Election 2012

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Santorum Wins Minnesota, Too

Ron Paul knocks Romney into 3rd place

(Newser) - Predictions of a big night for Rick Santorum have come true. The candidate has won the Minnesota caucuses easily, scoring 45% of the vote with 95% of precincts reporting, according to Politico . Mitt Romney—who won Minnesota in 2008—has been knocked into third place, with 17% to Ron...

Santorum Wins Missouri 'Beauty Contest'

Big win for Rick in non-binding primary

(Newser) - Rick Santorum won his first state since Iowa by a resounding 30-point margin. In the Missouri primary, Santorum took 55.2% of the vote to Mitt Romney's 25.3% and Ron Paul's 12.2%, according to the AP. Newt Gingrich wasn't on the ballot, an omission his...

Key GOP Blogger Endorses 'Sweet Meteor of Death'

Erick Erickson says all the GOP candidates are terrible

(Newser) - RedState.com editor Erick Erickson has finally endorsed a presidential candidate: The Sweet Meteor of Death, a joke candidate put forward by political blog Ace of Spades HQ . "You could presume that being a conservative of course I would choose something like a great fireball coming from the sky...

Obama Returns $200K Linked to Fugitive

Donations from family of Mexican casino boss Pepe Cardona

(Newser) - The Obama campaign has decided to return more than $200,000 worth of donations linked to Juan Jose Rojas Cardona, aka Pepe, a Mexican casino magnate who jumped bail in Iowa in 1994 to avoid drug and fraud charges, and has since come under suspicion of assassinating a business rival...

Santorum Could Grab Wins, Momentum Today
 Santorum Could Grab 
 Wins, Momentum Today 
Primary Preview

Santorum Could Grab Wins, Momentum Today

Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri all weigh in on Republican primary field

(Newser) - Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri will all get a chance to weigh in on the Republican presidential nomination today, in a day that might just change the momentum for Rick Santorum's campaign. Here's what to watch for:
  • Santorum's surge: If Santorum is going to make a move, now'

Now Obama Gives Blessing to Democratic Super PAC

President switches position so as not to give GOP the advantage

(Newser) - President Obama has made no secret of his distaste for super PACs , but now he's signaling that his wealthy supporters should feel free to donate to one on his behalf. In a message to supporters yesterday, campaign manager Jim Messina said Obama is now embracing the efforts of Priorities...

Bachmann: I Was Perfect Candidate

But remaining GOPers are 'acceptable,' she says

(Newser) - Hey, America: You had your chance to pick the perfect presidential candidate and you blew it—according to Michele Bachmann. Asked who she thought the most conservative candidate still in the GOP race was, Bachmann tooted her own horn, CNN reports. "I was. I was the perfect candidate,"...

Why Gingrich Should Be Santorum&#39;s VP
 Why Gingrich Should 
 Be Santorum's VP 

Why Gingrich Should Be Santorum's VP

Paul Goldman and Mark Rozell think Newt is vice-presidential material only

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich said recently that, much like the founding fathers, he'd sacrifice anything for a cause—in his case conservatism. So Paul Goldman and Mark Rozell have a question for him: "For the good of the cause, are you willing to join with Rick Santorum as the vice-presidential...

Trump: I Handed Romney Nevada Landslide

The Donald tells 'Fox and Friends' he'll take credit for Mitt's victory

(Newser) - Mitt Romney easily won in Nevada Saturday—a result he had also achieved in 2008 , and a feat that the polls (and Newt Gingrich ) predicted before Donald Trump endorsed Romney . But never mind all that, Trump is just going to take credit for the victory. "There was a...

Obama Nails Clear Lead in Romney Matchup Poll

Obama tops Romney 51%-45%, as economy lifts Prez's approval rating

(Newser) - Even as Mitt Romney moves firmly into the lead in the GOP presidential nomination race, the improving economy is lifting President Obama ahead of Romney, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll . Head to head, Obama now leads Romney 51% to 45% among registered voters—and 54% to 43%...

