Election 2012

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New Hampshire Poll Has Mitt Romney Winning in Landslide, Ron Paul 2nd
 Romney Poised for
Landslide Victory in NH
Poll Numbers

Romney Poised for Landslide Victory in NH

Ron Paul is a distant second in poll

(Newser) - Mitt Romney may have only squeaked out a win in Iowa, but he's going to cruise to an overwhelming victory next week in New Hampshire, according to the latest Suffolk University/7News poll . Romney leads all candidates with a whopping 41%; his closest competitor, Ron Paul, has just 18%, and...

Why the Heck Is Perry Still In?

 Why the Heck Is Perry Still In? 
Nate Silver

Why the Heck Is Perry Still In?

Nate Silver ponders whether the answer is political or personal

(Newser) - Normally when candidates say they're "reassessing" their campaign , they're done for, but for some reason Rick Perry is soldiering on . Why? Nate Silver of the New York Times contemplates that question today, posing two exaggerated hypothetical scenarios: Either a) It was personal. Perry prayed on the decision,...

After Iowa, Romney Vaults Out in Front

Karl Rove looks at the state of the race headed into NH

(Newser) - Not long ago it seemed unthinkable that Mitt Romney would win in über-conservative Iowa. But win it he did—albeit by only eight votes—and if he wins in New Hampshire as expected, “he becomes the prohibitive favorite,” writes Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal . Sure,...

After Senate, Santorum Got Rich on Consulting Gigs

He's made millions off Senate experience

(Newser) - A funny thing happened between the end of Rick Santorum’s Senate career and his now-ascendant presidential run: He became a millionaire. Santorum has oft touted his blue collar upbringing, and when he left the Hill in 2006 he was indeed one of its least wealthy denizens, with assets valued...

Pat Robertson: God 'Showed Me Next President'

Oh, and also, the country is going to 'disintegrate.' Happy New Year!

(Newser) - Pat Robertson is back with his latest batch of crazy. Tuesday on the 700 Club, Robertson revealed that in an intense prayer session with God, "I think He showed me about the next president, but I'm not supposed to talk about that so I'll leave you in...

Forget New Hampshire: South Carolina Is the Prize
 Forget NH: SC Is the Prize 

Forget NH: SC Is the Prize

Conservatives hope to capitalize on anyone-but-Romney sentiment

(Newser) - With the proverbial fork stuck in Iowa , the GOP herd galloped off to next-up New Hampshire, but the real battleground lies in Dixie: Mitt Romney is all but guaranteed a victory in New Hampshire, so his GOP challengers' only chance is to expose the frontrunner's moderate Achilles heel in...

Santorum Ethics Questions Resurface

But Iowa near-winner raises $1M overnight

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's rise to the top tier of the GOP race has triggered a search for skeletons in his closet. Ethics questions from Santorum's time as a US senator have resurfaced, including allegations that he received a mortgage at a preferred rate from a bank run by a...

Conservative VIPs Plan Meeting to Topple Romney

Group will search for consensus anti-Romney candidate

(Newser) - Apparently, certain conservatives really, really don't want to see Mitt Romney win the nomination. Politico reports that an influential group is holding an emergency meeting next weekend in Texas in order to agree on a "consensus" Republican candidate. Prominent conservatives including Focus on the Family founder James Dobson,...

John McCain Endorses Mitt Romney
John McCain Endorses
Mitt Romney

John McCain Endorses Mitt Romney

Says his former rival 'will lead from the front'

(Newser) - No last-minute change of heart: As expected , John McCain today endorsed former rival Mitt Romney for president in New Hampshire, reports NPR . "He will lead from the front as Ronald Reagan did, not from behind as this president does," said McCain. Four years ago, Romney endorsed McCain after...

Gingrich: I'd Team With Santorum to Beat Romney

Newt says he's open to the possibility

(Newser) - Could Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum team up to defeat Iowa caucus winner Mitt Romney? Gingrich floated the possibility when Laura Ingraham asked him about it today on her radio show. "Absolutely," Gingrich responded. "I mean Rick and I have a 20-year friendship. We are both rebels,...

