
Stories 81 - 96 | << Prev 

Tribes Sell Memberships to Illegal Immigrants

Sham offer won't make aliens legal, Feds warn

(Newser) - Two unofficial Indian tribes have sold thousands of memberships to illegal immigrants with the promise that the paperwork will make them legal. Some buyers have reported paying as much as $1,200 for the memberships, which federal officials warn don't offer any protection from deportation. "You can't just...

Giuliani Guarantees He Can Halt Illegal Immigration

Romney pokes, ex-mayor lashes out

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani says he can stop illegal immigration by monitoring international travelers, implementing tamperproof ID cards with fingerprints, and tracking the status of foreign workers and students. Under fire from Mitt Romney for his record on illegal immigration while mayor of New York, Giuliani has recently cranked up his rhetoric,...

McCain Switches Gears on Immigration

Supports crackdown without guest workers, path to citizenship

(Newser) - White House hopeful John McCain has pulled a U-turn on immigration reform—backing a new bill which cracks down on illegal immigration and offers no path to citizenship for illegal immigrants already here. McCain had been a champion of a guest worker program and citizenship for many of the 12...

More Legal Immigrants Seek US Citizenship

Tougher laws, rising fees drive increase in demand

(Newser) - A burgeoning number of legal immigrants are applying for US citizenship—115,000 in May, compared with 65,782 last December. The Times reports immigrants are worried about tougher citizenship tests, rising processing fees, and insecurity in the wake of the furor over the federal immigration bill.

US Soldiers Become Citizens
US Soldiers Become Citizens

US Soldiers Become Citizens

325 new Americans served red-white-and-blue cake in Iraq

(Newser) - Some 325 servicemen were sworn in as US citizens in Independence Day ceremonies yesterday in Iraq—half of them at a former Saddam Hussein palace, the Los Angeles Times reports. Gen. David Petraeus thanked the new citizens serving in Iraq for enduring sacrifice “to preserve the freedom of a...

FBI Name Checks Stall Immigration
FBI Name Checks Stall Immigration

FBI Name Checks Stall Immigration

Program still understaffed 6 years after 9/11; would-be citizens frustrated

(Newser) - Bureaucratic bottlenecks are causing such long delays for prospective citizens, reports the Houston Chronicle, that hundreds of frustrated immigrants are now suing the federal government to try to speed up their background checks. Immigration Service figures show that about 16% of cases—over 51,000 people—have been pending between...

States Crack Down on Illegals
Crack Down
on Illegals

States Crack Down on Illegals

As Congress dithers, a flurry of locals bills targets immigrants

(Newser) - States frustrated by Washington's inaction on illegal immigration are taking matters into their own hands with a record number of proposals that prevent immigrants from getting jobs, finding housing and benefiting from social services, the Washington Post reports. At least 1,100 state immigration bills have been proposed, more than...

Immigration Bill Brings Out 'Best,' 'Worst' of America

New Republic warns 'draconian' measures will follow if compromise fails

(Newser) - Calling the immigration bill currently fighting its way through the Senate "the best that liberals are likely to get," the New Republic's editors tepidly endorsed the legislation that would bring 12M laborers closer to US citizenship even as they condemned the implications of the bill's proposed guest-worker program.

Senate Leaders Reach Deal to Revive Immigration Bill

Vote expected before Fourth of July break

(Newser) - Derailed last week, the controversial immigration bill will get a second chance, Senate leaders from both parties announced last night. The statement followed days of closed-door negotiations, the AP reports, and a personal pledge from President Bush to immediately provide $4.4 billion for border security—a key concern of...

Dems Withdraw Immigration Bill
Dems Withdraw Immigration Bill

Dems Withdraw Immigration Bill

Bill "on life support" - may revive this year

(Newser) - The hotly contested immigration reform bill collapsed on the Senate floor Thursday, after appearing to survive challenges from detractors in both parties. The measure fell 15 votes short of a move to curtail debate and move toward a final vote. That leaves it stalled, although the New York Times reports...

Immigration Fees Skyrocket
Immigration Fees Skyrocket

Immigration Fees Skyrocket

Prices to rise by two-thirds; critics see barrier for poorer immigrants

(Newser) - The price of citizenship is going up. With applications on the rise, the federal agency for citizenship and immigration is raising charges for almost all benefits, reports the Los Angeles Times. The cost of a green card will go from $325 to $930, while citizenship applications will rise from $330...

Problems Plague Immigration Agency
Problems Plague Immigration Agency

Problems Plague Immigration Agency

Critics call for overhaul of inefficient, backlogged operations

(Newser) - The agency that will have to deal with the avalanche of paperwork generated by immigration reform can't handle it, the Washington Post reports today. With over a million citizenship applications already stalled in the pipeline, Citizenship and Immigration (the former INS) faces the possibility that its workload will nearly triple,...

Americans Walk Soft Line on Immigration

Poll shows support for guest-worker programs, path to citizenship

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs, take note: A majority of Americans back key immigration reform proposals  making their way through Congress, a new CBS News/New York Times poll finds. Americans across the political spectrum say they support a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, and two-thirds back a guest-worker program.

Senate Brokers Immigration Bill
Senate Brokers Immigration Bill

Senate Brokers Immigration Bill

Bipartisan compromise tackles citizenship, border security, but faces uphill battle on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - Illegal immigrants are offered a path to citizenship for the first time under a new Senate immigration reform package unveiled today. A precarious compromise hammered out by Bush administration officials and top senators, the bill trades hard-line border control measures for controversial provisions like a guest-worker program and a system...

Citizenship Push Aims to Create Latino Voters

Cable giant spearheads effort to transform green cards into ballots

(Newser) - The nation's largest Spanish-language broadcaster is preparing to launch an unprecedented citizenship drive that could sway the 2008 presidential election. Univison's "Ya Es Hora" ("It's About Time") campaign, already under way in Southern California, will encourage the country's eight million green card holders to apply for citizenship—...

Fewer March for Immigration
Fewer March for Immigration

Fewer March for Immigration

(Newser) - Thousands turned out across the country today to rally in favor of a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. But with immigration reform off the table in Washington, their numbers marked a sharp decrease from the 650,000 who congregated last year in L.A. alone.

Stories 81 - 96 | << Prev 
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