gubernatorial races

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Whitman Gouging Press for Travel

Calif. candidate charging journos $2K for day—sans hotel

(Newser) - Meg Whitman is charging reporters huge sums to travel with the candidate during her campaign's final days, notes Carla Marinucci in the San Francisco Chronicle : One day will cost members of the press “a whopping $1,350,” but that’s small change compared to another day’s “...

7 Would-Be Governors Join Farcical NY Debate

Former madam, Rent is Too Damn High candidate stand out in crowded field

(Newser) - Andrew Cuomo and Carl Paladino didn't even mention each other and there were more jokes than personal attacks in the first, and possibly last, debate in the New York governor's race. No fewer than seven hopefuls joined the debate, including former brothel madam Kirstin Davis of the Anti-Prohibition Party, former...

'Rich Whitey' Appears on Chicago Ballots

Misspelling of Rich Whitney's name to be corrected

(Newser) - A certain “Rich Whitey” is running for governor of Illinois—or so the ballots have it. Thousands of electronic voting machines, including about 500 currently being used for early voting, contain a misspelling of Green Party hopeful Rich Whitney’s last name, the AP reports. “We don't have...

Anti-Abortion Paladino Rents to Planned Parenthood

Candidate says lease left him no choice

(Newser) - Carl Paladino's distaste for man-on-man action didn't stop him renting to a gay club , and his firm anti-abortion views haven't stopped him collecting rent checks from Planned Parenthood. The New York candidate—who says he opposes abortion even in cases of rape or incest—is the landlord for a Niagara...

Jerry Brown Is Right That 'Whore' Isn't the Female Equivalent of the N-Word
 Why 'Whore' Isn't the N-Word 

Why 'Whore' Isn't the N-Word

Jerry Brown is right: Slur isn't the female equivalent of the N-word

(Newser) - Was Tom Brokaw right when he told California gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown that calling someone a “whore” is "to many women the same as calling an African American the 'N' word”? Not quite, Joan Walsh writes in Salon . “Whore” is a “crude and loaded word...

Illinois Gov: My Opponent Wants to Murder Doggies

Attack ad targets Brady for supporting mass euthanization of pets

(Newser) - Illinois' Democratic governor isn't doing much to change the state's reputation for bare-knuckle politics. An attack ad from Pat Quinn targets Republican rival Bill Brady for sponsoring a bill to "mass euthanize sheltered cats and dogs in gas chambers," with text appearing on screen over footage of whining...

Rabbi Pulls Support for Paladino

Rabbi: candidate 'folded like a cheap camera' over anti-gay remarks

(Newser) - The Orthodox rabbi who set up the meeting where Carl Paladino made controversial anti-gay remarks says the candidate has lost his support. Paladino, who issued an apology for his remarks, "folded like a cheap camera," Yehuda Levin complains. "Which part of the speech that you gave in...

Brown, Whitman Get Nasty in Final Debate

Candidates fiddle over who's a whore while Rome burns

(Newser) - For a state teetering on the edge of collapse, the final debate in the battle for California governor was long on mud-slinging and short on solutions to the state's problems. Meg Whitman attacked Jerry Brown for an aide who apparently described her as a whore . The Democrat offered a halfhearted...

Paladino Semi-Apologizes for Anti-Gay Remarks

Candidate blames press, poor choice of words

(Newser) - Carl Paladino has issued a belated and somewhat strange apology for the anti-gay remarks that caused an uproar. "I was handed a script," his statement says. "I redacted some contents that were unacceptable. I did also say some things for which I should have chosen better words....

Paladino Defends Remarks on Gays

 on Gays 
'today' interview

Paladino Defends Remarks on Gays

It's just that he doesn't want kids exposed to 'disgusting' grinding in Speedos

(Newser) - Carl Paladino may have implied yesterday that homosexuality is not as “valid or successful” as heterosexuality, but that’s only because being gay is “a very, very ugly experience for those that are discriminated against,” he explains today. “And it shouldn’t be. Our society should...

