Election 2012

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Forget Hope: Obama Shops Slogan Change for 2012

Incumbency, economy changes 'Change' message

(Newser) - After four years in office and facing continued unemployment and a weak economy— albeit with some signs of life —"Change we can believe in" just isn't going to cut it anymore. So the Obama campaign team is on the hunt of a new slogan, reports Reuters . Some...

Gingrich to Get $10M From Billionaire Backer

Sheldon Adelson will write another big check to super PAC

(Newser) - It's good news for Newt Gingrich—and maybe Mitt Romney: Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson will fork over at least $10 million more to the pro-Gingrich super PAC Winning Our Future, a source tells CBS News . That about doubles the family's contribution to the super PAC, whose barrage of...

Obama Raised $29M Last Month
 Obama Raised 
 $29M Last Month 

Obama Raised $29M Last Month

Total haul hits $250M for 2012

(Newser) - President Obama raised a healthy $29.1 million for his campaign and the Democrats last month, bringing his total haul for this election to $250 million. Some 98% of last month's donations were of $250 or less, the campaign said. Nonpartisan analysts said donations of $200 or less made...

Ron Paul Slams &#39;War on Drugs&#39;
 Ron Paul Slams 'War on Drugs' 

Ron Paul Slams 'War on Drugs'

Plus, Maine's caucus outcome could change

(Newser) - Ron Paul, on a swing through Western states, showed an enthusiastic Seattle crowd why he is a GOP candidate like no other. He decried the "war on drugs," saying "we are allowed to deal with our eternity and all that we believe in spiritually, and if we'...

Daily Kos Hatches Scheme: Get Dems to Vote Santorum!

Liberal blog plans 'Operation Hilarity' to give Romney a headache

(Newser) - The Daily Kos may be a liberal blog, but it's throwing its support behind Rick Santorum—sort of. In a post yesterday announcing "Operation Hilarity," Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas urged Democrats to take advantage of the upcoming open primaries and caucuses in Michigan, North Dakota, Tennessee,...

Santorum's New Ad Is Very, Very Unfortunate

It appears to show him surrounded by, well, ' santorum '

(Newser) - When your last name has been turned into an unfortunate synonym for fecal matter , it's maybe not a great idea to air an ad that appears to show you surrounded by … fecal matter. In Rick Santorum's new anti-Romney ad , a Romney lookalike is shown shooting what is...

Congress Is Done for the Year
 Congress Is Done for the Year 
yep, it's only Feb. 16

Congress Is Done for the Year

Don't expect any major legislation in 2012

(Newser) - It's only February, but most lawmakers expect the payroll tax holiday extension be the last major piece of legislation Congress passes all year, as election year politicking brings the 112th Congress —not exactly known for its blistering pace —to a screeching halt. What will Congress do about...

Santorum Asks for Secret Service After Protest

Protesters got 'rowdy' at Tacoma event this week

(Newser) - Rick Santorum must really be a frontrunner now, because the Republican presidential candidate is requesting Secret Service protection. His campaign sent the request to the Department of Homeland Security yesterday after what Fox News calls a "rowdy rally" in Washington state Monday night. Occupy protesters crashed the outdoor event...

Santorum Releases 4 Years of Tax Returns

Records bare rise in media, consulting fees, nearly double Romney's rate

(Newser) - Rick Santorum has released four years of his tax returns to Politico , and they show that while his income falls a long way short of Mitt Romney's or Newt Gingrich's, his Washington connections have helped him prosper since leaving Congress. His income hit $1.1 million in 2009—...

Megadeth Frontman Hails Santorum

But it's not an endorsement, Dave Mustaine says

(Newser) - Rick Santorum and heavy metal—together at last? Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine took a look at the GOP field in an interview with Music Radar and picked Santorum over too-rich Mitt Romney, too out-there Ron Paul, and "angry little man" Newt Gingrich. Mustaine, who founded Megadeth after getting kicked...

