Matt Dillon

4 Stories

Critics Can Take or Leave Takers
 Critics Can Take 
 or Leave Takers  

Critics Can Take or Leave Takers

Slick heist thriller feels recycled

(Newser) - The makers of Takers borrowed a lot of good bits from other movies in making their heist thriller, with fairly satisfying but not stellar results, say critics.
  • The story of an upscale gang of Los Angeles thieves is "a buffet of Gritty Crime Drama clichés that offers no

Why Marshal Matt Dillon Always Won

Those who react in a duel are faster than those who start it

(Newser) - Marshal Matt Dillon won all of his gunfights with Dodge City villains because he was a fictional hero—and was faster because he drew second, after the bad guy. Scientists have made the surprise discovery that those who react in a duel are faster than those who initiate the duel....

Matt Dillon Clocked at 106 mph
Matt Dillon Clocked at
106 mph

Matt Dillon Clocked at 106 mph

Crash star faces possible 3 months in Vermont jail

(Newser) - Actor Matt Dillon was arrested for speeding after a police radar caught him zooming northbound on a Vermont highway at 106 mph, reports Reuters. The Crash star was driving a rented 2009 Chevy Impala in a 65 mph zone. Dillon, 44, faces up to three months in jail and a...

Denis Leary Slammed for Gay Slur
Denis Leary Slammed
for Gay Slur

Denis Leary Slammed for Gay Slur

Blames parents and Catholic Church

(Newser) - After stirring up a storm with his comments on autism, actor Denis Leary in now in trouble for defending his use of the word "fag," reports the New York Post. The Rescue Me star blamed his parents and the Catholic Church for his use of the gay slur...

4 Stories
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