Election 2012

Stories 821 - 840 | << Prev   Next >>

Mitt Quips: Santorum Can Be My Press Secretary

Seriously, hints that Rick could be his VP

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was mostly business on his Tonight Show appearance last night, but he managed to get in a joke at Rick Santorum's expense. "Press secretary," Romney joked when Jay Leno asked what words he most associated with Santorum, a dig at his rival's recent run-in...

60% of GOP Wants Gingrich, Paul to Quit

Santorum's Pennsylvania lead vanishes

(Newser) - Most Republicans believe there are two too many candidates still seeking their party's nomination, according to the latest CNN poll . The poll found that roughly 60% of the GOP want Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul to call it a day, while a similar proportion want Rick Santorum to stick...

Gingrich Chops Staff, Cuts Schedule

Cash-strapped candidate betting on Tampa

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich has shaken up his struggling campaign, but it doesn't look like he'll be dropping out any time soon. The candidate—short on cash and a distant third in the delegate count—is replacing his campaign manager, laying off close to a third of his staff, and...

Medvedev Zings Romney: It's 2012, Not the '70s

Russian president fires back after Romney calls Russia the US' top foe

(Newser) - Dmitry Medvedev seems amused by Mitt Romney's recent declaration that Russia was the US' “No. 1 geopolitical foe.” “It is very reminiscent of Hollywood,” the Russian president said in South Korea today, according to CNN . He advised the GOP candidates “to listen to reason...

Want a Pic With Newt? That'll Be $50

Gingrich starts charging for photos

(Newser) - A picture might be worth 1,000 words, but a picture with Newt Gingrich is now worth 50 clams: As of yesterday, the candidate is charging supporters $50 to take a picture with him. In the past, a campaign staffer had been taking pictures of Gingrich and attendees at his...

Santorum Has Entered 'Walking Dead' Phase

Lashing out suggests the nomination battle is winding down: analyst

(Newser) - The Rick Santorum who's been on the campaign trail lately is an angrier and testier fellow than we saw earlier in the race, but that's no surprise to people who have followed his political career, the Washington Post finds. The nice-guy persona is starting to slip away—as...

'ILikeRomneyCare' Redirects to ...

... Barack Obama's campaign website page called ILikeObamaCare

(Newser) - Apparently two can play this game: After pranksters got hold of socialists.com and communists.com and redirected both to President Obama's campaign website , someone got the bright idea to hijack ILikeRomneyCare.com—and send it to the same place, reports Huffington Post . "It's the two-year anniversary...

Last 2 Print Reporters Abandon Gingrich

But candidate still vows he'll soldier on to convention

(Newser) - It's a good thing Newt Gingrich didn't like that pesky old mainstream media anyway, because the print media has pulled its last embedded reporters from Gingrich's flailing campaign, reports Politico , which employed one of the last two reporters dedicated to covering the candidate. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution was...

Santorum Calls Out NYT Reporter's 'BS'

He's still on the defensive after Mitt Romney comments

(Newser) - Rick Santorum has been on the defensive ever since stating that President Obama would be better than Mitt Romney, the Etch a Sketch candidate. But last night he'd apparently had enough. After stating that "RomneyCare" is too similar to "ObamaCare" and makes Romney "the worst Republican...

GOP: OK, It&#39;s Romney

 GOP: OK, 
 It's Romney 


GOP: OK, It's Romney

Also, Paul Ryan says he'd be open to vice president slot if asked

(Newser) - Republicans watched Rick Santorum's convincing victory in Louisiana last night, eyed his burgeoning numbers in Wisconsin, and ... took to the Sunday talk shows today to concede that Mitt Romney would win the nomination, and that they are OK with that. A look around your Sunday dial, as per Politico...