Santorum Ad Goes After Mud-Slinger 'Rombo'

Romney's negative attacks will backfire, it warns

(Newser) - The newest buzz-generating character on the campaign trail is "Rombo," courtesy of a Rick Santorum ad. In it, a Mitt Romeny lookalike tries to spray Santorum with a mud gun only to have it backfire on his white shirt. Romney's "negative attack machine is back, on...

Rick Santorum: Birth Control Is &#39;Not OK&#39;

 Rick Santorum: 
 Birth Control 
 Is 'Not OK' 

Rick Santorum: Birth Control Is 'Not OK'

Video surfaces of Santorum decrying moral hazards of protected sex

(Newser) - Rick Santorum thinks contraceptive use is wrong and a danger to the country, he declares in a video clip that's racing across the blogosphere today. In an October interview with the evangelical blog Caffeinated Thoughts, Santorum volunteers that, as president, he'd confront the "dangers of contraception" and...

Romney Goes All-In on Michigan
 Romney Goes All-In on Michigan

Romney Goes All-In on Michigan

And his supporters think he'll win

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's campaign machine has revved into overdrive in Michigan, sending top operatives to the state and pouring money into TV ads, including a $1.3 million buy yesterday—not that Team Romney thinks it's got anything to worry about. Despite the most recent poll data , Romney's...

Economy Hikes Obama Poll Numbers

Prez now ahead of all four GOP contenders

(Newser) - The rising economy may be enough to carry President Obama to a second term, according to the latest New York Times / CBS poll. The percentage of people feeling optimistic about the economy has surged over the last few months, the poll found, and Obama's approval rating is back...

Romney Needs to Go Positive, Win Some Fans
 Romney Needs to Go Positive, Win Some Fans
Nate Silver

Romney Needs to Go Positive, Win Some Fans

Nate Silver says Rick Santorum's voters are a lot more enthusiastic

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's got a big problem in his fight with Rick Santorum: His supporters are a lot less enthusiastic, observes Nate Silver of the New York Times . According to one poll, Santorum is beating Romney by 11 points among people who are definitely going to vote. Romney leads by...

On Voter Rolls: 1.8M Dead People

One in 8 voter records are flawed, Pew estimates

(Newser) - The Walking Dead is more than a hit TV show, it might just be a successful get-out-the-vote strategy. Thanks to 24 million out-of-date and inaccurate voter registration records, the United States has up to 1.8 million dead people registered to vote, reports USA Today . "We have a ramshackle...

Romney, Santorum: It&#39;s a Tie
 Romney, Santorum: It's a Tie 
new polls

Romney, Santorum: It's a Tie

Two candidates are basically sharing first place at this point

(Newser) - Three polls, three declarations about Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum: virtual tie, statistical tie, and essential tie. According to Pew , Gallup , and the New York Times/CBS News , Romney officially has some company at the top following Santorum's wins in Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri :
  • Pew's poll, released yesterday, puts

Stewart: Really? Santorum's the Frontrunner?

'Daily Show' host also baffled over contraception controversy

(Newser) - Jon Stewart took a week off from the Daily Show , and in that time, the nation managed to hand Rick Santorum three primary victories . "What the hell, America?" Stewart asked last night. "I leave you alone for one week. One week!" And it wasn't just Santorum'...

Dog Lovers to Protest Mitt at Westminster Dog Show

The Dogs Against Romney 'Super Pack' not happy with how he treated his pooch

(Newser) - Dog lovers are still hounding Mitt Romney over his treatment of a family pet on a road trip in 1983 . The Dogs Against Romney "Super Pack" plans to hold a protest outside the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show to "ensure pet lovers are aware that Mitt Romney is...

Obama Invites Fans to Join 'Truth Team'

President's website helps supporters spread the word

(Newser) - President Obama has admitted he forgets on occasion to stop and "persuade people." Now his re-election team has set up a website where grassroots supporters can read Obama's side of the story and spread it around, USA Today reports. Called Truth Team, the site asks visitors to...

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