Elle Magazine

14 Stories

The Town Believed She Was 22. She Definitely Wasn't

'Elle' has the story of 'Lauren Ashleigh Hays'

(Newser) - By all appearances, Lauren Ashleigh Hays was 22 as she said—and acted even younger. After arriving at a shelter in Missouri in 2016 saying she was fleeing an abusive boyfriend, the small town of Willow Springs rallied around her. She landed a job at the library, enrolled in college,...

Top Fashion Magazine Is Going Fur-Free

Elle is dropping fur from all 45 global editions

(Newser) - Fashion magazine Elle has 45 global editions—and fur will be banned from all of them as of Jan. 1, 2023. Elle senior vice president and international director Valeria Bessolo Llopiz tells Reuters that fur is being ditched because tastes are changing and support for animal welfare is growing. "...

Jennifer Aniston: My Marriages Were 'Very Successful'
Jennifer Aniston:
My Marriages
Were 'Very

Jennifer Aniston: My Marriages Were 'Very Successful'

She's not looking for a 'storybook' ending, either, she tells 'Elle'

(Newser) - Justin Theroux has talked publicly about his split with Jennifer Aniston—and now Aniston is returning the favor, adding her take on her marriage to Brad Pitt as a bonus. Elle reports that Aniston "doesn't need a happy ending," and its interview with her reveals that's...

Miley Cyrus: I'll Never Walk Red Carpet Again

And she admits she doesn't know how to use Snapchat in 'Elle' interview

(Newser) - Miley Cyrus never wants to be accused of "doing it," by which she means not what you think, but rather being a suck-up or otherwise pretentious person, she tells Amanda FitzSimons during a two-day dish session for Elle magazine. The new judge for The Voice, which starts its...

Mindy Kaling on Elle Uproar: It Was Glam, Pervs

Critics up in arms over B&W photo, lack of skin

(Newser) - Less than three months after it got into hot water for putting Melissa McCarthy in a vast coat , Elle magazine is facing another cover controversy. This time, Mindy Kaling was featured as one of four cover stars for the "Women in TV" issue. But while the other three (white)...

Melissa McCarthy: Um, I Picked Elle Coat

She's not fazed by hoopla over cover, but does want the coat

(Newser) - One person who is not at all upset by the huge coat Melissa McCarthy was draped in on Elle's November cover: Melissa McCarthy. "What I found so bizarre" about all the hoopla, McCarthy tells E! , "is I picked the coat. I grabbed the coat. I covered up....

Elle: McCarthy 'Loved' Covered-Up Look

Actress calls the experience 'kind of amazing'

(Newser) - Elle responded to the uproar over Melissa McCarthy's controversial covered-up cover look in no uncertain terms, Us reports: "On all of our shoots, our stylists work with the stars to choose pieces they feel good in, and this is no different: Melissa loved this look, and is gorgeous...

Anger After Elle Covers Up Melissa McCarthy

She's on the cover ... in a huge coat

(Newser) - The good news: An unspoken taboo was broken when Elle put a plus-size actress on its November cover. The bad news: The magazine draped Melissa McCarthy in an enormous coat on said cover. (Alternate covers feature slimmer actresses in tight and/or skin-baring outfits; a Go Fug Yourself poll finds McCarthy...

Elle Accused of 'Whitening' Gabourey Sidibe on Cover

Bloggers disagree on treatment of Precious star

(Newser) - Precious star Gabourey Sidibe is on the new cover of Elle, and her image has set off a tiff in the blogosphere on whether the magazine used digital retouching to "whiten" her. Here's Julianne Hing at ColorLines : "Elle clearly couldn’t handle Sidibe’s real skin color, and...

Michelle More Stylish Than Carla: French Mag

US first lady tops Elle's 'political chic' category

(Newser) - The French edition of Elle magazine puts Michelle Obama at the top of the "political chic" category in its yearly best-dressed list—ahead of French first lady Carla Bruni, a former supermodel. Elle said it favored strong personalities and distinctive styles in this year's selection, and marveled that "...

Victoria Dishes on Becks, Boobs, and Life in LA

Posh Spice spills to Elle about her TV habits, perpetual pout

(Newser) - Victoria Beckham, who graces the October cover of Elle, is speaking out about her life, her marriage to soccer megastar David, and how she's perceived. Among her pearls of wisdom:
  • "People think I’m a moody bitch. I do have my insecurities. Maybe that is why I look a

Boozing Editor Loves New Life on the Wagon

Elle fashionista goes weeks without a drop: 'I love not drinking'

(Newser) - British Elle fashion editor Stacey Duguid knew her drinking was getting to be a problem: “As well as possible health issues, the days I've spent hungover have been some of the most horrific of my life,” she writes in the Daily Mail. But it was a mammoth task....

Alba's Post-Baby Beauty Tip: Wear a Girdle

With her figure restored, the new mom opens up

(Newser) - Back to her trim hourglass self, Jessica Alba now admits she cried during rigorous post-baby workouts. "I did it for the Campari (calendar) job," the 28-year-old actress tells Elle. "It was horrible." An easier beauty secret: She wore a girdle for weeks after giving birth. Busily...

Catty Stylista Fits the Times
 Catty Stylista Fits the Times 

Catty Stylista Fits the Times

Ruthless job screening makes for entertaining viewing

(Newser) - Stylista depicts fashion’s “empty ambition and distaste for civility,” but the show’s timely appeal is its “fresh resonance” during the current job market, Ginia Bellafante writes in the New York Times. In the CW series beginning tonight, 11 contestants trample and scramble to present the...

14 Stories
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