Paladino: Gays Are Dysfunctional

NY candidate wants to protect kids from 'homosexual agenda'

(Newser) - Sure, he sent racist emails , scuffled with a reporter over his not-so-secret 'love child' , and dished on his opponent's "legendary" sex life , but Carl Paladino is a (self-proclaimed) "values candidate," here to protect the children. Being gay is "not the example that we should be showing...

Whitman to Brown: You're Behind Housekeeper Story

Gubernatorial candidates let it fly in televised debate

(Newser) - Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown took the gloves off yesterday and went mano a mano over illegal immigration in a televised, Spanish language debate. Brown blasted Whitman for having employed an illegal maid, Nicandra Diaz Santillan . Whitman, in turn, accused him of being behind her sudden surfacing: "You...

Maid to Reveal 'Explosive' Allegations Against Whitman

Housekeeper to open up today, file claim, says TMZ

(Newser) - TMZ, the gossip site that first broke the news of Michael Jackson’s death, is reporting that “explosive” allegations are about to be leveled against California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman . Whitman’s former housekeeper and her lawyer ( Gloria Allred —who else?) will hold a news conference today...

Paladino 'Within Shouting Distance' in NY Gov Race
Paladino 'Within Shouting Distance' in NY Gov Race
Cuomo 49%; Paladino 43%

Paladino 'Within Shouting Distance' in NY Gov Race

Cuomo at 49%; Tea Partier at 43%

(Newser) - Apparently anyone can be New York governor these days. Proof? Carl Paladino —you know, the Tea Party candidate who likes email jokes about bestiality and recently questioned opponent Andrew Cuomo ’s manhood—is “within shouting distance” of beating Cuomo, says a Quinnipiac pollster. “And—you can...

Brown: Sorry for That Lewinsky Crack...

Meg Whitman's attack ad starts brouhaha

(Newser) - Jerry Brown apologized to Bill Clinton for a snarky jab related to Monica Lewinsky, but it remains to be seen if the popular former president will endorse Brown in his race for California governor against Meg Whitman. It all started after Whitman ran an ad accusing Brown of lying—by...

Jan Brewer Awkwardly Bumbles Debate

Then, to make things worse, flees reporters afterward

(Newser) - The Internet is abuzz with news of Jan Brewer's amazingly awkward opener at Wednesday night's Arizona gubernatorial debate, in which she paused for at least nine seconds and stumbled over her words. ("We have, uh, did what was right for Arizona.") But things got even weirder after...

The Real 2010 Battle: Governors' Races

Parties jockey for positioning ahead of 2012

(Newser) - Most of the hyperventilating surrounding the 2010 election has focused on who will control Congress, but Washington seems a lot more interested in who will win the governor races—all 37 of them. Both parties are spending like mad on these races, the New York Times reports, because who wins...

Inside Basil Marceaux's Crazy Bid for Gov

Basil Marceaux unwittingly becomes strange Internet joke

(Newser) - Tennessee’s gubernatorial primary is today, and if you vote for Basil Marceaux, he promises to “immune you from all state crimes for the rest of your life”—just one of many bizarre promises Marceaux has made in his surreal run for the Republican nod. His mumble-mouthed, incoherent...

GOP Candidate: Islam a 'Cult' We 'Have to Face'

Tennessee Lt. governor afraid new mosque will spread Sharia law

(Newser) - Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey is mighty ‘afeared of them thar Muslims. In this video, spotted by Politico , of a campaign stop in Chattanooga, Ramsey was asked how he felt about the “presence invading our country from the Muslims.” Ramsey replied that he’d been getting that...

It's the Governors' Races That Really Matter
It's the Governors' Races That
Really Matter

It's the Governors' Races That Really Matter

Statehouses could reshape politics

(Newser) - All eyes in DC are on the midterms to see whether Republicans can take back Congress. Understandably so, writes Dan Balz, but there's a case to be made that the 37 gubernatorial races in play will have a greater impact on American politics. Some of the biggest and most important...

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