Election 2012

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Santorum&#39;s Last Day Was a Mess
 Last Day 
 Was a Mess 

Santorum's Last Day Was a Mess

Which was typical for his campaign: Dana Milbank

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's final day on the campaign trail was spent "in typical disarray," writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . The first two events he had scheduled for yesterday were canceled so late the night before that his website schedule was never updated, leading supporters to show...

2012 Election Hinges on 4 States

Maybe five if Florida stays in play

(Newser) - Odds are, the state you live in doesn't matter in the 2012 election, strategically speaking. Democratic and Republican strategists tend to agree that the entire race will come down to just four or five swing states, the LA Times reports: Colorado, Nevada, Ohio, Virginia, and maybe Florida. Polls show...

Romney Actually a ... Hero?
 Romney Actually a ... Hero? 

Romney Actually a ... Hero?

Campaign presents stiff, all-business image, but gentle, heroic Mitt exists

(Newser) - To hear the Washington Post tell it, Mitt Romney has played the hero on more than one occasion: He has, with sons in tow, sped across a New Hampshire lake on jet skis to rescue capsized boaters; he shuttered his Boston office and took his staff to NYC to search...

Newt Tries to Get on Utah Ballot ... Bounces Check

Cash problems hound Gingrich's dying campaign

(Newser) - He was hoping for a bounce in the polls, but the only thing bouncing in Utah was Newt Gingrich's $500 application fee to get on the primary ballot, reports the Salt Lake City Tribune . Worse—when Utah officials tried to get in touch with Gingrich's local office, there...

Kimmel: Pay Newt to STFU
 Kimmel: Pay Newt to STFU 

Kimmel: Pay Newt to STFU

It's time for Gingrich to go away, comedian says

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich knows he won't be president . But he's not dropping out of the race, because he's $4.5 million in debt and still needs to raise money. "You know, he's got a huge debt, he wants to keep spending, very presidential if you think...

Obama Looks to Bludgeon Romney With Buffett Rule

Or is that the 'Romney Rule'?

(Newser) - On a recent White House conference call on the Buffett Rule , a reporter offered President Obama's staff an idea: Why not call it the "Romney Rule?" So far they haven't taken that suggestion, but they are giddy at the prospect of campaigning for the rule, which would...

Obama Slam Dunk Over Romney, Except...

...when it comes to the federal budget and economy

(Newser) - President Obama holds significant leads over GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney in all categories—except for the federal budget, and his handling of the economy, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll . According to the poll, 51% of registered voters would pick Obama over 44% for Romney. The president also...

Get Ready for Outrage Over Mormon Jokes

Conservatives prepare 'manufactured umbrage': Alex Pareene

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is set to be the first Mormon to become a major presidential nominee—so it's inevitable that we'll be hearing a lot about his religion. And as conservatives coalesce around his candidacy, they'll want to make his Mormonism off-limits for attacks. That means that soon,...

Daughter Sick, Santorum Leaves Trail for a Day

Romney drops negative ad against ex-senator

(Newser) - Rick Santorum is off the campaign trail today to be with his 3-year-old daughter, who was hospitalized last week . His campaign says Isabella, who has the rare genetic condition Trisomy 18, is getting better and could leave the Virginia facility today, the AP notes. Meanwhile, Mitt Romney's campaign has...

Karl Rove's Super PAC Ready for Anti-Obama Blitz

Crossroads America to launch ads while Romney campaign rebuilds

(Newser) - If you think Republicans have been bashing President Obama, you haven't seen anything yet. American Crossroads, the largest GOP super PAC with an expected $200 million—founded by Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie—looks ready to begin its anti-Obama ads this month, reports the New York Times . Crossroads had...

Mitt and 'Bibi': Closer Than You Might Think

Romney and Netanyahu have been friends since the '70s

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has a close ally in the Middle East—so close that the GOP contender defers to him on issues, chats with him in near-shorthand, and once offered him his Rolodex, the New York Times reports. Romney's friendship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dates back to the...