Rick Perry Isn't Dropping Out of the Race, Plans Trip to South Carolina
 Rick Perry  
 Won't Drop Out 

Rick Perry Won't Drop Out

'Here we come South Carolina!'

(Newser) - The Republican field will shrink by only one candidate today. Unlike Michele Bachmann , Rick Perry has decided to hang around despite his lackluster finish in Iowa, reports the National Journal . He will stay in a Texas for a few days, head to New Hampshire—which has two debates this weekend,...

Michele Bachmann Drops Out of Race
 Michele Bachmann Drops Out 

Michele Bachmann Drops Out

Announces she is suspending her campaign

(Newser) - Last night at the Marriott Hotel in Des Moines, Michele Bachmann vowed to stay in the race despite her sixth-place finish in Iowa. This morning she appeared in the same place , but sang a different tune: The sole female candidate for president is suspending her campaign. "I have decided...

Bachmann Axes Today's South Carolina Events

...and schedules news conference in their place

(Newser) - The hot scuttlebutt of the morning: Is Michele Bachmann dropping out of the race, even though she earlier vowed to stay in? "There are many more chapters to be written on our path to the nomination," she told supporters last night, but today's chapter apparently won't...

In Iowa, Mr. Bachmann Busy Buying Doggie Sunglasses

That's what 'best campaigner in family' was doing yesterday

(Newser) - Marcus Bachmann is "the best campaigner" in the family, wife Michele said in a speech thanking supporters after the Iowa caucuses, but he wasn't exactly campaigning while the rest of the team was out stirring up support on Main Street in Des Moines. No, "he was out...

Rick Santorum, President Obama Seen as Real Winner of Iowa Caucuses
 What We Learned in Iowa 

What We Learned in Iowa

Anti-Romney voters might have found their candidate

(Newser) - Mitt Romney snatched an 8-vote victory in Iowa , but a lot of analysts say "man of the hour" Rick Santorum looks like the real winner. He can now portray himself as the clear alternative to Romney, and to win the nomination he "won’t have to outrun the...

Rick Perry Reassessing Campaign, Michele Bachmann Not Dropping Out

 Perry Reassessing 
 Race, Bachmann 

Perry Reassessing Race, Bachmann Sticking

Governor heading back to Texas for rethink after poor showing in Iowa

(Newser) - A lousy result in Iowa may have delivered the death blow to Rick Perry's troubled campaign. Perry, who came in fifth in the Iowa caucuses with some 10% of the vote, says he is returning to Texas to reassess his campaign and determine whether there's a way forward,...

John McCain to Endorse Romney

Move doesn't surprise Rick Santorum

(Newser) - As Mitt Romney heads to New Hampshire following his razor-thin win in Iowa , he can expect an endorsement from the man who trounced him there four years ago . John McCain plans to endorse Romney and will travel with him on his campaign bus through the state, a campaign insider tells...

Angry Newt Heads for NH
 Angry Newt Heads for NH 

Angry Newt Heads for NH

Gingrich slams Romney, Paul after fourth-place finish

(Newser) - An angry Newt Gingrich quit Iowa for New Hampshire before midnight last night after a fourth-place finish with 13% of the vote. The candidate went on the attack even before the results came in, calling Mitt Romney a liar and blaming his rapid fall from first place on attack ads,...

Iowa Caucuses: And They&#39;re Off
 Romney Beats 
 Santorum in 
 8-Vote Squeaker 
iowa caucuses

Romney Beats Santorum in 8-Vote Squeaker

Ron Paul finishes third

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has prevailed in what could well be the closest primary or caucus result ever. With the final precinct reporting, Iowa's GOP says Romney has beaten Rick Santorum by just eight votes, with 30,015 to Santorum’s 30,007 out of a total of 122,255 votes...

Ron Paul: 3rd Place Nothing to Be Ashamed of
 Paul: Third Place 
 Nothing to Be 
 Ashamed Of 

Paul: Third Place Nothing to Be Ashamed Of

Campaign tweet taunts Huntsman

(Newser) - After finishing third in the Iowa caucuses with some 21% of the vote, Ron Paul told his supporters that the results were "nothing to be ashamed of," Politico reports. He said the top-three finish granted him one of the tickets out of Iowa, and urged supporters to continue...

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