putting him in a virtual tie with Mitt Romney, who is at 24%, a Washington Post -ABC News poll finds. That's the...

Bachmann to Protesters: Leave Wall Street Alone

Blame politicians, not capitalism, she says

(Newser) - Occupy Wall Street protesters should be directing their anger at lawmakers instead of against the "free market," Michele Bachmann said during a town hall meeting in Iowa yesterday. "Protesters need to wake up and stop blaming the free market, stop blaming capitalism, stop blaming job creators for...

Obama&#39;s the Underdog
 Obama Is the Underdog 
Nate Silver

Obama Is the Underdog

If economy falters, and Mitt Romney is the nominee, watch out

(Newser) - It’s too early for Nate Silver’s usual granular state-by-state election calculus, so the New York Times political prediction guru is looking at the big picture. Obama faces three main challenges: voters think he’s not up to the task, they’re terrified of the economy, and they’re...

NH Agrees to Hold 2012 Election in 2012

New Hampshire sets primary for Jan. 10, instead of December

(Newser) - Good news: The early-voting states have finally stopped fighting over who gets to sit in the front. New Hampshire today set its primary for Jan. 10, after threatening at one point to move it into December of this year in a feud with Nevada . This means the early GOP calendar...

Cain Doesn't Realize China Has Nuclear Weapons

He tells PBS China is 'trying to develop nuclear capabilities'

(Newser) - Herman Cain might just be a wee bit misinformed about China. In a quick exchange from his PBS News Hour interview last night, spotted by Raw Story , Cain was asked if China was a military threat. “Yes, they’re a military threat,” he replied. "They’ve indicated...

Rove to Cain: You Knew for 10 Days This Was Coming

So why in the world was his campaign so poorly prepared?

(Newser) - When it comes to Herman Cain's sexual harassment mess, many conservatives are crying racism . Not so, Karl Rove. In an appearance on Fox News last night spotted by the Hill , Monica Crowley asked the Republican if Cain "should be prepared for more of this because he is a...

Occupy's New Target: Iowa Campaign Offices

Planned protest would run up to the Jan. 3 caucuses

(Newser) - Occupy Des Moines activists are planning to camp out at and "shut down" campaign offices in the week leading up to the Iowa caucuses, and they have invited protesters from around the country to join them. One organizer described the plan, dubbed the "First in the Nation Caucus...

Former Campaign Boss: Bachmann 'Out of Ideas'

Broke candidate won't win Iowa, Ed Rollins says

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann is broke, out of ideas, and shouldn't expect to win in Iowa, her former campaign manager says. She’s still saying the same things she said in the first the debate," grumbles Ed Rollins, who has been trading barbs with Bachmann since he quit the campaign...

Bizarre Perry Speech Sparks Drunk Rumors

Highlight video from 'expressive' NH speech goes viral

(Newser) - Was Rick Perry pie-eyed during a speech to a conservative group in New Hampshire on Friday? In a video that has since gone viral, the candidate adopted an exuberant, jokey style and pulled a lot of funny faces, leading some commentators to believe that the Texas governor was distinctly refreshed....

Cain Was Already Struggling With Woman Voters

Women's group asks candidate to explain allegations

(Newser) - Herman Cain was in trouble with women voters even before sexual harassment allegations surfaced, the Washington Post finds. Recent polls found Mitt Romney to be around 10 points ahead of Cain with female votes. In Iowa, where the two are neck-and-neck, 26% of men support Cain and 18% support Romney,...

One Cain Accuser Did Receive Settlement: NBC

Plus, Politico reporter won't give details

(Newser) - Although Herman Cain admitted to being “falsely accused” of sexual harassment, he said he personally never paid anyone a settlement related to the allegations—but NBC News confirms at least one woman did receive a settlement from the National Restaurant Association. During his earlier statement , Cain—who was president...

Geraldo Grills Cain Rep Over Sex Harassment Claims

But spokesman JD Gordon won't give a straight answer

(Newser) - Geraldo Rivera and his enormous mustache gave Herman Cain’s spokesperson the third degree last night, but after hammering him for nearly six minutes, still could not get a substantive denial of the recent sexual harassment claims against the candidate. JD Gordon called the claims “thinly sourced” and a...

Herman Cain Beating Rick Perry—in Texas
 Cain Beating Perry—in Texas 
Poll Numbers

Cain Beating Perry—in Texas

Governor's approval rating stands at 39%

(Newser) - How bad are things for Rick Perry? This bad: He’s not even leading in the polls in his home state. Herman Cain holds a razor-thin 27% to 26% lead over Perry in the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll , and while that’s within the margin of error, the...

Herman Cain: No Abortion, No Exceptions
 Cain: No Abortion, 
 No Exceptions 

Cain: No Abortion, No Exceptions

Planned Parenthood focuses on black communities, candidate charges

(Newser) - “I am pro-life from conception, period,” Herman Cain said today, stiffening his opposition to abortion even in cases of incest, life of the mother, or rape. Cain also stood firm on his stance against Planned Parenthood, saying that the organization targeted the black community, and has 75% of...

Rick Perry: I Can Still Win This
 Rick Perry: 
 I Can Still 
 Win This 


Rick Perry: I Can Still Win This

Texas governor makes first Sunday show appearance

(Newser) - It ain't over 'til the Texas governor says it is: Rick Perry today hit the talk shows, saying that despite his fifth-place showing in today's Des Moines Register poll , "obviously, this race isn't settled at all. I feel pretty comfortable where we’ll be on...

Cain: Smoking Ad Was Letting 'People Be People'

CBS host Schieffer hammers GOP frontrunner for glamorizing smoking

(Newser) - Herman Cain got a dressing-down from Bob Schieffer this morning over the viral video of aide Mark Block smoking , with the GOP frontrunner defending it as self-expression. “One of the things within this campaign is, let Herman be Herman,” Cain explained. “Mark Block is a smoker, and...

Herman Cain Leads Iowa Poll With 23%; Mitt Romney Close Second With 22%
 Cain Tops 
 New Iowa Poll 


Cain Tops New Iowa Poll

Ex-CEO racks up 23% of likely caucusgoers in latest poll; Romney hangs in with 22%

(Newser) - Herman Cain may have his detractors , but Iowans don't appear to be listening: The former Godfather's CEO tops the latest poll from the Des Moines Register with a tidy 23% of likely caucus voters; Perennial would-be-frontrunner Mitt Romney is close at his heels with 22%. Ron Paul leads...

George Will Really Doesn't Like Mitt Romney

Conservatism has sunk to this? he asks

(Newser) - George Will's Sunday column in the Washington Post isn't out yet, but Politico's Playbook has an early snippet that makes clear it won't be welcome reading in the Mitt Romney household. He calls Romney a "recidivist reviser of his principles who is not only becoming...

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