DNC Chair: Romney, GOP 'Rooting for' Economy to Tank

Debbie Wasserman Schultz also blasts war on women

(Newser) - Debbie Wasserman Schultz blasted Mitt Romney and his fellow Republicans today for actively "rooting for economic failure" and narrow-mindedly focusing "on one job, Barack Obama's, for really the last two years." The DNC chair spoke this morning on CNN , saying that while the economy has been...

Gingrich: It&#39;s &#39;Far and Away&#39; Mitt Romney
 Gingrich: It's 
 'Far and Away' 
 Mitt Romney 

Gingrich: It's 'Far and Away' Mitt Romney

Appears to embrace frontrunner, but he's still not getting out of the race

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich apparently might know when to at least symbolically fold 'em, because he sounded a lot like a guy ready to throw his support behind Mitt Romney today. Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Gingrich appeared to embrace the frontrunner, dismissing his previous attacks as just "part of...

Top 5 Picks for Romney Running Mate

Marco Rubio, Chris Christie lead Intrade's bets

(Newser) - There's no way of knowing who will join Mitt Romney on the GOP ticket—but Intrade is willing to guess. The online futures site offers odds on various contenders, and the Daily Beast takes a look at the top five:
  1. Marco Rubio, 24.9%. The Florida senator is a

Harvard Alum Romney Knocks Obama for Time at—Harvard

But in Pennsylvania speech, Mitt inches more toward center

(Newser) - As Mitt Romney campaigns in Pennsylvania, he's traded harsh attacks for a more centrist tone—mostly. The campaign "isn't about one person or about even one party," Romney told backers. "We're Republicans and Democrats in this campaign, but we're all connected with one...

Romney Could Have a 'Dan Quayle Problem'

Like Bush in '88, he must pick a VP to please conservatives: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Now that talk is turning to Mitt Romney's VP pick, Steve Kornacki at Salon sees a strong parallel between his situation and that of the elder George Bush in 1988. Both rose to the top of the ticket despite a "moderate/liberal past" and thus had to constantly appease...

Romney Grabs Lead in Pennsylvania

 Grabs Lead 
 in Pennsylvania 
poll numbers

Romney Grabs Lead in Pennsylvania

Meanwhile, Santorum says 'damn right' we cling to guns, religion

(Newser) - Bad news for Rick Santorum: Mitt Romney has taken the lead in Santorum's own home state of Pennsylvania. Romney is at 42% support and Santorum at 37% in the latest Public Policy Poll , followed by Ron Paul with 9% and Newt Gingrich at 6%. That's a gain of...

Romney Jabs at Obama's Game of 'Hide and Seek'

Mitt hits back after getting slammed by Obama yesterday

(Newser) - Mitt Romney hit back at President Obama today, slamming his "rhetorical excess" one day after Obama's speech attacking the GOP —and Romney himself. Romney was speaking to the same group of newspaper executives today when he accused Obama of using "straw men to distract from his...

McCain Jokes: Palin for VP
 McCain Jokes: 
 Palin for VP 

McCain Jokes: Palin for VP

He calls GOP campaign so far 'disastrous'

(Newser) - John McCain stopped by CBS This Morning today and held forth on a number of topics, including health care reform, the GOP presidential contest, and most amusingly, the vice presidential sweepstakes. Asked who Mitt Romney should choose as his running mate, McCain, unable to keep a straight face, replied, "...

What We Learned Last Night
 What We Learned Last Night 
primary takeaways

What We Learned Last Night

Mitt Romney sweeps primaries, but Rick Santorum not going anywhere

(Newser) - Mitt Romney scored a hat trick, winning all three of yesterday's primaries in Wisconsin, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. CNN and Politico each offer five takeaways:
  • Wisconsin rejected Rick Santorum: It was Santorum's last shot at winning a Midwestern state , and he ignored Maryland in order to

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