Negative Attacks Souring Colorado Voters on GOP

'Anybody but Obama' not enough for crucial independents in swing states

(Newser) - The bruising, highly negative Republican presidential nomination fight appears to be creating a new casualty as the race moves into swing states like Colorado—independent voters, reports the Los Angeles Times . President Obama may have disappointed many voters over the past three years, but the GOP candidates' continuing bashing of...

Newt and Callista: A 'Narcissistic Blastoff'

But Callista's surrogate ambition a double-edged sword: Maureen Dowd

(Newser) - Blame Newt Gingrich's third wife Callista for his relentless, Quixotic quest for the presidency, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . Where other politicians' spouses often appear beside them, looking on dutifully and quietly, Callista's "frozen attentiveness" is something entirely new, perfectly reinforcing her husband's...

Newt: I&#39;d Vote for Romney
 Newt: I'd Vote for Romney 

Newt: I'd Vote for Romney

But just because Obama is so terrible

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich may be embroiled in the biggest brawl the Republican party has seen, but he's reiterating that that doesn't mean he wouldn't get behind the "liar" he's beating up: "President Obama is so unacceptable that I will support the Republican nominee," Gingrich...

Gingrich Billionaire Pal's Plan B: Romney

Sheldon Adelson's focus on beating Obama, whoever wins nomination

(Newser) - Billionaire Sheldon Adelson has kept Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign afloat, giving $10 million to a pro-Gingrich super PAC , but the former speaker of the House shouldn't get too comfortable—Adelson says he will give even more generously to Mitt Romney, should Romney win the Republican nomination, reports the...

&#39;President Obama Just May Have Lost the Election&#39;
'President Obama Just May Have Lost the Election'
Peggy Noonan

'President Obama Just May Have Lost the Election'

His decision on birth control and Catholics will haunt him: Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's "inept" line about not being concerned about the poor generated most of the headlines, but it was nowhere near the biggest political gaffe of the week, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal . That would be President Obama's decision to require Catholic institutions to...

Gingrich&#39;s Fury a Boon for Romney

 Gingrich's Fury 
 a Boon for 

Gingrich's Fury a Boon for Romney

Newt paints Mitt as a moderate—handy for November: Jonathan Alter

(Newser) - You might think that Newt Gingrich's assault on Mitt Romney would give President Obama the upper hand in the general election—but actually, it's just the opposite, writes Jonathan Alter at Bloomberg . Gingrich's efforts will position Romney as the "more rational and centrist" candidate, which will...

Romney Was Once—Gasp!— a Democrat

Thanks to 1992 voting technicality

(Newser) - If calling Mitt Romney a "Massachusetts moderate" isn't helping Newt Gingrich, here's a new label: "Massachusetts Democrat." The former governor was briefly a Democrat in 1992, thanks to a technicality BuzzFeed discovered related to his much-discussed Democratic primary vote for Paul Tsongas . Romney was registered...

&#39;Eye of the Tiger&#39; Singer Violates Newt Copyright
 'Eye of the Tiger' Singer 
 Violates Newt Copyright 
'colbert report'

'Eye of the Tiger' Singer Violates Newt Copyright

Survivor frontman sings from Gingrich book on 'Colbert '

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's unauthorized use of Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger" has led to a lawsuit —and now revenge. On the Colbert Report , Survivor frontman Dave Bickler took to the stage and infringed Newt's copyright by singing line after line from Gingrich's most recent book,...

Why Obama&#39;s Not Inevitable
 Why Obama's 
 Not Inevitable 

Why Obama's Not Inevitable

There are plenty of reasons the president should be worried

(Newser) - Democrats, and many pundits, seem to believe that President Obama is rebounding, and will surely win re-election, but Jim Vandehei of Politico isn't buying it. Here's why he thinks the president should be sweating right now:
  • The economy: The recent CBO report not only projected another trillion-dollar deficit,

How Newt Can Rebound From Florida
 How Newt 
 Can Rebound 
 From Florida 

How Newt Can Rebound From Florida

Politico, strategists discuss what speaker must do

(Newser) - Newton Leroy Gingrich got drubbed pretty soundly in Florida, and it'll be nearly a month before the next major primaries. What's an ex-speaker to do? Politico weighs in:
  • Have a big idea: Newt's message was all over the place in Florida. "When he wasn’t calling

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