Election 2012

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Majority Don't Want Gov't to Promote 'Traditional Values'

It's a first in CNN poll

(Newser) - A new CNN poll finds that, for the first time in poll history, a majority of Americans do not think the government should promote traditional values. In 2010, 53% of registered voters said that it should—and that number had been even higher in 2008, at 57%. But this time...

'07 Video Shows Obama Praising Rev. Wright

But left is unimpressed by Tucker Carlson's 'bombshell'

(Newser) - It wouldn't be debate night without a media attempt to drum up some eleventh-hour controversy. Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller yesterday released what it termed a "racially charged" video of a speech then-Sen. Barack Obama gave to an audience of black ministers. In it, Obama gives a "...

What You Need to Know About Tonight's Debate

Candidates meeting for the first time for well-rehearsed duel

(Newser) - The political world is holding its breath in anticipation of tonight's potentially pivotal presidential debate. Here's what you should know going in:
  • Who are you again? Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have been saying each others' names for months, but they haven't actually spent any time face-to-face.

Obama Leading —a Bit—in Slew of New Polls

But Romney not far behind as first debate looms

(Newser) - In the final hours before the first presidential debate of the 2012 election, a host of new polls to consider:
  • President Obama has a significant lead in the battleground state of Ohio, 51% to Mitt Romney's 43%, according to an NBC News /Wall Street Journal poll. That's been

Debate 101: Candidates Spar With Kerry, Portman

John Kerry, Rob Portman channel rivals during dress rehearsals

(Newser) - While Mitt Romney and President Obama are busily downplaying tonight's debate , they're just as furiously preparing to spar live on stage at the University of Denver. On Sunday, Romney ran a full run-through of the 90-minute debate at an empty arena in Boston, with Rob Portman playing the...

Debate Flaws: Romney 'Fake,' Obama 'Long-Winded'

Romney, stop saying 'thank you;' Obama, kill the long pauses

(Newser) - Both campaigns are trying to lower expectations ahead of tomorrow night with my-guy's-not-a-great-debater claims. Don't believe it, writes Southern Illinois debate coach Todd Graham at CNN . He's been analyzing presidential debates for 20 years, and he thinks these two are rock solid. Mitt Romney is "smooth"...

Now in Crosshairs: Debate Moderators

Social media, confrontational candidates turn up heat

(Newser) - Jim Lehrer has been moderating presidential debates for decades, but lately, it's a lot tougher than it used to be. Candidates have started confronting not just their opponents but the moderators themselves, as Newt Gingrich showed us during the GOP primaries. And the general public can easily hammer chosen...

Judge Torpedoes Tough Pennsylvania Voter ID Law

Orders it be postponed until after the election

(Newser) - A Pennsylvania judge today put the brakes on the state's controversial voter ID law, ordering that it not be implemented during this year's presidential election. While an appeal to the state Supreme Court is still possible, the AP notes that the judge's decision was based on high...

Women Favor Obama By 18 Points
 Women Favor 
 Obama By 18 Points 
Poll Numbers

Women Favor Obama By 18 Points

Quinnipiac gives president a small lead overall

(Newser) - President Obama still holds a small lead over Mitt Romney, and it's thanks entirely to his popularity with women and minorities, according to a new Quinnipiac poll . The poll has Obama ahead 49% to 45% overall, but his support among women is especially strong at 56% to 38%, and...

Brown, Warren Both Falter in 2nd Debate

Brown gets snarky; Warren fumbles on bipartisanship

(Newser) - Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren faced off last night in the second debate of the pivotal Massachusetts senate race—and both candidates suffered some awkward moments, writes Glen Johnson in the Boston Globe . Republican Brown was booed after telling an interrupting Warren, "Excuse me, I'm not a student...

Aurora Survivor to Voters: 'Demand a Gun Control Plan'

Puts issue on the table for debates

(Newser) - A survivor of the Aurora movie theater shootings is taking his case against gun violence to the people: In a new ad for a gun control group founded by Michael Bloomberg, Stephen Barton urges voters to "demand a plan" from the presidential candidates. It's airing on local TV...

Romney Camp Fighting Over Libya Response

Some want to hit president harder over conflicted account

(Newser) - The Romney campaign lobbed an attack at Barack Obama's team over the Libya crisis yesterday, saying that they "can't seem to get their stories straight," after a pair of campaign insiders offered apparently contradictory accounts of it. David Axelrod told CNN that it was clear terrorists...

Hugo Chavez: I'd Vote for Obama

And Obama would vote for me, says Venezuelan president

(Newser) - Here's something Mitt Romney can probably use: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says if he were an American, he'd vote for Barack Obama, whom he describes as a "good guy," reports the Telegraph . And if Obama were Venezuelan, "I think he'd vote for Chavez,"...

Sorry, GOP: Polls Aren&#39;t Biased
 Sorry, GOP: Polls Aren't Biased 

Sorry, GOP: Polls Aren't Biased

Also, a rundown of the latest polls

(Newser) - The GOP has spent a lot of time lately decrying the bias driving polls that show President Obama opening up a lead over Mitt Romney, but Nate Silver takes a look at how final polls have historically performed against results, and finds that while they have occasionally missed the mark,...

Eyes on Debate: &#39;Barn Burner&#39; or No Big Deal?
 Eyes on Debate: 
 'Barn Burner' or 
 No Big Deal? 

Eyes on Debate: 'Barn Burner' or No Big Deal?

GOP plays up (and down) expectations for Obama vs. Romney

(Newser) - The usual suspects descended on the Sunday talk shows today with their eyes firmly fixated on Wednesday's presidential debate, when President Obama and Mitt Romney go mano a mano for the first time. Chris Christie, appearing on no fewer than three shows, minced no words in building up expectations...

Bain Workers Launch Anti-Romney Bus Tour

They're hitting the swing states

(Newser) - Workers for Bain-owned companies are hoping to turn one of Mitt Romney's proudest assets into a weakness. In a bus tour of swing states including Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Virginia, current and former employees of firms Bain has bought—from Burlington Coat Factory to Dunkin Donuts—are taking a...

Advice for Romney Ahead of First Debate

Pundits weigh in before next week's big show

(Newser) - The first presidential debate is Wednesday night, and there's no shortage of advice out there for Mitt Romney. Examples today:
  • Talk about RomneyCare: Embrace it, finally, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal . Romney got it done in Massachusetts without tearing the state apart—contrast that with the

Akin Slams &#39;Unladylike&#39; McCaskill
Akin Slams 'Unladylike' McCaskill

Akin Slams 'Unladylike' McCaskill

She was like a 'wildcat' in debates, Senate candidate complains

(Newser) - Todd Akin, the GOP Senate candidate whose comments on rape united his own party against him, doesn't seem to be trying too hard to win back women voters. Sen. Claire McCaskill, who attacked his "legitimate rape" remark when the pair debated last week, "was much more ladylike"...

George Soros Gives $1M to Pro-Obama Super PAC

He adds another $500K for congressional Democrats

(Newser) - Need more proof that deep-pocketed Democrats are finally coming around to the notion of Super PACs? None other than George Soros announced this afternoon that he's giving $1 million to the pro-Obama Priorities USA Action and another $500,000 to a pair of Super PACs backing Democrats in Congress,...

Romney in '85: Bain Will 'Harvest' Companies

'Mother Jones' airs another video

(Newser) - Mother Jones is out with another Mitt Romney video, this one from all the way back in 1985, when he was explaining what the new Bain Capital was all about. The choice quote:
  • "Bain Capital is an investment partnership which was formed to invest in startup companies and

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