David Plouffe Lambastes GOP &#39;Clown Show&#39;
 David Plouffe 
 Lambastes GOP 
 'Clown Show' 


David Plouffe Lambastes GOP 'Clown Show'

Targets 'reckless' Gingrich comments on Trayvon Martin murder

(Newser) - David Plouffe is making the talk-show rounds this morning, and CNN reports that he's wasting zero time in bashing Newt Gingrich for accusing President Obama of politicizing the Trayvon Martin killing , and dismissing the GOP nomination race at large as a "clown show." Gingrich "is clearly...

Television Sick of 2012 Campaign

 Sick of 2012 
howard kurtz

Television Sick of 2012 Campaign

Howard Kurtz sees thinning coverage amid poor ratings

(Newser) - Even as voters hit the polls in Illinois Tuesday , Fox and MSNBC hosts focused on other matters. The next day, neither Today nor Good Morning America included the 2012 election in their top three stories. There's a reason for that, writes Howard Kurtz at the Daily Beast : Cable news...

Advice to Romney: &#39;Suit Up and Get Serious&#39;
Advice to Romney:
'Suit Up and Get Serious'

Advice to Romney: 'Suit Up and Get Serious'

Peggy Noonan says it's about time

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan has some advice for Mitt Romney in her latest Wall Street Journal column: He will be the nominee, so it's time to "suit up and get serious," she writes. "Get off the goofball express. Cheesy grits, jeans, singing, being compulsively pleasant, calling your opponents...

Ron Paul: Give Etch a Sketch 'Games' a Rest

New ad mocks rivals' focus on the Romney camp's gaffe

(Newser) - Sick of the endless Etch a Sketch jokes and analogies after two days of near-constant presence in the news cycle? Ron Paul is, too, apparently. His new ad mocks Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and no end of cable talking heads for focusing on the gaffe instead of more substantive issues,...

Louisiana Not Looking Good for Romney

 Louisiana Not 
 Looking Good 
 for Romney 
primary preview

Louisiana Not Looking Good for Romney

But Mitt gets near-endorsement from DeMint

(Newser) - Louisiana holds its Republican primary tomorrow, and the state probably won't snap Mitt Romney's Southern losing streak, analysts say. Romney hasn't spent much time or money there, and its high proportion of conservative voters and relatively low household income make it fertile ground for Rick Santorum, the...

Meet the GOP&#39;s Biggest Donor
 Meet the GOP's Biggest Donor 

Meet the GOP's Biggest Donor

It's not Sheldon Adelson: Harold Clark Simmons has given $18.7M

(Newser) - Sheldon Adelson and Foster Friess have been in the spotlight as the billionaire backers of Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, respectively, but one man has given more than either of them to the GOP's 2012 effort: Harold Clark Simmons. The difference is that Simmons, the 80-year-old Texas billionaire head...

Santorum Boosting Sweater Vest Biz

Official vests keeping Minnesota manufacturer busy

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's economic plan didn't win over the voters of Illinois, but there's no question that he's single-handedly boosting America's sweater vest industry. Finance reports reveal that his campaign—which has been offering official Santorum vests to donors who cough up $100 or more—spent...

Jeb Bush Endorses Mitt Romney

Says with 34 primaries finished, it's time to get behind Mitt

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is inevitable enough for Jeb Bush, reports ABC News . Bush today endorsed the GOP frontrunner after months of tongue-wagging over his silence —which included sitting on the sidelines while Romney won his own state's primary. The former president's brother, seen by some as a strong...

Is Santorum Too Honest for His Own Good?

Washington Post thinks he's shooting himself in the foot

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's campaign has a problem: namely, Rick Santorum. The candidate prides himself on speaking off the cuff—he thinks teleprompters should be illegal for presidential candidates—but that's made him a veritable fountain of gaffes lately, leaving insiders questioning his ability to be the party standard bearer,...

Romney Wins, but No End in Sight After Illinois

Romney takes big state but fails to flip Santorum's base

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's decisive win in Illinois extends his delegate lead, but it's not enough to change the dynamics of the race, let alone knock out Rick Santorum, pundits say.
  • Romney has scored another big win in a Midwestern state, but even his "staunchest allies don’t expect

Stories 821 - 840 | << Prev   Next >>